My heart goes out to his mom's for caring...

dude look like 40 being bossed around like that lol i see what mom is tryna do but she didnt have to take it to the extreme and put him on the street like that should of made him do it in school
dude look like 40 being bossed around like that lol i see what mom is tryna do but she didnt have to take it to the extreme and put him on the street like that should of made him do it in school
Originally Posted by Ace Rawstein

Originally Posted by JuJu

i think its a good idea, teens care about what others think more than the average person and if he sees not giving a %%$ isnt cool then hey mission accomplished (no bush). i bet you cats was clowning him at school talking about he dumb and %%$, so bet he tries at least a lil harder...
theres plenty room for backfire tho...he cud really go into "I dont give a...." mode even more....esp if all his peers are dumb, it wont make him feel like he is alone...and im pretty sure the ppl he hangs out wit arent that bright either

she tryin man...I applaud that, but she can only do so much
Originally Posted by Ace Rawstein

Originally Posted by JuJu

i think its a good idea, teens care about what others think more than the average person and if he sees not giving a %%$ isnt cool then hey mission accomplished (no bush). i bet you cats was clowning him at school talking about he dumb and %%$, so bet he tries at least a lil harder...
theres plenty room for backfire tho...he cud really go into "I dont give a...." mode even more....esp if all his peers are dumb, it wont make him feel like he is alone...and im pretty sure the ppl he hangs out wit arent that bright either

she tryin man...I applaud that, but she can only do so much
Originally Posted by paliplaya2010

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

ya'll don't know what discipline steps she has already taken prior to this though.
- we also dont know what steps she has/hasnt taken to make sure her son gets a good education. alot of people today just send their kid to school and expect the teacher to do everything. im willing to bet she's one of those parents......
- how do i know this? because any parent that is actively involved with their kids education (talking to teachers weekly, expanding on subjects taught in school at home, etc) wont run into problems like these.

whats your high school gpa? college?

Originally Posted by paliplaya2010

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

ya'll don't know what discipline steps she has already taken prior to this though.
- we also dont know what steps she has/hasnt taken to make sure her son gets a good education. alot of people today just send their kid to school and expect the teacher to do everything. im willing to bet she's one of those parents......
- how do i know this? because any parent that is actively involved with their kids education (talking to teachers weekly, expanding on subjects taught in school at home, etc) wont run into problems like these.

whats your high school gpa? college?

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

First thing she needs to do is cut his Dreads off as punishment as well.
Word. Money has the homeless look on lock.
But you know what mom,
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

First thing she needs to do is cut his Dreads off as punishment as well.
Word. Money has the homeless look on lock.
But you know what mom,
Originally Posted by paliplaya2010

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

ya'll don't know what discipline steps she has already taken prior to this though.
- we also dont know what steps she has/hasnt taken to make sure her son gets a good education. alot of people today just send their kid to school and expect the teacher to do everything. im willing to bet she's one of those parents......
- how do i know this? because any parent that is actively involved with their kids education (talking to teachers weekly, expanding on subjects taught in school at home, etc) wont run into problems like these.

whats your high school gpa? college?

- can someone please explain to me what this has to do with the price of tea in China??
Originally Posted by paliplaya2010

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

ya'll don't know what discipline steps she has already taken prior to this though.
- we also dont know what steps she has/hasnt taken to make sure her son gets a good education. alot of people today just send their kid to school and expect the teacher to do everything. im willing to bet she's one of those parents......
- how do i know this? because any parent that is actively involved with their kids education (talking to teachers weekly, expanding on subjects taught in school at home, etc) wont run into problems like these.

whats your high school gpa? college?

- can someone please explain to me what this has to do with the price of tea in China??
Am I the only one who noticed the article said he was 15 but going to middle school tutoring, insinuating he's in still in middle school?

He just better be thankful he doesn't have any Asian father...

Am I the only one who noticed the article said he was 15 but going to middle school tutoring, insinuating he's in still in middle school?

He just better be thankful he doesn't have any Asian father...

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Terrible parenting IMO...embarrassing him isn't going to make things better. The boy is what he is....and that starts at home. Maybe the mom should look herself in the mirror and ask herself what SHE'S doing wrong.

He's 15 years old. When SHOULD he start taking responsibility and be held accountable for his grades? At 18? 21?
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Terrible parenting IMO...embarrassing him isn't going to make things better. The boy is what he is....and that starts at home. Maybe the mom should look herself in the mirror and ask herself what SHE'S doing wrong.

He's 15 years old. When SHOULD he start taking responsibility and be held accountable for his grades? At 18? 21?
I'm on the fence on this..

If he understands the message she is sending then it was a good thing... If he just feels embarrassed and betrayed then it was awful..

All depends on his reaction.
I'm on the fence on this..

If he understands the message she is sending then it was a good thing... If he just feels embarrassed and betrayed then it was awful..

All depends on his reaction.
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Terrible parenting IMO...embarrassing him isn't going to make things better. The boy is what he is....and that starts at home. Maybe the mom should look herself in the mirror and ask herself what SHE'S doing wrong.

He's 15 years old. When SHOULD he start taking responsibility and be held accountable for his grades? At 18? 21?

......but thats just it though. if you have a parent that never puts in into your head that it is YOUR responsibility, some kids have a hard time adapting that frame of mind. and thats no excuse
- i work with a woman in her late 40's with a 13 year old son. one day she was going on and on about what her son better not be doing sexually. mid-sentence i asked her "have you told him what it is you expect of him, and what he shouldnt be doing?". she gave me a blank stare...thought about it, and said "no, why should i have to?". and i just  
. im like how can you expect him to know your expectations as a parent if you dont tell him?
- she then fixed her lips to ask me to 'talk to him'. i gave her the
, "nah man, you're his parent....YOU talk to him. and at age 13 he's already doing most of the stuff you say he better not be doing if youve never talked to him".
- she never did talk to him, but best believe, let him get some girl pregnant in HS. she'll raise all kinds of holy hell about how he knew better.....
- you'd be surpired at how many so-called parents are out there that think just like this. parents like these raise children that goto school everyday, barely slide by, and not a word is spoken at home about homework, school, or goals unless something bad happens. then the kid gets to a more responsible age and they're lost.

Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Terrible parenting IMO...embarrassing him isn't going to make things better. The boy is what he is....and that starts at home. Maybe the mom should look herself in the mirror and ask herself what SHE'S doing wrong.

He's 15 years old. When SHOULD he start taking responsibility and be held accountable for his grades? At 18? 21?

......but thats just it though. if you have a parent that never puts in into your head that it is YOUR responsibility, some kids have a hard time adapting that frame of mind. and thats no excuse
- i work with a woman in her late 40's with a 13 year old son. one day she was going on and on about what her son better not be doing sexually. mid-sentence i asked her "have you told him what it is you expect of him, and what he shouldnt be doing?". she gave me a blank stare...thought about it, and said "no, why should i have to?". and i just  
. im like how can you expect him to know your expectations as a parent if you dont tell him?
- she then fixed her lips to ask me to 'talk to him'. i gave her the
, "nah man, you're his parent....YOU talk to him. and at age 13 he's already doing most of the stuff you say he better not be doing if youve never talked to him".
- she never did talk to him, but best believe, let him get some girl pregnant in HS. she'll raise all kinds of holy hell about how he knew better.....
- you'd be surpired at how many so-called parents are out there that think just like this. parents like these raise children that goto school everyday, barely slide by, and not a word is spoken at home about homework, school, or goals unless something bad happens. then the kid gets to a more responsible age and they're lost.

I agree. I think it shows that she does care. We don't know what has taken place to get to this point. HOWEVER, up until now it was her responsibility to lay a foundation for him to at least to finish HS. Why is this boy 15 and in middle school? Moms got some explaining to do on that front.
I agree. I think it shows that she does care. We don't know what has taken place to get to this point. HOWEVER, up until now it was her responsibility to lay a foundation for him to at least to finish HS. Why is this boy 15 and in middle school? Moms got some explaining to do on that front.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

DoubleJs07 wrote:
Terrible parenting IMO...embarrassing him isn't going to make things better. The boy is what he is....and that starts at home. Maybe the mom should look herself in the mirror and ask herself what SHE'S doing wrong.

   thats not always true...she cares enough that she put him on the street so i doubt this is her first time ever trying to discipline him...some kids regardless of how hard their parents try think they should be able to do whatever they want and not have to answer to anyone...a 1.2? in middle school? absolutely ridiculous

chances are she's a single mother trying to do her best by her kids and this one just doesn't care...not that i agree with it but i hope it works...
Putting him on the street like this and making a mockery of his failures =/= caring, IMO. 

Why did it take this embarrassment to get him in tutoring?  To me, seeking extra-help would have been one of the first options for this kid if I was the parent.  I skimmed through the article and it seems like the parents were just getting answers from their son (and accepting them) INSTEAD of going to the teacher at the first sign of a problem.  Yeah, I know they later met w. administration...but IMO, there could have been more done on their end to be pro-active in their son's learning. 
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

DoubleJs07 wrote:
Terrible parenting IMO...embarrassing him isn't going to make things better. The boy is what he is....and that starts at home. Maybe the mom should look herself in the mirror and ask herself what SHE'S doing wrong.

   thats not always true...she cares enough that she put him on the street so i doubt this is her first time ever trying to discipline him...some kids regardless of how hard their parents try think they should be able to do whatever they want and not have to answer to anyone...a 1.2? in middle school? absolutely ridiculous

chances are she's a single mother trying to do her best by her kids and this one just doesn't care...not that i agree with it but i hope it works...
Putting him on the street like this and making a mockery of his failures =/= caring, IMO. 

Why did it take this embarrassment to get him in tutoring?  To me, seeking extra-help would have been one of the first options for this kid if I was the parent.  I skimmed through the article and it seems like the parents were just getting answers from their son (and accepting them) INSTEAD of going to the teacher at the first sign of a problem.  Yeah, I know they later met w. administration...but IMO, there could have been more done on their end to be pro-active in their son's learning. 
Originally Posted by beh235

I agree. I think it shows that she does care. We don't know what has taken place to get to this point. HOWEVER, up until now it was her responsibility to lay a foundation for him to at least to finish HS. Why is this boy 15 and in middle school? Moms got some explaining to do on that front.
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