My Jordan Oil Painting.(PIC)

That is simply beautiful. You have some serious talent......................out
"ask NaS, he don't want it with Hov......NO"
very niice
That is nice. I would buy that! You should put it on Ebay and have the NTers who are intrested bid for it.
that is so sick..... your really talented :smile:

im sure that would sell for $$$$
[color=FF3399]You need a girl? wellIm that hoodrat chick that only rocks Sneakers[/color]
I think Jordan's Slam Dunk contest with him wearin the 2's would be friggin awesome.....u know, the "gatorade" one
just incredible. i like art myself and i have to say you should make it a career cuz you got talent and you have the skill. seriously dawg, much respect.

There's a passage I got memorized, seems appropriate for this situation: Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in thename of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you." "Jules Winnfield (Pulp Fiction)"
Mai (sp?)

Thats DOPE! Your brother Dexter showed me some stuff on his computer and I thought that was tight too....Y'all both got some artistic skills...much props.

You and your bro gotta hit me up....I've been tellin your brother about the summits....y'all BETTER be going to the next one :wink:

Anyways, if you have AIM hit me up...

[table][tr][td]Check Out My Featured Collection At[/td] [/tr][tr][td]The WebSite[/td] [td]The Email[/td] [td]AIM[/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [td][email protected][/td] [td]ijapino[/td] [/tr][/table]
Sup Fellas!!!

My bro is out of town, but told me to post this other PIC for him. 2ft.x3ft oil on canvas. This fool is bad ***, taught him everything he knows!!! He's my bro and all,...DAMN, he's the biggest JORDAN FREAK I know. More to come yo. Peace.
whoa thats hot .
I've always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come. I don't do things half-heartedly. Because I know if I do, then I can expect half-hearted results." -MJ
Colin - From the Gaelic meaning "strong and virile".Has a strong and manly personality and women are naturally attracted to him.A true and faithful lover.
^ that isn't "hot" is undeniably the hottest thing in the world :smile:

Very nice work...I can't wait to see more (there better be lots more :wink:
God bless girls who kiss, and God bless RyanKMD.
Id put the loot for it if he wants to sell it

R.I.P Hatertalk

" We don't drive X5's we give em to baby momma's, push the big top that shake like a Kansas chicken snack box...." can make a killing selling your paintings and selling copies of it.....look how much van gough and all those other dead painters made......there dead and they still makin millions
You should send that in to Jordan. They have a contest going on at to send in an example of your love. They are asking for art, stories, photos, videos, whatever. I bet you would get published!
that is one of the best paintings i have EVER seen. I bet jordan would buy that, and possibly have you paint more. Thats awesome man!!!!!!
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