my mind is blown right now

tldr that FWD:

well not really, i got to about 3/5ths of it

i knew i shouldnt havent read it when i saw the uppercase gods lol

just cause a story makes you feel good doesnt mean its true
Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by JFaceproducer

He is right...god did not create evil.
God told Abraham to kill his own son (as he eventually killed his own, Jeebus).

God did not accept Cain's offering of fruits and veggies, and instead praised Abel for killing a lamb as a sacrifice. 

God killed Egypt's first borns

God told Saul to kill innocent men, women, infants and animals (God ordered so much slaying that I'm not even going to waste my time to dig them all up. feel free to read for yourself)

The most notorious of them all to me, God cursed the seeds of Adam and Eve (which is all of us) because of THEIR original sin. So we're automatically born sinners???

God definitely did not create evil....He IS just that.
Like I've been saying saying, God and the Devil are one in the same
I don't want to say that God is evil (don't want to take the chance of getting hit by lightning
, but (depending on the day you catch me) I do believe he's arbitrary. People suffer regardless of whether they believe in him or not. 
Fear keeps people believing

You don't believe in a god because you LOVE believe because you're scared to piss what you THINK exists off. Sounds like a victim to me as opposed to someone who speaks freely.

Yet you know nothing about this "god" concept makes any sense...why don't you just stop lying to yourself?

Look, admitting to yourself that there is no god kinda is one of the hardest things many of you will have to do because you have to basically ignore the indoctrination you've been forced into from before you were old enough to rationally think for yourself.

You've been taught this so long that you don't know any other alternative. You just assume its true and never took the time to actually look at what you think you know.

Step back and start to ask yourself questions and if the answers frighten you, don't be scared. Just be confident that the answers you've arrived at were not to scare you but rather they made sense.

Just because your parents/guardians told you these things doesn't make them true. They want the best for you and thought religion would help...but the older you get the more conflicted it makes you when you have to deal with tough ethical questions. 

Its time to grow up.

Once again. You know none of this makes sense yet you cling to it...Are you scared? Does uncertainty make you feel anxious? Why? 

Mycoldyourdone wrote:
tldr that FWD:

well not really, i got to about 3/5ths of it 

i knew i shouldnt havent read it when i saw the uppercase gods lol

just cause a story makes you feel good doesnt mean its true

 I know, right?
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Like I've been saying saying, God and the Devil are one in the same
I don't want to say that God is evil (don't want to take the chance of getting hit by lightning
, but (depending on the day you catch me) I do believe he's arbitrary. People suffer regardless of whether they believe in him or not. 
Fear keeps people believing

You don't believe in a god because you LOVE believe because you're scared to piss what you THINK exists off. Sounds like a victim to me as opposed to someone who speaks freely.

Yet you know nothing about this "god" concept makes any sense...why don't you just stop lying to yourself?

Look, admitting to yourself that there is no god kinda is one of the hardest things many of you will have to do because you have to basically ignore the indoctrination you've been forced into from before you were old enough to rationally think for yourself.

You've been taught this so long that you don't know any other alternative. You just assume its true and never took the time to actually look at what you think you know.

Step back and start to ask yourself questions and if the answers frighten you, don't be scared. Just be confident that the answers you've arrived at were not to scare you but rather they made sense.

Just because your parents/guardians told you these things doesn't make them true. They want the best for you and thought religion would help...but the older you get the more conflicted it makes you when you have to deal with tough ethical questions. 

Its time to grow up.

Once again. You know none of this makes sense yet you cling to it...Are you scared? Does uncertainty make you feel anxious? Why? 
I agree with your logic and rational thinking (throughout the thread).  However, I freely admit that my belief in God is more so faith based than logical. I believe there is a God because I think that it's egotistical to believe that I'm the highest level of the food chain throughout the universe. There's no empirical evidence either way, so no harm no foul.
 What my parents believed doesn't play a big part in my thoughts, as my mother is Christian, my father is somewhat ambiguous, and I lean towards Islam. One of the biggest problems I have with Christianity is people that pray and wait for God to resolve all their problems. I believe in praying AND working to resolve my own damn problems. 
Having said all of that, I don't believe it's my job to convert other people, nor do I want other people trying to convert me.  To me God either speaks to/motivates people individually/personally or not. If believers accept that God is all powerful, they should also accept that he doesn't need a 3rd party to intercede on his behalf.  
Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

Originally Posted by sillyputty

jimmybeanz wrote:
I don't want to say that God is evil (don't want to take the chance of getting hit by lightning
), but (depending on the day you catch me) I do believe he's arbitrary. People suffer regardless of whether they believe in him or not. 

Fear keeps people believing

You don't believe in a god because you LOVE believe because you're scared to piss what you THINK exists off. Sounds like a victim to me as opposed to someone who speaks freely.

Yet you know nothing about this "god" concept makes any sense...why don't you just stop lying to yourself?

Look, admitting to yourself that there is no god kinda is one of the hardest things many of you will have to do because you have to basically ignore the indoctrination you've been forced into from before you were old enough to rationally think for yourself.

You've been taught this so long that you don't know any other alternative. You just assume its true and never took the time to actually look at what you think you know.

Step back and start to ask yourself questions and if the answers frighten you, don't be scared. Just be confident that the answers you've arrived at were not to scare you but rather they made sense.

Just because your parents/guardians told you these things doesn't make them true. They want the best for you and thought religion would help...but the older you get the more conflicted it makes you when you have to deal with tough ethical questions. 

Its time to grow up.

Once again. You know none of this makes sense yet you cling to it...Are you scared? Does uncertainty make you feel anxious? Why? 

I agree with your logic and rational thinking (throughout the thread).  However, I freely admit that my belief in God is more so faith based than logical. I believe there is a God because I think that it's egotistical to believe that I'm the highest level of the food chain throughout the universe. There's no empirical evidence either way, so no harm no foul.
 What my parents believed doesn't play a big part in my thoughts, as my mother is Christian, my father is somewhat ambiguous, and I lean towards Islam. One of the biggest problems I have with Christianity is people that pray and wait for God to resolve all their problems. I believe in praying AND working to resolve my own damn problems. 
Having said all of that, I don't believe it's my job to convert other people, nor do I want other people trying to convert me.  To me God either speaks to/motivates people individually/personally or not. If believers accept that God is all powerful, they should also accept that he doesn't need a 3rd party to intercede on his behalf.  

I believe white people are better than blacks (like me), asians, and hispanics.

I have faith in that.

Does that make it more of a valid or logical thought? 

There is no "supreme" entity at the top of the food chain. Its a relative term used to convey the idea...I actually hate that we still use this confuses people. 

Do you want to know where you are in the food chain? Go chill on the African plains and make it through the night. Go swim across the pacific. 

Thats where you are in the "food chain" 

This is just utterly false. We are not the "top" of any food chain. There are hundreds of animals with skills and traits that we can't even fathom that makes them far better suited to live then anything we could ever imagine. 

People always want to make these extreme comments. Just stop that. Just accept that you are an entity and the result of complex chemistry that we can only explain to a certain degree...AT THIS POINT... we are still trying to answer more questions but imposing "belief" hinders our progress. 

Well duh. Again. You KNOW THIS and yet you cling to your antiquated beliefs. If you can't prove something then you're free to follow or believe ANYTHING no matter how bad the justification is. 

Yes, proof matters. You can't overlook this.

If we don't know something its just that...we do not know doesn't do us any justice to make stuff up just because its "comforting"

Again, while you claim your parents don't influence your religious beliefs do you not realize that even then your experience with religion depends on what you've been exposed to? 

Why islam? 

Why not hinduism? Or Roman gods? Or Norse gods? Or ancient african gods? 

This is my point. You were INFLUENCED to adopt that stance. 

How many times will you contradict yourself? You know that praying makes no sense...but you keep doing it! ... Habits are hard to break, huh?

Why pray if you still have to bust your tail and work hard? You still have to study, sweat, and hustle. Prayer doesn't make that any easier. 

You can say "this is what I do"...but what of anything that you are doing actually changes things? Prayer? or that fact you got up early and stayed up late to get work done? Day in and out. 

You tell me. And be honest.

 No one is trying to do that. 

I'm just asking questions.

"If you talk to God, you are praying; If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia" -- THOMAS SZASZ

Well if this is true and if they also think god is all knowing, why do they pray to it?

On top of that, why pray in the first place? Do you think you could change the mind of an all knowing and all powerful being by calling in "favors" through the form of prayers? 
Originally Posted by illwill24

Forgive them Father for they not know what they do....

Which father? 
This sort of thinking has you all looking like victims afraid of a master rather than undying love for another being.

Plus, if your god/father figure whatever created everyone and loves us and knows everything the it willingly created people who believed in other gods and people who did not believe in ANY gods, including yours. 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by illwill24

Forgive them Father for they not know what they do....

Which father? 
This sort of thinking has you all looking like victims afraid of a master rather than undying love for another being.

Plus, if your god/father figure whatever created everyone and loves us and knows everything the it willingly created people who believed in other gods and people who did not believe in ANY gods, including yours. 

It willingly made people who had choice.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Fear keeps people believing

You don't believe in a god because you LOVE believe because you're scared to piss what you THINK exists off. Sounds like a victim to me as opposed to someone who speaks freely.

Yet you know nothing about this "god" concept makes any sense...why don't you just stop lying to yourself?

Look, admitting to yourself that there is no god kinda is one of the hardest things many of you will have to do because you have to basically ignore the indoctrination you've been forced into from before you were old enough to rationally think for yourself.

You've been taught this so long that you don't know any other alternative. You just assume its true and never took the time to actually look at what you think you know.

Step back and start to ask yourself questions and if the answers frighten you, don't be scared. Just be confident that the answers you've arrived at were not to scare you but rather they made sense.

Just because your parents/guardians told you these things doesn't make them true. They want the best for you and thought religion would help...but the older you get the more conflicted it makes you when you have to deal with tough ethical questions. 

Its time to grow up.

Once again. You know none of this makes sense yet you cling to it...Are you scared? Does uncertainty make you feel anxious? Why? 

I agree with your logic and rational thinking (throughout the thread).  However, I freely admit that my belief in God is more so faith based than logical. I believe there is a God because I think that it's egotistical to believe that I'm the highest level of the food chain throughout the universe. There's no empirical evidence either way, so no harm no foul.
 What my parents believed doesn't play a big part in my thoughts, as my mother is Christian, my father is somewhat ambiguous, and I lean towards Islam. One of the biggest problems I have with Christianity is people that pray and wait for God to resolve all their problems. I believe in praying AND working to resolve my own damn problems. 
Having said all of that, I don't believe it's my job to convert other people, nor do I want other people trying to convert me.  To me God either speaks to/motivates people individually/personally or not. If believers accept that God is all powerful, they should also accept that he doesn't need a 3rd party to intercede on his behalf.  
I believe white people are better than blacks (like me), asians, and hispanics.

I have faith in that.

Does that make it more of a valid or logical thought? 

There is no "supreme" entity at the top of the food chain. Its a relative term used to convey the idea...I actually hate that we still use this confuses people. 

Do you want to know where you are in the food chain? Go chill on the African plains and make it through the night. Go swim across the pacific. 

Thats where you are in the "food chain" 

This is just utterly false. We are not the "top" of any food chain. There are hundreds of animals with skills and traits that we can't even fathom that makes them far better suited to live then anything we could ever imagine. 

People always want to make these extreme comments. Just stop that. Just accept that you are an entity and the result of complex chemistry that we can only explain to a certain degree...AT THIS POINT... we are still trying to answer more questions but imposing "belief" hinders our progress. 

Well duh. Again. You KNOW THIS and yet you cling to your antiquated beliefs. If you can't prove something then you're free to follow or believe ANYTHING no matter how bad the justification is. 

Yes, proof matters. You can't overlook this.

If we don't know something its just that...we do not know doesn't do us any justice to make stuff up just because its "comforting"

Again, while you claim your parents don't influence your religious beliefs do you not realize that even then your experience with religion depends on what you've been exposed to? 

Why islam? 

Why not hinduism? Or Roman gods? Or Norse gods? Or ancient african gods? 

This is my point. You were INFLUENCED to adopt that stance. 

How many times will you contradict yourself? You know that praying makes no sense...but you keep doing it! ... Habits are hard to break, huh?

Why pray if you still have to bust your tail and work hard? You still have to study, sweat, and hustle. Prayer doesn't make that any easier. 

You can say "this is what I do"...but what of anything that you are doing actually changes things? Prayer? or that fact you got up early and stayed up late to get work done? Day in and out. 

You tell me. And be honest.

 No one is trying to do that. 

I'm just asking questions.

"If you talk to God, you are praying; If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia" -- THOMAS SZASZ

Well if this is true and if they also think god is all knowing, why do they pray to it?

On top of that, why pray in the first place? Do you think you could change the mind of an all knowing and all powerful being by calling in "favors" through the form of prayers? 
I conceded the logic (as well as my appreciation) of all your points, acknowledged my failures/contradictions, yet you come back with this??? Simply put, it's my choice to believe what I want. Not yours, thanks. Not to mention your b.s. comment about whites being better than everyone else.  YOU are the extremist here. You aren't any better than the Christian proselytizers. You're trying to convert me to you way of thinking, regardless of what's said. You and that GP whatever his SN is deserve each other.  
Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

I agree with your logic and rational thinking (throughout the thread).  However, I freely admit that my belief in God is more so faith based than logical. I believe there is a God because I think that it's egotistical to believe that I'm the highest level of the food chain throughout the universe. There's no empirical evidence either way, so no harm no foul.
 What my parents believed doesn't play a big part in my thoughts, as my mother is Christian, my father is somewhat ambiguous, and I lean towards Islam. One of the biggest problems I have with Christianity is people that pray and wait for God to resolve all their problems. I believe in praying AND working to resolve my own damn problems. 
Having said all of that, I don't believe it's my job to convert other people, nor do I want other people trying to convert me.  To me God either speaks to/motivates people individually/personally or not. If believers accept that God is all powerful, they should also accept that he doesn't need a 3rd party to intercede on his behalf.  
I believe white people are better than blacks (like me), asians, and hispanics.

I have faith in that.

Does that make it more of a valid or logical thought? 

There is no "supreme" entity at the top of the food chain. Its a relative term used to convey the idea...I actually hate that we still use this confuses people. 

Do you want to know where you are in the food chain? Go chill on the African plains and make it through the night. Go swim across the pacific. 

Thats where you are in the "food chain" 

This is just utterly false. We are not the "top" of any food chain. There are hundreds of animals with skills and traits that we can't even fathom that makes them far better suited to live then anything we could ever imagine. 

People always want to make these extreme comments. Just stop that. Just accept that you are an entity and the result of complex chemistry that we can only explain to a certain degree...AT THIS POINT... we are still trying to answer more questions but imposing "belief" hinders our progress. 

Well duh. Again. You KNOW THIS and yet you cling to your antiquated beliefs. If you can't prove something then you're free to follow or believe ANYTHING no matter how bad the justification is. 

Yes, proof matters. You can't overlook this.

If we don't know something its just that...we do not know doesn't do us any justice to make stuff up just because its "comforting"

Again, while you claim your parents don't influence your religious beliefs do you not realize that even then your experience with religion depends on what you've been exposed to? 

Why islam? 

Why not hinduism? Or Roman gods? Or Norse gods? Or ancient african gods? 

This is my point. You were INFLUENCED to adopt that stance. 

How many times will you contradict yourself? You know that praying makes no sense...but you keep doing it! ... Habits are hard to break, huh?

Why pray if you still have to bust your tail and work hard? You still have to study, sweat, and hustle. Prayer doesn't make that any easier. 

You can say "this is what I do"...but what of anything that you are doing actually changes things? Prayer? or that fact you got up early and stayed up late to get work done? Day in and out. 

You tell me. And be honest.

 No one is trying to do that. 

I'm just asking questions.

"If you talk to God, you are praying; If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia" -- THOMAS SZASZ

Well if this is true and if they also think god is all knowing, why do they pray to it?

On top of that, why pray in the first place? Do you think you could change the mind of an all knowing and all powerful being by calling in "favors" through the form of prayers? 
I conceded the logic (as well as my appreciation) of all your points, acknowledged my failures/contradictions, yet you come back with this??? Simply put, it's my choice to believe what I want. Not yours, thanks. Not to mention your b.s. comment about whites being better than everyone else.  YOU are the extremist here. You aren't any better than the Christian proselytizers. You're trying to convert me to you way of thinking, regardless of what's said. You and that GP whatever his SN is deserve each other.  

Ah you just want to be free to think whatever you want. 
So like I said, if thats the case then I believe white people are better than all other races.

Thats fine. I completely support that. Free country, right? 

Just admit that you're making it up is all I ask. You already know and have admitted to thinking illogically and rejecting rationality. You have already accepted the holes in your argument and choose to ignore them. Sorry buddy, but that makes you kinda ignorant. 

In that case, I am apart of the spiderman religion and I only pray to him. I believe that the way to spiderman is through peter parker. I thank spiderman that Mary Jane was able to give rise to peter parkers love for all humanity. 

I'm sorry for caring that what I "believe" actually makes sense.

Stop crying and grow up. 

Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by illwill24

Forgive them Father for they not know what they do....

Which father? 
This sort of thinking has you all looking like victims afraid of a master rather than undying love for another being.

Plus, if your god/father figure whatever created everyone and loves us and knows everything the it willingly created people who believed in other gods and people who did not believe in ANY gods, including yours. 

It willingly made people who had choice.
A god that knows everything gives people free choice?

Then how is it free choice if that god knows everything. That means past, present and if that god knows what will happen to you AND is all powerful and thus can change things, then how do you have free will to do anything?

On top of that, if this god gave me free choice then I have the choice to not believe in that god. 

You can't forget both sides here. 
Originally Posted by kilojules64

Originally Posted by Wr

Every star out there is the sun to other planets. It's all relative to where you are at and your dimension in the universe.

Where did you read/how did you discover that every single star has planets?
I thought this was basic astronomy. To other planets not in our solar system, our sun appears to be yet another star in the distance.
You can read this in many different sciences. Try reading some astronomy for beginners books.
Originally Posted by wren32

Originally Posted by Wr

The sun is how we on earth measure time. Every star out there is the sun to other planets. It's all relative to where you are at and your dimension in the universe. I think there is something like a sun prime out there somewhere......
So let me get this straight... "God" created the rest of the universe before earth and then suddenly decided to make earth and our sun at a different time? Doubtful
There are realms that already pre-existed in the Bible before physical creation manifested. I.e. Eternal and everlasting heaven. 
Just think about this for a second. Considering where earth is in relation to all the other planets and stars in the universe, why is it so hard to think that earth was not created first?


Look at where earth is. You can't even distinguish it from what appears to be dust from this perspective. Why would our piece of dust be made first out all the other specks in that image? each one of those specks of light represent a sun with planets orbiting them. 

Are you familiar with the process of how a star is even created?

An the image above is just the image of our galaxy the "Milky Way". We can't even count how many galaxies exist out there.

This is just a extremely small portion of the universe we can see. Each one of the spirals represents a galaxy with trillions of stars in each one and who knows how many planets.

The best we can hope to do is to pretend we are all-powerful and decide what universe we can create. Then consider if your friend was all-powerful -- what universe would he create? And so on.

That would give us some rough idea of the possible gods/outcomes/trajectories out there.

Now imagine the unsupervised universe. Remember to condition our observation of this universe on our existence. So instead of looking for trajectories we are now tracing back to all possible beginnings that could have brought us here.

Now compare the two. This is the closest we could get to any sort of scientific determination of whether there is a higher power or not. And it's a pretty hopeless approach.

If you want me to acknowledge that there is a human tendency towards irrational beliefs in certain areas due to our weaknesses and insecurities and such, well of course the answer is yes.

If you want me to acknowledge that we are also born with an innate arrogance that also leads us to be overly dismissive and close-minded, well of course the answer is yes to that too.
Although this is another religious thread where fundamentalists, the brazenly ignorant, stubbornly ignorant, and zealots will be pounded with righteous logic and reason, gotta say Philosoraptor is a great catalyst. Perfect mix of humor and thought provoking questions

Missed the last thread so I don't really see a reason to heavily engage in this one.
This is the same conversation with the same ppl arguing the same points.Comedy

Ive even seen all these pictures before
Originally Posted by NT Brah

Who described Hell? Did someone come back from Hell to tell said person?

Dante. Homie wrote the book on hell.

But in all seriousness, My classmates and I had a pretty heated argument about Christianity and the belief in god in our religious philosophy class this past week. I know a few people recodred the debate. I'll see if I can get a copy and post it up in here. Some darn good points were made in that class that day.
The greatness and complexity of God is manifested in OPs question. I cant believe some of you believe light can only come from an insignificant sun and moon. God created light which is the manifestation of energy and all types of chemical reactions. Think of it as the big bang but instead of it happening by chance it happens under the careful supervision and direction of God almighty.

Also is revelation it says Jesus' new kingdom will have no Sun.
Revelation 21:23 "And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof"

God bless
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