My Mom Passed Away

I am sorry for your loss. I know how it feels to lose people very dear to you. One of the bad things about growing up is getting to the age where you start realizing as you age your loved ones are more suspectible to health issues and what not. It’s a sad cycle we have to accept. If you need to speak or vent, you can always hit up my inbox.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. It's a sad cycle of life as mentioned earlier in this thread. Makes you take thing's into perspective and makes you realize how precious and fragile life can be. Head up, we're here for you.
My condolences to you and your family. It's one of the toughest things I have ever experienced and deal with daily. If you need to speak on it, I'm available.
I pray you experience the peace and comfort she would want you to feel at a time like this. And that not her physical absense, but her precious memory and timeless messages to you is what you hold on to as you move forward. Much blessings to you and your family aepps20 aepps20

My condolences.
You guys are just great people. All of the outpouring of love and support has been so incredible and greatly appreciated. Mom knew how much this place meant to me and I know she would be happy that you guys have been there for me. I can't thank you all enough. You guys are more family to me than friends. Truly love you guys from the bottom of my heart.
You guys are just great people. All of the outpouring of love and support has been so incredible and greatly appreciated. Mom knew how much this place meant to me and I know she would be happy that you guys have been there for me. I can't thank you all enough. You guys are more family to me than friends. Truly love you guys from the bottom of my heart.
❤ you too. NT is forever.
Fellas, I wanted to thank each and every one of you for all of your love, support and friendship over the years. My mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer just a little under two years ago. She fought bravely but she passed this morning. NT has been my second home and family since 2004 (really 2002 because I lurked). You guys have allowed me to be silly and express my deep sadness through jokes and method acting. NT has been there for me through the highs and lows of life and I can't thank you enough.
Sorry to hear my man. She was clearly a great mother for raising you the way you are.

stay strong and be with your family.
Fellas, I wanted to thank each and every one of you for all of your love, support and friendship over the years. My mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer just a little under two years ago. She fought bravely but she passed this morning. NT has been my second home and family since 2004 (really 2002 because I lurked). You guys have allowed me to be silly and express my deep sadness through jokes and method acting. NT has been there for me through the highs and lows of life and I can't thank you enough.
Sorry for your loss, but on the bright side, your mom is no longer in pain. Remember to take care of yourself during this rough patch.
Sorry to hear. I've been very blessed in life to have not experienced much tragedy...until the last year and a half. I lost my closest uncle in December 2019 (dementia), and my closest aunt a year ago (cancer). It really messed with me. Thankfully, both of my parents are very healthy, but those two losses only exacerbated the stress and anxiety since March of last year.

Be well.
It's too often said of those like your mother that they "lost their battle with cancer," as if treating her struggles like a metaphor for interpersonal violence stands to bring her loved ones any comfort. No one says "we're saddened today by the passing of Fred, who, at the age of 92, lost his long battle with natural causes."

Your mother didn't "lose;" she lived. She lived as long and as well as she could. That's all any of us can do. The fortunate among us leave behind a lasting impression. While few of us had the honor of making your mother's acquaintance directly, we do know you - her living tribute.
The outpouring of support you've received from all over the world stands as testament to the difference you've both made in the lives of those around you, near and far.

I was pleased to find that even those with whom you've once clashed, including some who've previously lobbied to have your account banned (or affixed with some sort of "satire" label), have stopped in to pay their respects.
If our community feels like a home or sanctuary, it is thanks to those like you who give of yourselves each day to help others get through difficult times (like, say, the years 2016-2020). That's a reflection of your values and, by extension, those of your mother.

I know you'll continue to honor her through the many virtuous acts her memory inspires.

Like so many of our fellow community members, I wish you and your family peace and solace in your time of grief.
It's too often said of those like your mother that they "lost their battle with cancer," as if treating her struggles like a metaphor for interpersonal violence stands to bring her loved ones any comfort. No one says "we're saddened today by the passing of Fred, who, at the age of 92, lost his long battle with natural causes."

Your mother didn't "lose;" she lived. She lived as long and as well as she could. That's all any of us can do. The fortunate among us leave behind a lasting impression. While few of us had the honor of making your mother's acquaintance directly, we do know you - her living tribute.
The outpouring of support you've received from all over the world stands as testament to the difference you've both made in the lives of those around you, near and far.

I was pleased to find that even those with whom you've once clashed, including some who've previously lobbied to have your account banned (or affixed with some sort of "satire" label), have stopped in to pay their respects.
If our community feels like a home or sanctuary, it is thanks to those like you who give of yourselves each day to help others get through difficult times (like, say, the years 2016-2020). That's a reflection of your values and, by extension, those of your mother.

I know you'll continue to honor her through the many virtuous acts her memory inspires.

Like so many of our fellow community members, I wish you and your family peace and solace in your time of grief.
Damn this post made me cry 😢. Beautiful
It's too often said of those like your mother that they "lost their battle with cancer," as if treating her struggles like a metaphor for interpersonal violence stands to bring her loved ones any comfort. No one says "we're saddened today by the passing of Fred, who, at the age of 92, lost his long battle with natural causes."

Your mother didn't "lose;" she lived. She lived as long and as well as she could. That's all any of us can do. The fortunate among us leave behind a lasting impression. While few of us had the honor of making your mother's acquaintance directly, we do know you - her living tribute.
The outpouring of support you've received from all over the world stands as testament to the difference you've both made in the lives of those around you, near and far.

I was pleased to find that even those with whom you've once clashed, including some who've previously lobbied to have your account banned (or affixed with some sort of "satire" label), have stopped in to pay their respects.
If our community feels like a home or sanctuary, it is thanks to those like you who give of yourselves each day to help others get through difficult times (like, say, the years 2016-2020). That's a reflection of your values and, by extension, those of your mother.

I know you'll continue to honor her through the many virtuous acts her memory inspires.

Like so many of our fellow community members, I wish you and your family peace and solace in your time of grief.

I cried reading this Meth. Thank you so much for the kind words. I just wanted to make people smile like my mom always did for me. I think I get my sense of humor from her. I knew people were struggling in 2016-2020 and I just wanted to do my part to help people get through. I wish my mom could see how much love I'm receiving. She would be so happy.
aepps20 aepps20 , I am so sorry for your loss. Cancer is awful. I can’t think of anything easier to hate.

I’d like to talk about the power of NT for a second. I lost my wife, the mother to our four young children, to cancer 2 years ago. I was in misery. For awhile there, it was hard to laugh at anything or to even see the equity in making others laugh. It didn’t feel right to find joy in anything, let alone a message board. Then one night, for whatever reason, I thought of something on NT that made me laugh. I went back and read that thread and couldn’t stop laughing. Then I went on to read other old threads. It felt like I was not only rejoining NT, but also life in general. When I actually posted about my loss, the outpouring was wonderful. This place has a way of making you feel love from strangers. I don’t post as much anymore because life is busy, but I adore this community. It’s as comforting as a glass of bourbon or hug. I’m eternally grateful for NT.
aepps20 aepps20 , I am so sorry for your loss. Cancer is awful. I can’t think of anything easier to hate.

I’d like to talk about the power of NT for a second. I lost my wife, the mother to our four young children, to cancer 2 years ago. I was in misery. For awhile there, it was hard to laugh at anything or to even see the equity in making others laugh. It didn’t feel right to find joy in anything, let alone a message board. Then one night, for whatever reason, I thought of something on NT that made me laugh. I went back and read that thread and couldn’t stop laughing. Then I went on to read other old threads. It felt like I was not only rejoining NT, but also life in general. When I actually posted about my loss, the outpouring was wonderful. This place has a way of making you feel love from strangers. I don’t post as much anymore because life is busy, but I adore this community. It’s as comforting as a glass of bourbon or hug. I’m eternally grateful for NT.
I'm sorry that I missed that. Let me offer my condolences now.
I hope the kids are doing well, can't wait to have my own, she lives on through them.
You've brought me so much joy over the years man, you might be grateful for us, but I'm grateful for you.
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