my new collection =( GOOD NEW GOT MOST PAIRS BACK PG 3

wow, im glad you found out who it was!
i figured it would be a close friend.
45/59 is NOT bad at all man. In most cases like yours, you get absolutely nothing back.

Congrats on doing your detective work and it paying off.

you are extremely lucky, be grateful you got back what you did. congrats.
i hope you are pressing charges on all these guys, they deserve some time
Originally Posted by niophyte0430

Good for you man! you were able to retrieve some. What happened with the 4 robbers? are they already behind bars??

3 of them were 16 so there deff not and the other who was 18 i dont think he is
they all should be though
congrats on getting back what you did. most people in those situations get nothing. man those guys deserve to be behind bars or at least get a good a**whooping!!!!!!
yeah bro your really lucky
someone broke into my house and stole all my kicks too like about three or four months agos and i havent found out a thing yet i went from 35 pairs to 3 pairs
man i worry about this happening to me. congrats on getting a majority of your stuff back

just a quick question for OP or anyone for that matter...what happens if you take pictures of your shoes but have no receipts, like for instance you bought amajority via NT or CL. will insurance do anything or just say "sorry, you dont have receipts"?
Originally Posted by moe200069

man i worry about this happening to me. congrats on getting a majority of your stuff back

just a quick question for OP or anyone for that matter...what happens if you take pictures of your shoes but have no receipts, like for instance you bought a majority via NT or CL. will insurance do anything or just say "sorry, you dont have receipts"?
well im my case they did not take the boxes, so that is proof and also I have pictures for almost all of them showing the condition for them.
if you bought off of NT through paypal, paypal i think holds info for a year so you can print that out for proof too
but i am almost finished the insurance paper work i did not send it in yet so im really not 100% sure on it, but i really hope i am

but what i did was took a pic of the box, recipet if i had it, and picture if i had it also, then printed out acouple buy it now on ebay of the shoes, and alsofrom 2-3 sites if i could find them on it, then i averaged the price of all to get an idea of how much it is really worth to send into the insurance
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