My parents will be gone for 5 weeks... Tips on how to have a good house party???

Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

Originally Posted by Dunkaroos

Don't have it at your house!
Seen TOO many houses get effed up, not worth it!

Best house party is not to have one. No matter how good u "party proof" ya house, stuff can still get broken. I wouldn't recommend honestly butthat's just my opinion
Originally Posted by deepinthajeep

5 different girls, 5 nights = good house party. Fucck the bullshiit

I never did house parties, I don't like cleaning up and I'd have mad anxiety wondering if stuff is missing or something is going wrong.
I wouldn't have one.

I was house sitting for my cousin for a week over the summer and had a get together.. turned out

Wasn't even a party either.. we had about 20 people there... one dude got so drunk that he kept falling into the shower when he was puking.. puked so hardthat he fell out his shoes.. there was vomit everywhere.. dudes had to carry him out- put a garbage bag over him so he wouldn't get crap on himself

then another girl who was underage.. we were all standin around chillin and all the sudden she just fell over and passed out.. We were all
on the inside.. She was fine.. but I was shook
It's a good thing they'll be gone for 5 weeks because that might be just enough time to get the floor recarpeted and the furniture upholstered. Mightleave you just enough time to get the walls painted and the lighting fixtures repaired too.

Really though, the best tip for having a good house party is not to have one.
Don't do it, something will get messed up. Hell I was just having a few friends over to drink one night and my cousin sprayed bug repellent on the sidingand it stained it and eventually started to corrode it.
I never got why anybody would have a party at their house. You can't even get plastered because your too busy making sure it doesn't get out of hand.Its always better going to somebody else's banger than throwing your own. I suggest just invite your best friends, and some girls and call it a day. Iguarantee there will be almost nothing to clean up.
Originally Posted by DB WEST

I never got why anybody would have a party at their house. You can't even get plastered because your too busy making sure it doesn't get out of hand. Its always better going to somebody else's banger than throwing your own. I suggest just invite your best friends, and some girls and call it a day. I guarantee there will be almost nothing to clean up.
True that.
Well I've had atleast a months worth of parties at my crib usually ended in disaster cause nowadays people act cruddy an disrespectful, if you do have itmake sure all your valued stuff including your parents and any siblings is locked away cause people do steal and its happened to me, also don't buy theliquor and beer for everybody cause everyones gonna think your buying it every night if they wanna party at your casa you should make um BYOB, but its reallynot as fun as it looks in the movies, as a matter of fact you might as well say screw it and just party elsewhere cause all your gonna be doing is cleaning allnight and its really not worth it at all thats why I retired from having parties at my kingdom!
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