My Run with Jordan Brand is over Please read and give your thoughts.

The "if you don't like it don't buy it" posts make me laugh. That's exactly what the thread is about! He doesn't like it andhe's not buying it.
I agree with you wholeheartedly and like this post. I didn't budge when news of the Space Jams broke because I've seen how JBhas begin to operate over the last several years. I was so disappointed when my CDP XIs arrived; they were so cheap, so uncomfortable, and in my opinion, noteven worth owning. I went as far to split the pack and reinvest the money in the 2001 retros! I even had to take a double take when I got my white/red XIIs.The ankle supports is no match for that found in the 30/04 retros - they even smelled like a cheap variant (yes, I've been fooled before - many years ago).Bottom line is that JB will continue these practices until the general public, and NT'ers, decide to take a stand and an upcoming release takes a flop!That's the "change we need".....
I liked his post. This forum is for the exchange of ideas and he expressed his view. You guys are certainly free to disagree with him, but do not have totrash him for doing so.

The underlying point of his message is that as a consumer, he is not going to stand for being taken advantage of by a company. I agree with him. I haveseriously considered writing a letter and circulating a petition to express my dissatisfaction as a consumer about the overall quality of the brand.

Would any of you be interested in that?
No because nothing will come out of it. Jordan Brand will sell and continue to sell even with the decreased quality.
I agree to a certain extent, but you have to remember who is JB's biggest consumer right now.

Most people buying JB products are between the age of 14-21,and most of them will buy
ANYTHING with a Jordan logo on it. (Especially Fusions)

We will probably never see OG, or even retro quality ever again.
I would be more than interested in that. How else are they going to hear the dissatisfaction from their consumers? You think MJ or any of these people come onhere and try to make a change based off feedback they get from Niketalk? Well if they did then this kind of stuff wouldn't be happening.
We should make a short list of items in which we the Consumers feel are areas that JB needs to address or improve:

- Quality Control. Is JB even an ISO 9001 company? Why are xxx amount of shoes being sold and distributed in poor quality condition? Shoes sqeaking,discomfort, noticeable blemishes, poor performance.
- Material and Technology. Why use suede on an Adult size shoe but use Durabuck on a Kids shoe? Why change the color scheme between the two sizes? Why arenewer retros less comfortable than Older retros and/or Originals?
- Domestic vs International Release.
- Pricing.

Anyone want to add to these bullet points?
we cant change it, i know its horrible quality, but what do you expect. If everybody buys the shoes, with wack quality, why make em better???? ( JB standpoint)
i couldn't stop wearing jordans if I wanted too. I love em too much, and thats pretty much what i wore my whole life. I hate what JB stands for today, buti need my fix
imo jordan has gone to a quantity over quality, for sure. but, i still buy jordans. i will continue to buy jordans. the people reading and posting in here willprobably continue to buy jordans. most people arent buying every jordan that comes out. i mean much like every other shoe company there are a lot of i cant say there arent shoes that dont make me remember why i started buying shoes in the first place. so they changed from infared to varsity red. yesthey mix up the suede and nubuck. maybe the leathers have changed or the shape a little bit. if you want he og jams, 12's, vi's or whatever then go buythem. there are people who are perfectly happy to buy a retro of a shoe that they loved and are going to enjoy what they have. i remember what the shoes lookedlike 15 years ago and see what they look like now and i didnt buy what i didnt like then and i dont buy what i dont like now. im not mad at jb for what theyredoing, its completely a personal choice to buy the shoes or not.

again that imo.

Man .... ++!+ JB.. Its has been dead .. and been wack. where have u been OP!

but hey OP join the club with thousands more...
Man its simple don't like don't need to make a new tread about what jb has come to.....again if you don't like don't buythem.....and what jordan game?......I hate when people call buying sneakers a so called game if its a dope game to buy sneakers...
I think this is a regular member who registered under another name, because he knew he would get flamed, even though he's making some good points.

Fortunately like with the Bo's my pair were pretty good, I mean I have the 00's and I didn't expect them to be the same.
Not a regular member. Trust me. Ask any of the Mods. I havent seen any flaming going on either. But let me ask you something even If i was "anothermember" what difference would it make? Would people all of the sudden agree or disagree based off who I am? Were talking factual stuff here that alomsteveryone in every thread has complained about. I just bascially had enough with it all and wanted to see everyones opinion on it....did you read the title forthis thread?
Originally Posted by FrAnK Wh1t3

My final word on all of this is for all your NEWBS out there in the Jordan game that havent been around since the golden years of 99-00 god bless your souls and money. JB is pulling your pants down and not even giving you the courtesy of......well you know.

Good Bye JB you really disappointed me.
And not to mention, they're killing the sneaker game for all the old heads.

Now adays we see every other dumb %%! teenager rocking space jams, metallic 5's, black iv's etc etc.
It's disgusting seeing everyone and they momma's rocking these shoes.

ANd the quality isn't even good enough to warrant people to buy that *$%+ either.
People just buy into the hype these days.
Yo FrAnK Wh1t3, what size shoe are you? If you are done copping, are you done collecting? If so, you shoe sell me your kicks. I've been collecting sincethe mid 90s and I can always add to my collection!
Also, the quality may not be the same but I do not expect a shoe the released years ago to be the same as the one that they released today. In addition, mostpeople that have been collecting for years have seen the change in quality, so you should not expect to receive the same quality that you received 9 years ago.I have no complains, I may if I hooped in my jays but I have enough kicks that I do not have a quality issue with any of my kicks...
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