My Story...Long Read so pls no hate...move along....

OP, You Sir are a Simp you haven't meet girl and your out there buying her and her daughter Christmas gifts.
I don't even know what a SIMP really is, but I think you might be the ultimate definition of one

post pics of both of you...NOW!!!
lol@ the only thing being different was the weight. girl sends out fake pics and still gets you to fall for her even after meeting her
chic is a true g
props to her

They say all men are DOGS, but on the real there are so many grimy chics out here its unbelievable....

Yeah OP did some foolish things but we all have [ although not of this magnitude] and if you havent...

You will take a few L's dealin with females its inevitable...
Originally Posted by AmberElise04

I read it because I'm at work and extremely bored

Let me attempt to cliff-note it:

-Guy calls company for some billing mix-up, customer service rep sounds cute, they exchange emails.
-Time goes on they exchange pics/phone numbers. Girl is HOT
-Girl plays ping pong with boy's heart and screws other dude and gets preggo by him during one of the "breakups"
-Girl's cousin reveal that girl sent fake pics, planned the pregnancy, and is pretty much a triflin golddigger
-Boy wakes up and loves the girl anyway but cant deal with another broken heart


1.) When you met her the first time, it didn't dawn on you that her pics that she sent to you were fake??
2.) When she kept breaking up with you and getting with someone else and then when they broke up coming back to you, that wasn't a big hint that you were a rebound?


I think you need to move on, forget this girl, and invest your time and energy into someone who isn't going to treat you like a floormat.

If that's the case i'm definitely not readin that %#!+, L's all over. And i hate when people put "don't hate, move along" in thetitle, cuz one, you're not special, just post and shut up, and two, when you do that it entices the very thing you claim to not wan't. And three, justpost and shut up, dudes be too sensitive round here.
I read it. I have two questions for you.

1. Do you think strippers really like you?
2. Why would you continuously get hurt like that?
Wow OP, I actually just read some of that mess you posted and you sir are pathetic
i had to go back and reread it all
damn kid i thought guys like youdidnt exist
how do you even start a relationship and fall forsomeone you have never met? just does not seem normal. and second you treated a skeez like a house wife? cmon mannnnnnnnnnnn
I'm bored, so i read most of it till i couldn't take anymore. I appreciate you putting it out there so that others don't make the same mistake, buthonestly, if you get caught up in that situation, you deserve it. That is one the most idiotic things i've seen someone let happen to them, and you shouldbe damned ashamed of yourself, i'm really disgusted by it. The thing is it sounds like you have a great job, and you are probably a smart knowledgeabledude, but that just goes to show you knowledge/education does not necessarily equal intelligence. God man, what the hell? It was like reading Anne Frank'sdiary, just sad all the way through, and you couldn't help but feel sorry for this simpleton.
This chick must've been taking notes from NKtran001 or something.

Have fun w/ your own personal

I seriously hope you learn and grow from this because you are truly the ultimate definition of a simp!

You out buying gifts, paying phone bills, wanting to buy a house for her and her kids

You was probably paying child support too huh?
Originally Posted by StylishStef89

Fam...I ain't trying to play you when I say this...but you really, really, really should not have done this.

My thoughts exactly. What were you thinking?!
homie you should have hit up NT before u committed that exampleof blinded by love

I ain't gonna clown on you homie, because their will be plenty of people in this thread who will....

But i do have a few questions....Where were your friends/boys throughout this entire situation. I know pesonally if I ever get into a situation that isunfamiliar, I consult my friends/family. They may not give u the right answer but they will give you perspective because its is painfully evident in situationthat you couldn't the bigger picture.

Anyways keep your head up fam
you're 30 and got played like that from a chick you never met? i thought this was coming from some 17-20 year old kid...
I don't know what to say. You let it go on for too long, getting attached to someone that easily is not only careless but dangerous. Maybe this will helpyou but you need to do a better job of analyzing situations and what people say and do. This story should of ended the first time she told you not to call ortxt her anymore. By this time she already got cold feet on you with you flying out there then you turn around and buy her gifts after you two"reconcile". It would've been one thing if you had known her personally and for a long time but you didn't. And why in the hell did you buyher and her kids gifts?! Serious..why? What I think your problem is you want to be in love. You just want it to happen. It sounds like you'rereally lonely too. You cant force things like this they just happen. I think this is the root of the problem. If you can acknowledge this and see with aclearer head you'll avoid things like this.
Lesson learned, hopefully you wont make that mistake again.

stay up, move on with your life.
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