Mysterious Disappearance of the McStay Family

Dude I'm not peeping that Demon ****. I really like demonic/possession horror movies because they get me soooooooooooooo on edge but I know they're not real. I can't deal with that **** when that same certainty isn't there. 

Video is super fake. Might as well watch it.
Here's some bedtime viewing:
From the comments - "The Fap Ghost has risen! All the dirty hands that have been used for fapping attack a person who is caught fapping!"

Thanks for the update

Remembered this thread

Sad what happened. RIP to the family
It really doesn't. Why would the cartel get involved/kill this family.

Well, let's look at some of the evidence and speculation around this case to see if some of the puzzle pieces might fit.

Let's start with Joesph McStay. He was in the business of selling indoor water fountains. The website for his "booming" business has been converted to a missing person page, but I'm going to go ahead and assume he and his business partner Dan Kavanaugh (more on him later) specialized in high quality fountains. Not to many people are buying those in the first place, and those who are typically have more money than they know what to do with. Who better fits that bill than a cartel drug dealer? P.S. The McStays moved into a brand new house prior to their disappearance. Whether it's due to their success in the business world, or due to them trying to avoid others, we'll never know. But ask yourself; how many fountain designers do you know? And of those, how many are buying brand new houses and have 100k+ left over?

Now, let's look at Joseph McStay's business partner Dan Kavanaugh. He's the last person to be in contact with the McStay family, and after their appearance, it's rumored that he transferred money from Joesph's paypal account to a man named John Pugsley, who is allegedly Dan's relative. There's not a whole lot I could find on John Pugsley, except that he is called a "survivalist" and may have a history of helping people disappear via boat. Why would Dan have access to Joseph's paypal, as business typically work with separate bank accounts. Further more, why would Dan be transferring money from Jeoseph's paypal to a guy who is a survivalist and has helped people pull disappearing acts?

Last but not least, let's look at Summer McStay. She has a history of financial fraud, and could have created false identities (or at least phony bank accounts) for the family to live off of for a number of years. Theoretically speaking, she could have made fake lives for her family, along with bank accounts using her fraud money, and they could have lived comfortably for a while. Now, why were they found dead in the U.S.?

My theory is simple. The economic downfall leading up to the McStay disappearance made Joesph McStay desparate. His desparate on drove him to working with questionable people, some of whom May have had connections with the cartels operating in California and Mexico. The money was good, and afforded the McStays the opportunity to buy a new house, have 100k saved up in the bank, and probably an untold amount of cash on hand.

However, Joesph McStay did/said/saw something he wasn't supposed to in the presence of one of these cartel people. They wanted him dead, and in an attempt to save his family, Joesph asked his business partner Dan for a helping hand to get him connected to Pugsley. Pugsley helps them get into Mexico to avoid the California cartel members, and has Dan transfer him money on behalf of the McStay family to pay for his services and help them sustain themselves.

Somewhere, it goes bad for the McStays. Perhaps they ran out of money and needed to get back into the states to access one of Summer's accounts. Maybe they thought it was safe to come back into the states. Or, perhaps, they never made it to their destination, and the cartels got ahold of them right when they got to Mexico.

Idk I'm :pimp: right now.
Well I was thinking, the pops got into with some cartel members and they sent the family to Mexico to put in some work to repay their "debt" (maybe at gunpoint) which is why their TV's and stuff were left on at the house. The Cartel members mustve heard there was a big ordeal about them being missing so they told them to go back to the US. And they couldve gotten murked a couple days later by the San Diego cartel members.

There was video of them leaving to Mexico. Shouldnt there be an alert or video of them coming back into the US? Wouldnt the Border Patrol stop them and ask them where the heck were they?
Well I was thinking, the pops got into with some cartel members and they sent the family to Mexico to put in some work to repay their "debt" (maybe at gunpoint) which is why their TV's and stuff were left on at the house. The Cartel members mustve heard there was a big ordeal about them being missing so they told them to go back to the US. And they couldve gotten murked a couple days later by the San Diego cartel members.

There was video of them leaving to Mexico. Shouldnt there be an alert or video of them coming back into the US? Wouldnt the Border Patrol stop them and ask them where the heck were they?

maybe that wasnt them going to mexico.
My guess is the cartel but it seems they should had been able to link him already by phone calls
Just crazy how they left the house all of a sudden. About to cook some eggs and end up bodied and buried in the desert. Like what happened all of a sudden to set this all off in motion. Guess we'll never know.
I'm not saying life is necessarily like a TV show but...

Some of it reminds me of a few seasons of Weeds and how Nancy could've gotten her family caught up and killed, she was forced to go to Mexico a few times and definitely put them all in jeopardy. I forgot which season was the last that I watched but I need to catch up on that show, I think she was about to have the Mexican mayor's baby.

Anyway, you never know what people can be involved in despite seeming like a normal family. I'm sure they were forced to leave the house all of a sudden, sad the little kids were killed too.
Well, let's look at some of the evidence and speculation around this case to see if some of the puzzle pieces might fit.

Let's start with Joesph McStay. He was in the business of selling indoor water fountains. The website for his "booming" business has been converted to a missing person page, but I'm going to go ahead and assume he and his business partner Dan Kavanaugh (more on him later) specialized in high quality fountains. Not to many people are buying those in the first place, and those who are typically have more money than they know what to do with. Who better fits that bill than a cartel drug dealer? P.S. The McStays moved into a brand new house prior to their disappearance. Whether it's due to their success in the business world, or due to them trying to avoid others, we'll never know. But ask yourself; how many fountain designers do you know? And of those, how many are buying brand new houses and have 100k+ left over?

Now, let's look at Joseph McStay's business partner Dan Kavanaugh. He's the last person to be in contact with the McStay family, and after their appearance, it's rumored that he transferred money from Joesph's paypal account to a man named John Pugsley, who is allegedly Dan's relative. There's not a whole lot I could find on John Pugsley, except that he is called a "survivalist" and may have a history of helping people disappear via boat. Why would Dan have access to Joseph's paypal, as business typically work with separate bank accounts. Further more, why would Dan be transferring money from Jeoseph's paypal to a guy who is a survivalist and has helped people pull disappearing acts?

Last but not least, let's look at Summer McStay. She has a history of financial fraud, and could have created false identities (or at least phony bank accounts) for the family to live off of for a number of years. Theoretically speaking, she could have made fake lives for her family, along with bank accounts using her fraud money, and they could have lived comfortably for a while. Now, why were they found dead in the U.S.?

My theory is simple. The economic downfall leading up to the McStay disappearance made Joesph McStay desparate. His desparate on drove him to working with questionable people, some of whom May have had connections with the cartels operating in California and Mexico. The money was good, and afforded the McStays the opportunity to buy a new house, have 100k saved up in the bank, and probably an untold amount of cash on hand.

However, Joesph McStay did/said/saw something he wasn't supposed to in the presence of one of these cartel people. They wanted him dead, and in an attempt to save his family, Joesph asked his business partner Dan for a helping hand to get him connected to Pugsley. Pugsley helps them get into Mexico to avoid the California cartel members, and has Dan transfer him money on behalf of the McStay family to pay for his services and help them sustain themselves.

Somewhere, it goes bad for the McStays. Perhaps they ran out of money and needed to get back into the states to access one of Summer's accounts. Maybe they thought it was safe to come back into the states. Or, perhaps, they never made it to their destination, and the cartels got ahold of them right when they got to Mexico.

Idk I'm
right now.
my guy just wrote down the plot for a possible movie...

and ended that off with a bang
Still not seeing how the cartel is involved. It could have been anybody
Its easy cartel dig graves and they have no heart, they will kill a whole family with ease.Cartel is known in the states within border. This spell cartel all the way. Tell me when have you ever heard of somebody killing a whole family and burying them. Also the family left over 100k behind. I dont care how your trying to hid aint nobody leaving over 100k behind.

Dude was probably trafficking kilos in the water fountain and lost some work
I still think, now more than ever, that Joseph's business partner Dan is most likely responsible for the McStay family murders. One possible scenario is that Dan hired this Pugsley dude, who certainly seems like a shady character, to handle the dirty work, and used Joseph's money to pay him for it. If Dan is responsible, the motive is greed so I wouldn't put it past him to have used Joseph's paypal money to fund the cost of having them "disappear."

Figuring out exactly how it went down is tricky. Did the Mcstay family actually drive their SUV to San Ysidro? Could they have possibly been forced directly out of their home? Was the SUV placed in San Ysidro by someone else to make it look like the Mcstay's just up and left the country, never to be seen again? That would explain the TV being on and the eggs being left out but evidently there was no forced entry. Could a person or persons gained entry into the home through an open garage, front or back door?

If the Mcstay family did in fact leave their home in their SUV, could Dan have called Joseph and convinced him to make a spontaneous decision to meet him somewhere for a "family outing" nearby, only to have the family kidnapped and then have their SUV driven to to San Ysidro? Probably not likely that the TV would be left on if the family left willingly, no matter how close the destination, or how short the trip was intended to be.

Considering the bodies were buried in San Bernardino, it seems to me as though the vehicle was placed in San Ysidro by someone other than Joseph Mcstay to throw off investigators regarding the possible whereabouts of the family. Joseph's dad stated all along that he didn't believe that the family ever went into Mexico, and now that they've turned up dead in San Bernardino, I have to say that chances are the family in the video crossing the border is more than likely not the Mcstay family.
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I was watching Nancy Grace this morning and she was covering the story. First time I heard of it till today. RIP to the family
First time ever hearing of this. But damn that's cray.. Now this is all I'm gonna be thinking about for the next week when I zone out in class.
I read this story on here about a year ago and was so intrigued by it. RIP to the family, really expected a better outcome but with them being missing for so long didn't expect there to be.

Crazy man :smh:
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