NAACP Leader Exposed as White Woman in Blackface

Those claiming to be open minded in here are proving to be incredibly close minded. The irony.

This is so simple. It's all about identity.
You just sound stupid man.. 
by saying it's an identity conflict when it's not.


Dude please explain man, enlighten me because obviously I'm missing something are they not dealing with an identity conflict and how is this in any way offensive.....they identify as something they naturally are not....
The funniest thing about this all is that DC planted the seed then dipped up out of here with the quickness. Dude is masterful with it at this point :rofl:
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I already did.

How I'm I mocking the validity of transgenders? How I'm I bein offensive, because I'm not seeing it, help me out.
I know you're just playing dumb and coy and I'm not playing along.

But hey go ahead and provide the evidence of this identity conflict you claim exist. Show me the proof of this "trans-racial" identity - that ppl were joking about earlier in this thread - ppl are going through in the world or that Rachel is going through despite evidence pointing to the contrary via Rachel's on posts on the internet; false claims, lies, and hypocrisy. I've seen a few posted in here but none establishing an identity conflict.

Go ahead and show me all these ppl struggling with their race because it's an identity conflict and not more akin to an actual illness or a mean spirited trick. Keep in mind like you said we're not mind readers and I doubt you got a phd in psychology so go ahead since you're assuming it's that and you're the one that initially made the offensive comparison.
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They have no conflict man, Caitlyn is happy being a woman

Where is the internal struggle in that? The internal conflict is suppressing those feelings to make others happy which she is no longer doing

You're the one with the conflict because you can't seem to grasp that biologically things can and do go wrong
Nah man, Ksteezy is about to break ground on a whole new study of transracial awareness. Created a new category and everything.
Bro do me a favor and don't insult me....don't call me dumb, I asked you to explain to me how what Jenner and Rachel are doing/did is not a sign of identity simple...
They have no conflict man, Caitlyn is happy being a woman

Where is the internal struggle in that? The internal conflict is suppressing those feelings to make others happy which she is no longer doing

You're the one with the conflict because you can't seem to grasp that biologically things can and do go wrong

Yeah Caitlyn has no conflict to deal with, but what about Bruce?...dude been living as a woman less than a year but 50+ as a man identifying as a woman...are you serious talmbout he didn't deal with an identity conflict basically his whole life!?
Bro do me a favor and don't insult me....don't call me dumb, I asked you to explain to me how what Jenner and Rachel are doing/did is not a sign of identity simple...
Oh really now I insulted you? :lol:

When did I call you dumb? or do you seriously not know the phrase "playing dumb"? or what the word coy means?

So now because you feel insulted I'm suppose to acquiesce to your request? **** you.

Gonna be offensive and then turn around and then claim to be insulted. If you're serious go establish it's identity conflict. You're first subject is Rachel. Prove what you're claiming. Don't ask me to prove what it's not when you can't prove what you're saying it is.
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Dude please explain man, enlighten me because obviously I'm missing something are they not dealing with an identity conflict and how is this in any way offensive.....they identify as something they naturally are not....
A transgendered person is embracing themself and finally happy with who they are and who they fell they need to be. In turn they actually are eliminating this so called "conflict". If anything it's societies conflict that they created with gender roles. 

I still don't see how this is even remotely related to transgenderism.. Or even Caitlyn Jenner for that matter. 
Oh really now I insulted you? :lol:

When did I call you dumb? or do you seriously not know the phrase "playing dumb"?

So now because you feel insulted I'm suppose to acquiesce to your request? **** you.

Gonna be offensive and then turn around and then claim to be insulted. If you're serious go establish it's identity conflict. You're first subject is Rachel. Prove what you're claiming. Don't ask me to prove what it's not when you can't prove what you're saying it is.

Let's dodge and weave, dodge and weave brother and deflect, I didn't directly call you stupid, nor did I say anything to offend wanna sit here and claim I'm "playing dumb" son grow up.
A transgendered person is embracing themself and finally happy with who they are and who they fell they need to be. In turn they actually are eliminating this so called "conflict". If anything it's societies conflict that they created with gender roles. 

I still don't see how this is even remotely related to transgenderism.. Or even Caitlyn Jenner for that matter. 

After 50+ we gonna ignore the conflict he's dealt with his whole life living as Bruce....Ight man

It's compareable because they both deal with identities.....the only reason I even brought it up is because how one was viewed as opposed to the other, which is very hypocritical.
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Am i the only one who doesn't see a problem with this story, of course this woman is a poor case of mental health, but why people seems shocked with her lie. She's not the first pawg to be obsessed with black people, she's just deeper in that obsession. Her story is more funny than shocking.
Oh really now I insulted you? :lol:

When did I call you dumb? or do you seriously not know the phrase "playing dumb"?

So now because you feel insulted I'm suppose to acquiesce to your request? **** you.

Gonna be offensive and then turn around and then claim to be insulted. If you're serious go establish it's identity conflict. You're first subject is Rachel. Prove what you're claiming. Don't ask me to prove what it's not when you can't prove what you're saying it is.

Let's dodge and weave, dodge and weave brother and deflect, I didn't directly call you stupid, nor did I say anything to offend wanna sit here and claim I'm "playing dumb" son grow up.
Comparing this woman lying about being black, who has lied about having a black father, who has made comments about white women prospering off the backs of black men as a negative like she isn't white herself to a man who feels that he should be a woman and then does so IS offensive to me. The jokes were jokes. What you're posting is just offensive.

Let that be clear. I didn't quote you when I made my post. You felt some type of way cuz of the bull **** you probably have filled this thread with and when I broke it down clearly for you. You couldn't connect the dots on why somebody would be offensive about your post so you just doubled down on you being right with the defense of we don't know what Rachel is thinking but you're the one claiming it is an identity conflict and you don't know what anybody is thinking.

There's no dodging and weaving or deflections. You want to keep pretending you're being serious and everybody else disagreeing with you is a troll? Fine. Go ahead and prove what you have claimed to be the truth or fact. You said Rachel is going through an identity conflict or is showing signs of it. Prove it. Establish that fact. That's what a grown up would do when they're trying to tell someone how it is.

So if you're not going to do that I don't want to hear from you again when it comes to this topic. I'll just do what I initially thought, consider you to be on some clown ****.
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Originally Posted by Methodical Management  
That's not, in any meaningful way, analogous to the transgender experience.  We have the opportunity to have a meaningful conversation about racial identity in America, and you're blowing that because you want to feel smug in looking down your nose at the "freaks" who don't conform to your gender expectations.  That's about prioritizing YOUR privileged sexuality ahead of addressing racial inequality, when the same basic process that awards privilege on the basis of sexuality does so on the basis of race. 

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