Namco and Capcom rumored to be working on Tekken vs Street Fighter

Oct 30, 2007
Sorry if this is has already been proven false, just figured some heads would enjoy the read. If it is true I hope they aren't gonna lose focus with MVC3.


With E3 fever picking up, we're already starting to hear some amazing leaks about new announcements. Here's another one to chew on: A reliable source has indicated that Namco and Capcom are working together on a Tekken vs Street Fighter game. Even better: It could be announced as soon as E3.

This isn't the first time that Namco and Capcom have collaborated. In the past, they worked on Namco X Capcom, which was an action RPG game released on the PS2.


It's only natural that these two powerhouse developers of the best fighting game series are finally making the ultimate fighting game. Both companies in recent years have really gone out of their way to cater to fans of this genre. Namco threw some extra Star Wars characters into Soul Calibur, and Capcom of course has been doing big crossovers for sometime now. They recently announced a new Marvel vs Capcom game in the works as well.

Funny, it was only a couple of weeks ago that we were basking in the awesomeness of Tatsunoko vs Capcom, and speculating on what great VS concept Capcom should tackle next for a fighting game. Ironically enough, our wishlist was half done in jest because our heads would have exploded had any of them came true. I guess I need to prepare for my head to explode now.

We'll follow up with both companies on Monday to see if they have any comments on the game. I'm sure there are a ton of questions gamers are dying to know, with the main one being, "Will the game play more like Tekken or more like Street Fighter?"
If this happens thery could make one of the best fighting games ever.
No, just no. SF is a 2D fighting game, Tekken is 3D. In order for them to do that, they're gonna have to choose one style of gameplay over the other. No one is gonna like Tekken in 2D. SF in 3D is a complete fail, a la Street Fighter EX.
Tekken characters would smash >>>MK
MK >>> smash SF

They don't want none of Raven, Law, Lee or Hworang.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

No, just no. SF is a 2D fighting game, Tekken is 3D. In order for them to do that, they're gonna have to choose one style of gameplay over the other. No one is gonna like Tekken in 2D. SF in 3D is a complete fail, a la Street Fighter EX.


i rly hope they do a good job if this is true.

but what they gonna do bout the side stepping mechanic in tekken and

the traditional 2d format for capcom?

edit: plus the juggling and combo system
Interesting. But like guy said, they're gona have to pick one fighting system and that would compromise one of the other.
At least Tekken runs off the same concept as the VS series Capcom games. Wait for someone to make a mistake, and then 70% combo them
I was excited then thought about this:

No, just no. SF is a 2D fighting game, Tekken is 3D. In order for them to do that, they're gonna have to choose one style of gameplay over the other. No one is gonna like Tekken in 2D. SF in 3D is a complete fail
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