Name some of the (for lack of a better term) GHETTOEST things you've done/made! Vol. 2?

Sep 21, 2005
What you guys got? Whether it be a Ziploc condom, cereal and milk in a plastic cup from lack of dishes, using a hand mirror as your car's side mirrors...

Post the ghettoest things you've done/made!

Mine right now isn't too bad, but I was mad hungry and I wanted to make a sandwich. I checked the cupboard and there was ONE slice of bread left... you know, the one on the very end that only has one side? So I put my chicken salad spread on it and folded it to make a semi-sandwich.

I'll probably add some more later.


What you guys got? Whether it be a Ziploc condom, cereal and milk in a plastic cup from lack of dishes, using a hand mirror as your car's side mirrors...

Post the ghettoest things you've done/made!

Mine right now isn't too bad, but I was mad hungry and I wanted to make a sandwich. I checked the cupboard and there was ONE slice of bread left... you know, the one on the very end that only has one side? So I put my chicken salad spread on it and folded it to make a semi-sandwich.

I'll probably add some more later.


last night i was pretty hungry and we had very little food so i just whipped up a couple good ol oxygen sandwiches
last night i was pretty hungry and we had very little food so i just whipped up a couple good ol oxygen sandwiches
Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

last night i was pretty hungry and we had very little food so i just whipped up a couple good ol oxygen sandwiches
oxygen sandwiches?
 what is that?

Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

last night i was pretty hungry and we had very little food so i just whipped up a couple good ol oxygen sandwiches
oxygen sandwiches?
 what is that?

Ziploc condom?

When recording videos of me driving my car, I duct tape my D90 to the rear hatch security cover

I use a monopod + guitar stand for a tripod
Running out of a box to wrap a Birthday present, and wrapping the present inside an empty cereal box, at the last minute.
Running out of a box to wrap a Birthday present, and wrapping the present inside an empty cereal box, at the last minute.
Ziploc condom?

When recording videos of me driving my car, I duct tape my D90 to the rear hatch security cover

I use a monopod + guitar stand for a tripod
A Black Comic said this:
"I had a bread sandwich and for those that don't what a bread sandwich's when you get two slices of bread and you eat those mother&#*ers."
A Black Comic said this:
"I had a bread sandwich and for those that don't what a bread sandwich's when you get two slices of bread and you eat those mother&#*ers."
Melted a bunch of icees because I had no juice in the house. Be damned if I had to leave the crib that night.
Melted a bunch of icees because I had no juice in the house. Be damned if I had to leave the crib that night.
Originally Posted by DR813

Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

last night i was pretty hungry and we had very little food so i just whipped up a couple good ol oxygen sandwiches
oxygen sandwiches?
 what is that?


it is what it sounds like homie.. take for instance a pb&j sandwich and replace the pb&j with oxygen... and there you have it
Originally Posted by DR813

Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

last night i was pretty hungry and we had very little food so i just whipped up a couple good ol oxygen sandwiches
oxygen sandwiches?
 what is that?


it is what it sounds like homie.. take for instance a pb&j sandwich and replace the pb&j with oxygen... and there you have it
When I was a kid I loved baseball but didn't have a baseball bat or a ball.

So I took my neighbor's dogs tennis ball
and then I grabbed the closest thing to a bat which was this wooden bed post that I had laying around. Looked something like this

The kids at the park had no mercy bro
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