Name some of the (for lack of a better term) GHETTOEST things you've done/made! Vol. 2?

In my room, I took a clothes hanger, made a basketball rim, and hanged it on my door.....

used socks as a ball

thought I was Kobe
In my room, I took a clothes hanger, made a basketball rim, and hanged it on my door.....

used socks as a ball

thought I was Kobe
Originally Posted by Air Bonilla 23

When I was a kid I loved baseball but didn't have a baseball bat or a ball.

So I took my neighbor's dogs tennis ball
and then I grabbed the closest thing to a bat which was this wooden bed post that I had laying around. Looked something like this

The kids at the park had no mercy bro


this is worst than eating sleep for dinner
Originally Posted by Air Bonilla 23

When I was a kid I loved baseball but didn't have a baseball bat or a ball.

So I took my neighbor's dogs tennis ball
and then I grabbed the closest thing to a bat which was this wooden bed post that I had laying around. Looked something like this

The kids at the park had no mercy bro


this is worst than eating sleep for dinner
Originally Posted by 23islegendary

In my room, I took a clothes hanger, made a basketball rim, and hanged it on my door.....

used socks as a ball

thought I was Kobe
Yo, that ain't ghetto, that sounds fun. If you thought of a way to make the socks bounce back to you if you're chilling on your bed...
Originally Posted by 23islegendary

In my room, I took a clothes hanger, made a basketball rim, and hanged it on my door.....

used socks as a ball

thought I was Kobe
Yo, that ain't ghetto, that sounds fun. If you thought of a way to make the socks bounce back to you if you're chilling on your bed...
Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

man one more thing i look back at and laugh at..

when i was a kid and wanted some toys that %%%+ was more than likely a no-go, so i used to cut pictures out of the sunday advertisements and just substitute those for the real things, having complete battles with little pieces of paper

Damn dawg.

Boiling water for bathing is pretty much normal in my home country so...
Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

man one more thing i look back at and laugh at..

when i was a kid and wanted some toys that %%%+ was more than likely a no-go, so i used to cut pictures out of the sunday advertisements and just substitute those for the real things, having complete battles with little pieces of paper

Damn dawg.

Boiling water for bathing is pretty much normal in my home country so...
Originally Posted by 23islegendary


I know someone who hot water was off at the time, so they boiled water on the stove, and placed it in the tub

I do this all time when I go visit my family in Mexico. I remember when I was working in a warehouse and I forgot my belt at home so I grabbed some string that we would use to tie stuff together and used it as a belt
Originally Posted by 23islegendary


I know someone who hot water was off at the time, so they boiled water on the stove, and placed it in the tub

I do this all time when I go visit my family in Mexico. I remember when I was working in a warehouse and I forgot my belt at home so I grabbed some string that we would use to tie stuff together and used it as a belt
yall cant compete a couple years ago i was stayin at my moms house and at the time there was no electricity or gas and the toilet was broken so we used an ac converter to use electricity from the car to use the hot plate and when the car wasnt there or we needed to make more food we fashioned a bbq pit from some old bricks in the back yard and used old plywood and branches for firewood and when we needed to shower we boiled water and put it in a bucket outside and took a bird bath in the bucket and since the toilet didnt work we used the toilet at the park across the street also there was no toys for my brother so we bought some hot wheels and dug a trench in the backyard for him to play in.
this is all real talk too.
shouts to the 3rd world.
yall cant compete a couple years ago i was stayin at my moms house and at the time there was no electricity or gas and the toilet was broken so we used an ac converter to use electricity from the car to use the hot plate and when the car wasnt there or we needed to make more food we fashioned a bbq pit from some old bricks in the back yard and used old plywood and branches for firewood and when we needed to shower we boiled water and put it in a bucket outside and took a bird bath in the bucket and since the toilet didnt work we used the toilet at the park across the street also there was no toys for my brother so we bought some hot wheels and dug a trench in the backyard for him to play in.
this is all real talk too.
shouts to the 3rd world.
Boil water to bathe with.
Used oven as heater for the whole house.
Played baseball with a broom stick and a water bottle cap.
Boil water to bathe with.
Used oven as heater for the whole house.
Played baseball with a broom stick and a water bottle cap.
one of my sleeves of my sweater had a big slit in it. It was cold at school, so I got duct tape and taped it up so the wind wouldn't get through.
when i was like five or six i used to play homerun derby in my room with those old wipies boxes that looked like legos and flicked pennies over them
when i was like five or six i used to play homerun derby in my room with those old wipies boxes that looked like legos and flicked pennies over them
one of my sleeves of my sweater had a big slit in it. It was cold at school, so I got duct tape and taped it up so the wind wouldn't get through.
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