Name someone dumber than this character...

marlon was a fool on the show

[font=Times New Roman,Times]Brother-man - Better known as Bro'man, he just moved to Detroit from SouthAlabama. He still possesses countrified mannerisms and dress habits. He lives on the 5th floor and uses the fire escape to gain entry to Martin'sapartment. An Afro version of Seinfeld's Cosmo Kramer, Bro'man is constantly raiding Martin's fridge and borrowing stuff. When Bro'manborrowed Martins portable CD player without asking, Martin went around and accused each of his 4 best friends of theft. You should've seen the look onMartin's face when Bro'man returned it! Bro'man helped Martin out one day by lulling Martin's infant nephew, Cameron, to sleep[/font]
i disagree with Sarah Palin just cuz i hope to get some knowledge from her someday.

@ Zap Branagan "cham pag in" i pronounce it like that everytime i see it
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