Nas can't win. Vol. Shawn Knowles won.

That !%%$ Meth and Red are talking is the GOSPEL TRUTH.

Women really think that doing some laundry and getting smashed is priceless. @$@#! please... That !%%$ is cheap out in the streets. A maid ain't making no big bucks and a ho ain't caking up like that either. And if a broad thinks her companionship is worth that much, please let me know upfront cus I don't need conversation that damn bad.

I would HURT a @$@#! if she tried to get me for $55K a month. NaS gotta be sick over this.
i see reading comprehension is very low on this board. I in no way shape or form made an insulting comment towards Diego's mom. What I mean is that women struggle a lot more than men do to raise a child. Nobody knows the true pain of raising a child but the mother themself. What I mean by pain isn't how annoying it is to raise the kid. I mean how difficult it is. The fact of the matter is single mothers are strong beyond any of our understanding and it takes a strong woman to be one. Therefore, I commend them for their strength because I know plenty including relatives. Now if that is too difficult a concept to grasp that yall are ******ed.

As for a kid not costing a obviously are only looking at it from a monetary perspective. You think oh raising a kid is just how much you spend on the kid. Uh no it isn't not even close. Trust me I just had one and the baby sitting costs alone are hundreds of dollars a month and that is only for the basics for a regular kid. Now imagine how much money other parents who have more disposable income spend on baby sitting costs.

But like I said the costs of raising a kid are beyond monetary value. They include all the time, energy, and effort that go into raising a kid. Those factors may not have a value or cost attached to them to some of you who don't have kids, but trust me they do have a lot of value that you wouldn't begin to understand until you have a kid yourself.

Consider this many of you are probably not against the fact that when someone gets into any kind of accident ppl sue for much more than the cost of the accident. Generally some ppl sue for the cost of physical damage, but ppl also sue for emotional and psychological damage. Now what does this has to do with raising a kid. Just try to imagine the emotional and psychological cost that comes from having a kid. No it isn't that you regret having a kid, but it is the fact that it is tiring and overwhelming unless you have help. I gaurantee none of you know the extent of things that kids require and won't know until you have kids yourself.

As for the whole Americans spending lavishly argument that is so vague. Sure you can say Americans took out loans that they couldn't afford, but until you know the personal circumstances of each person you don't really know if they spent lavishly or not. For example say I take out a loan that I can easily afford now, but a year from now my job cuts back and I get demoted or worse lose my job. Does that mean that I spent lavishly because I didn't forecast those turn of events? The point is even CEO's and CFO's of some companies have lost their jobs and have not been able to afford their homes. I mean these are ppl who make 100's of thousands and they weren't living beyond their means, but they ended up losing their home because of unforseeable circumstance.
i can't even stomach Street's Disciple. This dude was beyond happy to be getting married...
Originally Posted by supa vegetto

i can't even stomach Street's Disciple. This dude was beyond happy to be getting married...

Right. My dude ODd on disc two...

Might as well rerelease with limited edition packaging and scrap all that happy-go-lucky crap.
damn sucks but this could be a good thing he needs to work now and we can get new stuff from him
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

Originally Posted by Tito516

well yes nice pictures and info just so entertaining.
Originally Posted by Tito516

its like my fav. cameo mase drinking them milk shakes in 50 video with nice mink i guess jacket pure scenery.
Originally Posted by Tito516

big things can mean so much. or i dont know in what words he would put this. or explained .
Originally Posted by Tito516

 blah Blah they're way to cool. nice jay-z pick. the scenery for eachother so man videos hahahahaha a $5 million dollar milk shake .

These words. What do they mean?
Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

i see reading comprehension is very low on this board. I in no way shape or form made an insulting comment towards Diego's mom. What I mean is that women struggle a lot more than men do to raise a child. Nobody knows the true pain of raising a child but the mother themself. What I mean by pain isn't how annoying it is to raise the kid. I mean how difficult it is. The fact of the matter is single mothers are strong beyond any of our understanding and it takes a strong woman to be one. Therefore, I commend them for their strength because I know plenty including relatives. Now if that is too difficult a concept to grasp that yall are ******ed.

As for a kid not costing a obviously are only looking at it from a monetary perspective. You think oh raising a kid is just how much you spend on the kid. Uh no it isn't not even close. Trust me I just had one and the baby sitting costs alone are hundreds of dollars a month and that is only for the basics for a regular kid. Now imagine how much money other parents who have more disposable income spend on baby sitting costs.

But like I said the costs of raising a kid are beyond monetary value. They include all the time, energy, and effort that go into raising a kid. Those factors may not have a value or cost attached to them to some of you who don't have kids, but trust me they do have a lot of value that you wouldn't begin to understand until you have a kid yourself.

Consider this many of you are probably not against the fact that when someone gets into any kind of accident ppl sue for much more than the cost of the accident. Generally some ppl sue for the cost of physical damage, but ppl also sue for emotional and psychological damage. Now what does this has to do with raising a kid. Just try to imagine the emotional and psychological cost that comes from having a kid. No it isn't that you regret having a kid, but it is the fact that it is tiring and overwhelming unless you have help. I gaurantee none of you know the extent of things that kids require and won't know until you have kids yourself.

As for the whole Americans spending lavishly argument that is so vague. Sure you can say Americans took out loans that they couldn't afford, but until you know the personal circumstances of each person you don't really know if they spent lavishly or not. For example say I take out a loan that I can easily afford now, but a year from now my job cuts back and I get demoted or worse lose my job. Does that mean that I spent lavishly because I didn't forecast those turn of events? The point is even CEO's and CFO's of some companies have lost their jobs and have not been able to afford their homes. I mean these are ppl who make 100's of thousands and they weren't living beyond their means, but they ended up losing their home because of unforseeable circumstance.

Dawg, kids have been getting raised since before the wheel was invented. Why you trying to make it seem like its almost impossible to do? I dont want to here all that emotional stuff. Is it difficult? Sure it is, but its not something out of this world.
You mention the troubles faced by single mothers, but the single biggest problem faced by single mothers is financial troubles, this is obviously something Kelis doesnt have to worry about. Kid is only a few days old, how you already writing off Nas as if he will never be there for his child? Youre not even giving dude a chance to be a good father. What Kelis need a babysitter for? That garden tool doesnt have to work another day in her life. This broad knew what she was doing when she decided to have a baby by Nas. Its crazy how you dont see it.
As a fellow man, I hope you dont get caught up in the predicament that Nas finds himself in today.

these bloated $%$ CS payments are ridiculous...all she needs is a couple stacks a month and that kid is living in the lap of luxury...and spousal support? that !$**@ an artist too right? tell her get back in the booth and put out a couple hits or get back on her knees for The Neptunes...and im not even that big a Nas fan, but this is ridiculous..


I don't see how a woman taking care of a child is different from a man. Of course taking care of a kid takes a lot of energy and takes all the time, thats the whole point of being a parent and was the responsibility you had to take when thinking of conceiving a child. This is why it annoys me when people with money like Kelis needs loads of money to take care of her kid. You meaning to tell me if she wasn't going to get all that money she was not going to take care of her child?
Originally Posted by StylishStef89

He's gonna be on tour forever just so he can make those child support payments...

like Michael Jordan in Space Jam when the boss chains him up and forces him to play ball
Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]i see reading comprehension is very low on this board[/color]. I in no way shape or form made an insulting comment towards Diego's mom. What I mean is that women struggle a lot more than men do to raise a child. Nobody knows the true pain of raising a child but the mother themself. What I mean by pain isn't how annoying it is to raise the kid. I mean how difficult it is. The fact of the matter is single mothers are strong beyond any of our understanding and it takes a strong woman to be one. Therefore, I commend them for their strength because I know plenty including relatives. Now if that is too difficult a concept to grasp that yall are ******ed.

As for a kid not costing a obviously are only looking at it from a monetary perspective. You think oh raising a kid is just how much you spend on the kid. Uh no it isn't not even close. Trust me I just had one and the baby sitting costs alone are hundreds of dollars a month and that is only for the basics for a regular kid. Now imagine how much money other parents who have more disposable income spend on baby sitting costs.

But like I said the costs of raising a kid are beyond monetary value. They include all the time, energy, and effort that go into raising a kid. Those factors may not have a value or cost attached to them to some of you who don't have kids, but trust me they do have a lot of value that you wouldn't begin to understand until you have a kid yourself.

Consider this many of you are probably not against the fact that when someone gets into any kind of accident ppl sue for much more than the cost of the accident. Generally some ppl sue for the cost of physical damage, but ppl also sue for emotional and psychological damage. Now what does this has to do with raising a kid. Just try to imagine the emotional and psychological cost that comes from having a kid. No it isn't that you regret having a kid, but it is the fact that it is tiring and overwhelming unless you have help. I gaurantee none of you know the extent of things that kids require and won't know until you have kids yourself.

As for the whole Americans spending lavishly argument that is so vague. Sure you can say Americans took out loans that they couldn't afford, but until you know the personal circumstances of each person you don't really know if they spent lavishly or not. For example say I take out a loan that I can easily afford now, but a year from now my job cuts back and I get demoted or worse lose my job. Does that mean that I spent lavishly because I didn't forecast those turn of events? The point is even CEO's and CFO's of some companies have lost their jobs and have not been able to afford their homes. I mean these are ppl who make 100's of thousands and they weren't living beyond their means, but they ended up losing their home because of unforseeable circumstance.
I agree. And I would also like to add that reading comprehension isn't the same as straight ignoring your insulting, arrogant posts.
Just continue to tour

The Kelis tat now has her face covered up in something that looks like a mask

Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

i see reading comprehension is very low on this board. I in no way shape or form made an insulting comment towards Diego's mom. What I mean is that women struggle a lot more than men do to raise a child. Nobody knows the true pain of raising a child but the mother themself. What I mean by pain isn't how annoying it is to raise the kid. I mean how difficult it is. The fact of the matter is single mothers are strong beyond any of our understanding and it takes a strong woman to be one. Therefore, I commend them for their strength because I know plenty including relatives. Now if that is too difficult a concept to grasp that yall are ******ed.

As for a kid not costing a obviously are only looking at it from a monetary perspective. You think oh raising a kid is just how much you spend on the kid. Uh no it isn't not even close. Trust me I just had one and the baby sitting costs alone are hundreds of dollars a month and that is only for the basics for a regular kid. Now imagine how much money other parents who have more disposable income spend on baby sitting costs.

But like I said the costs of raising a kid are beyond monetary value. They include all the time, energy, and effort that go into raising a kid. Those factors may not have a value or cost attached to them to some of you who don't have kids, but trust me they do have a lot of value that you wouldn't begin to understand until you have a kid yourself.

Consider this many of you are probably not against the fact that when someone gets into any kind of accident ppl sue for much more than the cost of the accident. Generally some ppl sue for the cost of physical damage, but ppl also sue for emotional and psychological damage. Now what does this has to do with raising a kid. Just try to imagine the emotional and psychological cost that comes from having a kid. No it isn't that you regret having a kid, but it is the fact that it is tiring and overwhelming unless you have help. I gaurantee none of you know the extent of things that kids require and won't know until you have kids yourself.
Do you know how hard it is to actually win anything based on emotional/psychological evidence? According to what your saying, a woman should be able to sue based solely off a decision SHE intentionally made?

I see the overall theme of your argument, but I think your missing the point of THIS situation. 55k a month in child support is too much. If this were Bill Gates or someone worth 100 million dollars plus, it probably wouldn't be. Child support is to support the child's needs i.e. food, clothing, shelter, education. It's not to support the lifestyle the mother has become accustomed to living. That would be spousal support. 
Originally Posted by da publisher

Just continue to tour

The Kelis tat now has her face covered up in something that looks like a mask

He should put a ski mask on it cus this ninja got robbed.

i could halfway understand this if HE filed for the divorce, but it was her who wanted to leave him. How does the Judge not see this and just let it be and if anything give him some reasonable payments to make. If I was Nas I would have went for custody or joint-custody and hurt that B. I cant stand this, its BS
Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

Kelis better enjoy it while she can, because no label will invest any money into what little career she has left.

She just signed to Interscope through Will.I.Am's label. 
Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

Originally Posted by JPioneer

I will never understand why the ex-wife gets money in the US.

Thank god it's not like that here.

because divorce is an expensive process that can cripple the finances of the weaker party. that is why not just the wife gets money, but men get money too if they're less well off than their wives are.

Here is an example so you can understand...A husband makes $100,000 a year and his wife only makes $25,000. Now say while they were married they bought a house that cost $400,000. Then they got divorced and the house was awarded to the wife because she is raising the family. Lets also say the divorce was the result of the mans infidelity meaning it is his fault. In this case how do you expect the wife to pay for the mortgage, food, etc.?

I understand the point behind it but it's still so unfair in my opinion that I can't condone it.

If the woman (or man, I don't care) makes less money it's most likely because of choices she made earlier in her life. It's just wrong that if they buy the house for their FAMILY he has to pay for it if doesn't even get to use it anymore. Call me cold blooded but she just has to sell the house and find a new one if she can't afford it. Child support is to support the kids they both share. The ex-wife is on her own.
Originally Posted by JPioneer

Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

Originally Posted by JPioneer

I will never understand why the ex-wife gets money in the US.

Thank god it's not like that here.

because divorce is an expensive process that can cripple the finances of the weaker party. that is why not just the wife gets money, but men get money too if they're less well off than their wives are.

Here is an example so you can understand...A husband makes $100,000 a year and his wife only makes $25,000. Now say while they were married they bought a house that cost $400,000. Then they got divorced and the house was awarded to the wife because she is raising the family. Lets also say the divorce was the result of the mans infidelity meaning it is his fault. In this case how do you expect the wife to pay for the mortgage, food, etc.?

I understand the point behind it but it's still so unfair in my opinion that I can't condone it.

If the woman (or man, I don't care) makes less money it's most likely because of choices she made earlier in her life. It's just wrong that if they buy the house for their FAMILY he has to pay for it if doesn't even get to use it anymore. Call me cold blooded but she just has to sell the house and find a new one if she can't afford it. Child support is to support the kids they both share. The ex-wife is on her own.


i will never understand how a judge is allowed to choose how much money a man/woman has to give to their EX because they broke up. especially the ridiculous amount of money that nas has to pay up. that #*$@ need to be changed. some people want the other person in a relationship to slip up just for the reason that they can live off them forever.

sad world
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