NBA 2k10 Xbox 360 League (1 Replacement team needed!)

Originally Posted by jretro23

gg grizz.

my dude beasley came through again
and i hate steph curry when he's not on my team

yeah Beasley went D sucks. I couldn't hit nothing that game. gg though
your defense was pretty good. you always knew when i was gonna go up to shoot it, which is why none of my other dudes were hitting anything.
Hahahaha noooooooooo! What a finish. GG

Eff Durant? He was killin' me in the 3rd!

I thought I had that one too. I just couldn't shoot for crap that game.

Edit: well now looking at Durant's percentage he did have a bad game. Felt like he was hitting everything
Originally Posted by jretro23

game winner finish? those are the worst if you're on the losing side.
Gee thanks hahaha. I'm not mad though that was a fun game.

and djkaos don't expect to get into the league until Monday at the earliest. Crag said he will be gone for the weekend.
yeah. when the game is over, you go to gametrack before quitting. find the replay you want, save it. then quit, go to 2kreelmaker to edit the replay, then goto "upload to 2kserver" or whatever when you're done.

if you want it to show up on the league website, you gotta do all the steps quick.
gg sir. i should of took it to the paint more, i only had 4 points in the paint that game

oh, and kevin martin is on the block
looking for a sg or sf
Originally Posted by Ritch1088

Originally Posted by jretro23

game winner finish? those are the worst if you're on the losing side.
Gee thanks hahaha. I'm not mad though that was a fun game.

and djkaos don't expect to get into the league until Monday at the earliest. Crag said he will be gone for the weekend.
No prob it's just that i was seeing if I was even being considered. Find out Monday. What team is open, I want to check out the roster
hey anyone know how to locate my new character back?

I played over 4 hours on this new character, but it didnt save on my xbox...

so what im saying is can i download it back from the 2k server? because i think it sent the data to 2k server.

is there anyway?
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