NBA 2k10 Xbox 360 League (1 Replacement team needed!)

I was on for like how many hours waiting for someone in the lobby, but no one was on.

I'll try to get some games tomorrow or I can now if anyone is awake to play.
knock knock any1 home lol ^game
gully i see your back. you had the warriors right. I thought a replacement was needed but guess not.
WHATS UP WITH THE REPLACEMNET????? No one has answered if there is still need of a replacement or not. Let me know if there isnt and i wont ask anymore. Not tosound mad or offensive but i put my bid in and i havent heard nothing thats all
if i was the creator i would of been made the replacement. sucks that the admins can't do it.
lol, with all the lag online, i dont even feel like playing against people, im waiting for the patch
Originally Posted by GULLYDAGREAT

Originally Posted by jretro23

if i was the creator i would of been made the replacement. sucks that the admins can't do it.
shots fired!

Perfect timing....... but damn can i get in or not.
Sorry guys... geeze you all went like 5 freakin days w/o posting.. I go 12 hours and ya'll pissed at me

Its hard to pay attention to this thread when it always falls to the 101st page

I send you an invite tomorrow, whats your GT?
I should be on tomorrow night. I hope I can get some games in, I don't want this league to die so soon.
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