NBA 2k10 Xbox 360 League (1 Replacement team needed!)

This game is kind of whack so far...
my player off the bench was in for 1 minute and already had the gatorade logo come up...
30 seconds in and brandon roy's energy is already down 1 bar... a minute and its down 2 bars??
The framerate is whats bugging me the most right now. I'm also having a hard time doing crossovers. Oh well back to studying.
Damn are you just holding the turbo button the whole time?

Also you use energy when you use the lock down button on defense.

I didn't have that problem when I played with the Blazers earlier.
you gotta control the turbo button this year, don't use it everytime you're controlling a player.

i think they kind of OD'd on it, but i can get used to it if they decide to keep it this way.
The way they made it now its really hard to play on ball D all the time. If you always play on ball D the A.I spaces out too much causing easy alley oppopportunities and the defense breaks down too much with the help leaving people wide open for no reason
only real BIG problem is the help defense.

i set my help defense to 1 to test it out, and my guys still help out with no reason to. leaving a man open for a shot. hope they fix this along witheverything else.
Yeah.... plan on drafting tuesday I guess... give everyone enough time to get the game
Of course a spot is open for certified.. madden thread and fantasy football

I wont be PMing anybody til tomorrow, however, broke up with my girl today and too faded to navigate those new menus

Draft tuesday night good for everyone?
Alright thanks man, hopefully this league doesn't turn out as miserably as the madden one did

And yeah tuesday sounds good.
I may be getting this game in the near future, if there is an open spot, I'll check back, since it is a fantasy draft, I do not care which team.
I'll check back though to see any replies.
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