NBA 2K9 Isomotion Help Thread: Leave Your Egos At The Door

Man... #!%% all that... How do you play defense????

I can't steal the ball or block a shot to save my miserably life, Ramon Sesson (sp?) gave me 23 and 10
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

i cant hit any jump shots -_-. and free throw shooting is so off. i release the stick whenever the ball leaves dudes hands, yet i still get "too late" or "too early". gameplay is too realistic, making the controls WAYY too complex.
I have this problem too at times. Sometimes I lead the pass with the analog stick and they will drive or spot up depending which direction I pointthe analog. Its helps a little, yet they still stop at the free throw line every now and then

Man... #!%% all that... How do you play defense????

I can't steal the ball or block a shot to save my miserably life, Ramon Sesson (sp?) gave me 23 and 10

I honestly let the cpu play the front court and get blocks themselves and I stick to controlling the two guards on defense. I never even use thesteal button and reach bc it never works for me and I get fouls called on me. I get all my steals by playing the passing lanes.
Originally Posted by Dynasty Raider

Man, how do yall play this game online with these idiots? It's so annoying.

I've given up on online this year, i'm all about association

Originally Posted by swendro88

does hitting L2 ( LT) help you make shots?

i thinks that's a bank shot
One thing I've learned is to NOT rush your offense. The CPU will initiate a play for you and usually you'll see an open guy come off a screen.

Also, DONT hold turbo when running a pick n roll.

On defense, use lock on sparingly and if you reach for a steal and miss, you usually get beat.

Here's more tips
Know Your Players

It is imperative to learn the rosters if you plan on having any type of success in this game. Those who watch the NBA on the regular should not need much time to adjust. If you are a casual NBA fan, well then, luckily the game has ratings and tendencies. And you need this knowledge, because if a casual NBA fan sees a "3" icon next to a player like Jason Kapono, he or she may shoot every type of 3-pointer with Kapono, which would not be good; the shoot off the dribble slider ensures that Kapono will not score like he is Kobe (unless your defense is EXTREMELY awful).

The point is, play to your player's strengths. If he cannot shoot, make sure you get to the basket. If he has no handles, don't abuse the crossover dribbles because the ball will get ripped.

Knowing you have Kobe on your team *should* change how you approach a game.

Control the Tempo

You also have to play to your team's strengths. Athletic teams like to get out in the open floor and run. This type of offense works because the defense has to run back on defense, and it gets tired in the process. Also, when the defense does not have time to set up, it is easy to catch a squad off guard and exploit match-ups.

Methodical teams usually slow the pace down because they are older (less stamina) or bigger (more rebounding). Also, when a team sets up a good shot, it is much easier to set up the defense.

The Mid-Range Shot Is Your Friend

Far too often, you will play against people who drive to the cup or shoot 3-pointers all game. As much as I hate this type of basketball, I do understand the logic behind it. Driving in for the layup or dunk is more or less a sure two points, while shooting 3-pointers will drive up the score in a hurry. However, when you solely shoot 3-pointers or drive to the basket, your offense becomes predictable.

The in-between game works because it puts the defense in a predicament. If it sags off too much, you have an open shot. If the opposing defense is not playing tight D, then drive to the basket. Also, on a fast break, more often than not, the defender will look to guard the basket. By pulling up for the mid-range bucket, you are giving yourself an open shot.

Play Calling

This year, it is no longer necessary to call a play every time down the court; there is even a "run the play" tendency in the coaching sliders that is dependent on what each specific coach likes to do. A team like the Phoenix Suns does not run a lot of plays due to the number of veteran players who understand the nuances of basketball. Most young teams (and the Utah Jazz) tend to run plays a lot during half-court sets to make sure they aren't wasting possessions.

Now there are some gamers who like to call plays every trip down the court because it makes the game more "realistic" -- no it does not. In the real NBA, the players are so talented that a lot of times, they just play off of each other. It is similar to playing in a pick-up game, except the players are much more talented than you.

The reason coaches run plays is to get other players involved (thus making the defense work) and to set up easy baskets for players who are off to a cold start. If it is not necessary to run a play, do not run one.


Follow my advice, reach the end of the playoff tree....

Learn Isomotion

There is a tutorial mode in the game that helps you learn the Isomotion moves, but the tutorial moe does not tell you when it is an appropriate time to use Isomotion moves. Isomotion is simply a tool to throw off the defense and should not be abused. For example, if you have a defender shading you to your right, you should not do a spin move in the same direction. Conversely, spinning to the left could leave you in the clear.

There are a couple of moves that are not included in the tutorial:

Fake to the basket layup - While running towards the basket, pump fake and immediately after doing this, press the shot stick towards or away from the basket.

Fake to the basket jump shot - While running towards the basket, pump fake and immediately after this, press the shot stick left or right of the basket.

Step over jumper - Pump fake inside of the 3-point line and immediately after this, press the shot stick towards the basket.

Do Not Abuse the 3-Pointer

You may have a team of shooters, but not every 3-point shot is going down. The 3-point shot is a gift and a curse. It is a gift because obviously three points is more than two or one. However, it is a curse because it is easy to fall in love with the 3-point shot. Also, missed 3-pointers ignite fast breaks for the other team due to the long rebounds.

Establish an Inside Game

Jump shooting teams do not win, period. If you are unable to score on the inside, you have become a one-dimensional offense, thus making it easier for the defense. If you have guys on your team who can drive to the hole at will, use them. If the defense collapses, just kick it out to an open teammate.

If you have a solid inside scorer, make sure you feed him the ball for the inside baskets. If he is scoring at will and forcing the defense to double, then you have set your offense up perfectly because now all of your shooters have open shots.

Stars Win Games

When your offense is not working, make sure you get the ball to one of your stars to create something. If he is an inside player, try to establish some low-post scoring. At the very least, force a double team.

If he is a perimeter player, try creating for yourself and teammates off the dribble. If you are in the zone and the defense is forced to double, it makes the game easier for your teammates. Lastly, if it's a close game, make sure the ball is in your best player's hand.

If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It

Force the defense to adjust to you. If you have a particular strategy that cannot be stopped, keep doing it. Only one of three things will happen:

1. Your player will no longer be on fire.
2. The defense will adjust.
3. You will have a big game.
More than ever before, NBA 2K9 requires a simulation approach to every facet of its gameplay to be successful. While many gamers thought last years Lock On Defense was too easy, it seems that this years tweaked version is proving difficult for the majority of players out there. Whether you're seeing too many easy buckets by the CPU, getting burnt by the pick and roll online or cant force a turnover to save your life, we have the solutions to help step your game up. Read on as we bring you the first 5 of our NBA 2K9 Defensive Tips.

5. Set Defensive Pressure/Matchups

To truly be a force on the defensive end you have to know your personnel. Before each game go through and assign your best defenders to the oppositions best scorers. While there, set the pressure for each player that you want to guard according to what type of offensive player they are. For players with high outside & mid range ratings set your matchup to Tight. This means your defender will close out all the way to his man as soon as he gets the ball, thus cutting down on their outside looks. This does leave you vulnerable to that man driving by you due to a hard close out, but hopefully the man you are on doesn't have a high driving/slashing ability also.

To properly defend those players with high penetration skills you may want to set your pressure to Sag Off. This will keep your man in front of the ball as much as possible, almost daring the opposition to take the outside shot. Ideally they settle for the jumpshot and you are in good position for a rebound.

In the case of guarding players with both high outside/mid range/driving ability you may want to set the matchup pressure to Deny Ball. This will see your teammates attempt to stop the player from even seeing the ball, useful on scorers like Kobe and Lebron. Be aware though, that denial defense will show its cracks if your player manages to slip you and gets the ball as he will likely have all the space he needs after receiving the pass.

4. Set Double Teams Accordingly

While not as effective as in years past, double teams in NBA 2K9 can really help strengthen your defense when used in the right situation. Leaving the double team option on AUTO is always a bad idea, as it will see the CPU make some strange decisions as to when to double down on a player. Setting Double team to Always is a good idea on incredibly dominant post players like Yao, who you really want to shut down. As always though, you have to be aware of the cost of double teaming, which is the wide open player waiting for the pass. When you see a man open and obviously about to receive a pass after doubling down low, quickly switch defenders using player icons and close out with the closest defender.

Double teaming only in the post is also effective, and works the same way as Always except obviously only when players receive the ball in post position. Setting this to In The Post is advisable for those players who are only effective down low, and aren't a threat outside the key area. This should help cut off a main area of the oppositions scoring punch.

Once your opponent becomes used to your double teaming method try switching things up. Change the option to Never and only manually call the double team as necessary. Teams do this all the time in real life and giving your opponent a different look on defense might just catch them unaware, which leads us right into our next tip..

3. Give Different Looks

In the NBA, if one thing isn't working teams and coaches don't continue to force it until it does. Instead, they play smart basketball, call a timeout and mix things up a little, which is exactly what you should do in 2K9. While you may be used to playing half court man on man all game, your opponent may be equally used to facing it. At various intervals on the fly, use the play selection button to quickly mix up your defense. For example, you could try this: after a made basket play full court man, attempting to get in the passing lanes and force the turnover, then when your opponent crosses over the halfcourt line drop back to a 3-2 zone or man on man again.

The key here is to be spontaneous and mix it up as much as possible, throwing off your opponents gameplan by never really letting the game settle as they would like. What will happen is you will hopefully be able to dictate more fully the pace and flow of the game, and take your opponent right out of their gameplan.

2. Adjust Team Help Defensive Strength/Defensive Pressure

Help Defense determines how quickly and strongly your teammates attempt to "help" a beaten man by rotating and covering his player. Setting this higher obviously results in a more active team defensively and you will see more rotations on D, and switching to cover players that are beaten. Most teams in 2K9 are capable of setting this as high as it can go, with little negative ramifications, but some teams with extremely poor team defense will see little improvement either way.

The negative side of setting this high with a poor defensive team, is that you will be more prone to player driving and then kicking out to the open man once the defense collapses. This is unavoidable, and only quick player switching on the fly can help to alleviate quick kick outs.

The other option relating to team defense which should always be adjusted is Defensive Pressure. This is just like the individual player pressures we discussed, only applied to your whole team in a more general way. Usually, setting this high will see every player on the floor close out hard to their man, and be extremely aggressive on defense.

If you are seeing far to much inside scoring for your liking setting team Defensive Pressure to a lower value should help. This means players will play off their man just that bit more and attempt to sag off and cover the basket and lane more so than if set to high.

1. Play To Your Strengths/Their Weaknesses

Once you know and understand what each of these settings does and how it reflects in the game, it is time to put it all together and play to your teams strengths and your opponents weaknesses. By this, we mean if you are playing a team like the Suns, who obviously want a fast breaking, run & gun style of game, slow them down by setting your crash boards option on low, forcing your guys to get back on D, and perhaps even try playing a zone here and there.

If you are up against a team like the Spurs who want a slow paced game, crank up the defensive pressure and full court press or trap them a few possessions to get them out of that game. By playing to their weaknesses you will effectively take them out of their game and hopefully turn the tide in your favour.
I just wish everyone stop playing with the Lakers/ Cavs/ Rockets online.

I'm 70 and 45 online. And a majority of my L's have came from those three teams. I play w/ the Blazers BTW.

PS3 handle - toast1985.
Does anybody know how to strip a player when going up for a layup or dunk, this happens to me so much and its so annoying, I would appperciate if someone wouldexplain how to do it or at least defend against it. O btw gt is justj2250
Sup guys, Finally decided to put down halo an play some 2k9. Can anyone help me out on how to add jordan or other old school players in the game? Also is therea way to dl'd someone else's sliders for the games? Thanks yall KVN
Originally Posted by Mr James To U

Does anybody know how to strip a player when going up for a layup or dunk, this happens to me so much and its so annoying, I would appperciate if someone would explain how to do it or at least defend against it. O btw gt is justj2250

when the play goes by you and there on there way up hit the steal button and they should try and strip it. it doesnt work all the time tho
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Damn, videogames are serious these days, too much to learn how do you guys have the time for this? I got rid of metal gear solid for this same reason too. I dont even think im the busiest dude in the world but i dunno how you cats get so good at these games. I needa get gamefly to rent, no more buyin.

i know im kinda off topic, but i was actually gonna buy this game today. but i know i dont got time for that. ill ave 60 bucks an get a game rental account.

Word, I tried to jump on COD4 when it came out and I was like naw i'm good even if it's video game of the year.
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Damn, videogames are serious these days, too much to learn how do you guys have the time for this? I got rid of metal gear solid for this same reason too. I dont even think im the busiest dude in the world but i dunno how you cats get so good at these games. I needa get gamefly to rent, no more buyin.

i know im kinda off topic, but i was actually gonna buy this game today. but i know i dont got time for that. ill ave 60 bucks an get a game rental account.

Word, I tried to jump on COD4 when it came out and I was like naw i'm good even if it's video game of the year.
I feel you on that. I love COD4 but it's frustrating when you see a game that everyone else loves but you just can't personally get into. It was like that for me and most popular FPS up until the past couple years.
what camera angle do you guys use on practice when doing your isomotion moves? i like broadcast but i've been having difficulty with it.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Man... #!%% all that... How do you play defense????

I can't steal the ball or block a shot to save my miserably life, Ramon Sesson (sp?) gave me 23 and 10
D is easy. You just have to be proactive with the d-lock. yurn it off and take control to make a play. It should assist you in keeping up with guys, but if you rely on it, you'll get burned easy. you should be able to lay perimeter D to some degree without it. You have to know how to re-establish the lock when it breaks. Just let go of LT and press itagain if you need to. If not, just hold LT still and stay on your toes

Let that right trigger loose first
..... now catch that cutter with LT+A...
it would be nice if you record yourself doing these moves on 2k9 and showing us...
This game is the most cheating game ever. I just got it a lil while ago and I automatically put it to Hall Of Fame so I can get better. First game was Celts vsLakers and I got beat by about 60. 2nd game I lost by about 30-40. 3rd game, they beat me by singe digits. And that was the Lakers the 2nd best team in thegame. What I don't get is how a team like the Nets can beat me handily EVER time. Dudes intercept every pass, throw alley's like its nothing, rainback-to-back-to back 3's, Brook Lopez blocks EVERY shot and nobody can back him down. This game is frustrating.
HOF Mode cheats. Don't play on that mode. The developers would tell you that PRO/ALL STAR with modified sliders give you the most realistic game.
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