*NBA All-Star Saturday Thread (H-O-R-S-E, Skills Challenge, 3-Point Shootout, Dunk Contest)*

Oh so some pudgy pale old +%@* be one my screen for 5 minutes, but the NBA can't get PSD to preform?
Superman got this...

Also, is Reggie Miller really giving Rick Reilly from this past HR Derby/ASG a run for his money for most annoying announcer of all-time?
I usuallylike him, but good lord he's been awful tonight...
@ the shot at Mark Jackson.

Hopefully Dwight has a repeat of last year.
Looks like most of the real dunk legends realized All-Star Weekend was really going downhill...dont see the usual judges this year
the hype around this is disgusting .... the contestants are terrible ... rudy F... @#+!$ ....

they sucking d howard hard
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