[:NBA ALL-STAR Weekend Thread - NT's Post Game Debate: "Why Didn't Rose Dance?" (PG. 115+):]

Originally Posted by JPZx

Allan Houston looks younger than Landry Fields.

 I was about to say the same thing
H20 looking rather youthful.... wonder how his knees are
Kings could use some of that wetness
Originally Posted by tSamShoX

Somebody sign Allan Houston to a contract 

Son still got them Flightposite 3's too

I came in here to mention H20 rockin' the FP3. My man is on some "$#%# all this "Galaxy" #+@+@**+".
Man until that showed that show from behind of Dennis Scott, I did not realize how much weight he had gained.  Still would not ask for his autograph though, just would ask about the rage inside of him....
My picks to win the events. Kyrie got the skills challenge, Ryan Anderson will shoot lights out, and Reggie Evans takes the dunk contest.
"Jerry Stackhouse should be fully rested since he's been averaging 6 minutes per game"
Reggie stays with the jabs
Fields isnt a shooting guard.

I like the guy alot tho. seems like a funny guy. He should probbaly be a back up small forward. he isnt trash. he def has a place in the league. hustles hard, rebounds well, good teamate. smart
Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL

TNT has the best visual media producers in all of television. Their intro's are always on point. 

I agree, Appreciated the person who posted it...
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