NBA Eastern Conference Playoffs Round 1 - Boston Celtics v. Miami Heat - Game 4 - 4/25 - 1:00p ABC

Originally Posted by Brandon3000

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

If Wade was smart he would drop that team without thinking twice. So what you have good weather? It doesn't make up for disappointing playoff runs year after year. If dude stays with the team, his career will get stagnant. He needs a breath of fresh air.

Says the NY Knicks fan....
I know NY is salty now that Bosh is expressing interest to sign with OKC... Y'all gonna be %#@+%! forever.
So because he's a Knicks fan his opinion doesn't matter?  This is my biggest pet peeve on NT.  As if only fans of perennial winners get to voice their opinion.  Cavs fans don't miss an opportunity to try to put down Knicks fans either, if they're so insignificant, why are you always so obsessed with them.  Let's not forget the storied history of winning Cleveland has in professional sports.  Knicks are going to be %@*@%* forever? Thanks for the prediction Nostradamus.

And I'd bet money that you want to quote this then put that picture of Lebron turning and smiling... that act is getting old.
Originally Posted by Brandon3000

Originally Posted by CasperJr

@ heat fans thinkin he wont leave

Yea if I'm Dwayne Wade and I'm the biggest sports star in Miami and probably the biggest the city has EVER SEEN (lets remember he already won a championship, something those other Miami guys haven't gotten done in a while...) why would I go somewhere that's not only cold most of the year but where I'll also have to follow the legacy of the greatest basketball player of all time...

bottom line is D.Wade may have been raised in the Chi but he's not leaving beautiful Miami for chicago... but if you still wanna be optimistic that's cool too... but dude already spoke on it last week..
DWayne Wade
You can't even spell the guys name.................
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by Brandon3000

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

If Wade was smart he would drop that team without thinking twice. So what you have good weather? It doesn't make up for disappointing playoff runs year after year. If dude stays with the team, his career will get stagnant. He needs a breath of fresh air.

Says the NY Knicks fan....
I know NY is salty now that Bosh is expressing interest to sign with OKC... Y'all gonna be %#@+%! forever.
So because he's a Knicks fan his opinion doesn't matter?  This is my biggest pet peeve on NT.  As if only fans of perennial winners get to voice their opinion.  Cavs fans don't miss an opportunity to try to put down Knicks fans either, if they're so insignificant, why are you always so obsessed with them.  Let's not forget the storied history of winning Cleveland has in professional sports.  Knicks are going to be %@*@%* forever? Thanks for the prediction Nostradamus.

And I'd bet money that you want to quote this then put that picture of Lebron turning and smiling
... that act is getting old.
I agree with you. I hate the good old "shut up your team lost last season you cant talk"

Ill save him the trouble, but when the knicks dont get lebron they eventually will get better just like the lakers will suck when kobe leaves, the thunder are getting better, ect.

Dade B0Y wrote:
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

If Wade was smart he would drop that team without thinking twice. So what you have good weather? It doesn't make up for disappointing playoff runs year after year. If dude stays with the team, his career will get stagnant. He needs a breath of fresh air.

This is funny coming from a Knicks fan.
You need to grow up.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Dade B0Y wrote:
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

If Wade was smart he would drop that team without thinking twice. So what you have good weather? It doesn't make up for disappointing playoff runs year after year. If dude stays with the team, his career will get stagnant. He needs a breath of fresh air.

This is funny coming from a Knicks fan.
You need to grow up.

Im a Heat fan but what the hell do you expect? we won 05-06 be happy with that man. Cant win it every year seriously c'mon.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by Brandon3000

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

If Wade was smart he would drop that team without thinking twice. So what you have good weather? It doesn't make up for disappointing playoff runs year after year. If dude stays with the team, his career will get stagnant. He needs a breath of fresh air.

Says the NY Knicks fan....
I know NY is salty now that Bosh is expressing interest to sign with OKC... Y'all gonna be %#@+%! forever.
So because he's a Knicks fan his opinion doesn't matter?  This is my biggest pet peeve on NT.  As if only fans of perennial winners get to voice their opinion.  Cavs fans don't miss an opportunity to try to put down Knicks fans either, if they're so insignificant, why are you always so obsessed with them.  Let's not forget the storied history of winning Cleveland has in professional sports.  Knicks are going to be $+!%%$ forever? Thanks for the prediction Nostradamus.

And I'd bet money that you want to quote this then put that picture of Lebron turning and smiling... that act is getting old.

first off, Baltimore... hop off.

If out of all i typed all ANYONE could come up with was that I misspelled his name I think I made my point.

Secondly, the reason I said "says the knicks fan" is not that that your opinion doesn't matter BigJ, but that you obviously have a bias considering the off season is coming up and the Knicks are looking to get a superstar. So if you say "If Wade was smart he would drop that team without thinking twice" I'm pointing out that being a Knicks fan your opinion is not only biased but is iladvised considering that it truly wouldn't make sense to leave a promising franchise to go into a developmental phase with a franchise thats fallen so far from glory they're only mentioned in the same sentence with playoffs or championship in ESPN 30 for 30 documentaries.

One thing NY fans have is this arrogance that because your New York guys will just levitate to them in the off season. Not only Lebron but Bosh and Wade because these are some of the biggest names coming up. The actuality is that unless your franchise makes some major moves quick you may very well be !%$#$@ forever. or at least for the next season

But lastly and on that note, to address the statement I made earlier, your right. No one knows when New York will be better but all I can go by is what I see. I'm not Nostradamus but you don't HAVE to be to see that the organization has made COUNTLESS mistakes that only lead me to believe they just want to sale tickets and not actually become better. But I will agree that your right its unfair to say the Knicks will be !%$#$@ forever. they could get better soon in fact. With so many promising guys in the draft this year, I herby wish your team the best of luck with your first round pick this year in the draft...

Womp womp

All these awful and obvious mistakes were pre-Walsh in NYC. No first round pick, countless awful contracts, Eddy Curry's ******ed self, all was in the past. Walsh hasn't been perfect, but he inherited an awful team and did a good job at the initial goal, get under the cap and start over through free agency.

And you can find bias in nearly everything if you want to look hard enough. If the threat of free agency didn't exist for Lebron and the Cavs, fans on here wouldn't be so quick to snap and try to point and laugh at Knicks fans. If they're so insignificant and there's no shot Lebron leaves, why bother even addressing the rumors and hypothetical scenarios. Cavs and Lebron fans can be considered biased when talking about Kobe and the Lakers, or other top teams, since they pose a thread to your title hopes this year. You can make up assumed biases very easily.

Anyway, this thread isn't even about the Knicks but you manage to bring in free agency and how "salty" Knicks fans must be because of Chris Bosh? What does that have to do with the Heat and Celtics? People complain about NY and free agency and can't wait for the Knicks to strike out, but a lot of the complaints are all self-inflicted and people bring up the Knicks into the conversation. We have a 500 page thread and most of us are content to keep our speculations and hypotheticals in there, keep to the topics at hand.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Anyway, this thread isn't even about the Knicks but you manage to bring in free agency and how "salty" Knicks fans must be because of Chris Bosh? What does that have to do with the Heat and Celtics? People complain about NY and free agency and can't wait for the Knicks to strike out, but a lot of the complaints are all self-inflicted and people bring up the Knicks into the conversation. We have a 500 page thread and most of us are content to keep our speculations and hypotheticals in there, keep to the topics at hand.
Exactly.  The comment I made was made as a fan of basketball, not as a self-interested Knicks fan. I've never been one for speculation about who should or might be coming to NY - not in anyone else's thread or even our own Knicks thread. In fact, I'm bored with the subject as well as bored with other Knick fans who waste their time on the subject. It's clowns like this Brandon and Dadeguy character who actually make it about the Knicks and their fans time and time again by displaying their insecurities through moronic comments like "Oh, you're just a salty Knicks fan, you shouldn't be talking." Eff outta here.
Originally Posted by Brandon3000

Yea if I'm Dwayne Wade and I'm the biggest sports star in Miami and probably the biggest the city has EVER SEEN (lets remember he already won a championship, something those other Miami guys haven't gotten done in a while...) why would I go somewhere that's not only cold most of the year but where I'll also have to follow the legacy of the greatest basketball player of all time...
Are you even remotely suggesting that Wade is even close to approaching Dan's legacy in Miami? Please tell me that was a joke.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by Brandon3000

Yea if I'm Dwayne Wade and I'm the biggest sports star in Miami and probably the biggest the city has EVER SEEN (lets remember he already won a championship, something those other Miami guys haven't gotten done in a while...) why would I go somewhere that's not only cold most of the year but where I'll also have to follow the legacy of the greatest basketball player of all time...
Are you even remotely suggesting that Wade is even close to approaching Dan's legacy in Miami? Please tell me that was a joke.
He dont even know how to spell dwyane so i wouldnt take him serious. And what the hell are you talking about brandon. Your point? What point? I know Wade is staying in Miami I never said hes gonna be a knick net bull or whatever. You have no point its the obvious. He already said hes staying and its NY and CHI fans making up stuff saying they are gonna have Wade James Bosh .
I'm a Knicks fan, but how in the HELL did this become about us? smdh. There's a game in 2 hours. Figure out how to care about that one.

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Womp womp
All these awful and obvious mistakes were pre-Walsh in NYC.

Was taking Jordan Hill over Brandon Jennings pre-Walsh?

Originally Posted by Big J 33

And you can find bias in nearly everything if you want to look hard enough.

I agree with you, but I just feel like you didn't have to look that hard to find the biases in your statement.

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Cavs and Lebron fans can be considered biased when talking about Kobe and the Lakers, or other top teams, since they pose a thread to your title hopes this year.

not the lakers... it doesn't appear that way after last night... not right now atleast... but I can understand your point. To be honest I think the way every team is stepping their game up (inckluding the bulls), each oponent the Cavs will have on the road to the finals poses a threat. The funny thing here on Niketalk, and I know for a fact others a gree with me, is many Lakers fans hate on the Cavs or celebrate during the Cav's losses is because they feel just the way you said. Dudes are getting insecure about their teams and throwing rocks at the throne.

Originally Posted by Big J 33

We have a 500 page thread and most of us are content to keep our speculations and hypotheticals in there, keep to the topics at hand

I'm sayin my man you wanna take it outside
I'm off this topic for now...

but yea I'm just trying to engage in some type of dialogue while there are no games going on. Excuse me for not coloring in the lines no .... matter of fact like Kanye say @$!# ya coloring book hahaha.

Knicks fans and anyone else don't be so sensitive. We're just having a conversation/debate. no need to get up in arms. Truth is I went to much more knicks games at the garden this year than cavs games thats the only reason I'm speaking about the Knicks. Almost every game I attended were close losses (with the exception of Denver @ NY) where I think coach Dantoni made poor decisions and consequently they lost. ANYWAYS THO...

Miami winning today or they gettin swept?

(sidebar) so I mighta got carried away saying "ever seen" lol sue me. but in my defense, Dan Marino is awesome and was one of the best QB's ever, but as far as legacy goes, if Dwyane Wade sticks around he's already got a shot at being the single biggest sports star of Miami because he's actually seen the mountain top in contemporary Miami days. Miami's got a rich sports herritage but when at the end of the day if your debating D.Wade and D.Marino, besides sports they played theres always going to be ONE BIG DIFFERENCE...
The Heat are going to start off playing with alotta heart & energy.. But the #BostonCeltics are TOO GOOD!!!!!

Let's go NT family!!! Ya'll ready for the sweep?!!?!?!?!

i love the fact that these teams are starting to hate each other. at least some of the players
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