NBA heads: Who has the best range in the league?

Originally Posted by Japs24

@ Marbury
at this dude mking a "Who in the NBA got the most range"threa and posting a Chris Duhon

but for real i remember this game in Miami and my man Chris had the feeeel

* Wade killed us that game though, both times in Miami i was at the 2nd one when he dropped 55
Originally Posted by THE GR8

at this dude mking a "Who in the NBA got the most range" threa and posting a Chris Duhon

but for real i remember this game in Miami and my man Chris had the feeeel

* Wade killed us that game though, both times in Miami i was at the 2nd one when he dropped 55
@ this dude not reading what I said in the first thread either
Arenas can easily shoot from half court if he wanted.

Durnt is up there too, he doesnt show it a lot but he has such an effortless jumpshot so im assuming he can shoot from anywhere easily.
Okay, just because these players have made a half court shot, doesn't mean they have the best range.

best range is when your shooting form doesn't change much even if you're way further from 3pt-line.

This is main reason why Tracy McGrady has the best range BY FAR.

All the NBA players can make a half-court shot, but it's just the matter of the changes of shooting form and the effort they put in.

TMAC and VC are really smooth and effortless even from near half-court.

And no way Duhon is up there.
Originally Posted by grittyman20

Tried to do a search on Youtube and this Chris Duhan video came up...

Not that I think dude has range like that, but obviously he was feeling it that day....
That one by the American Airlines sign was sick.

A few guys come to mind when I think of unlimited range...Kobe, JR Smith, Arenas, and maybe VC.

I'm not talking about guys who shoot these type shots at the end of quarters either....all of those cats will pull those ridiculous shots at any given time in a game.

One more time for those that don't read/comprehend.
Originally Posted by daprescription

Arenas and J.R. Smith are the first names that popped in my head.
WORD^^^. But I didnt even know Duhon can shoot 3's
Originally Posted by TheRav4

Thought I'd throw Mike Miller in there as well.
I was now about to add him ........... I remember when he came into the league he was wetting half court threes, and I'm talking aboutstraight up shots not throw ups like it was nothing during warmups
JWill had mad range for a small dude.

Ive got the game vs the Suns his rookie year on tape when he roasted JKidd about 5 times from 3 with just 3 dribbles over halfcourt.

Jason was never consistant enough but that rookie year he had no consience at all took alot of crazy deep bombs and made his fair share.

Its one thing to shoot them at the end of quarters n halfs but Jason was puttin em up in regular play on a nightly basis.

I would say Marbury had tha best range because he shot a regular jumper from halfcourt a few times no forceing or changein his form just a regular shot VC is aclose second.

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