NBA Jam creator rigged the game so the Bulls couldn't make last second shots

He done opened the flood gates now, he told him it was safe to confess that? Now some douche bag is going to try and sue for mental anguish or something because he couldn't beat the game with the bulls.
What's the rumor we hear about NBA Jam being haunted?

We had already finished making NBA Jam when Drazen Petrovic died. The game had already shipped and he was on the Nets. So we had all of these coin-op machines around, and one night we were playing Mortal Kombat and there was a Jam machine next to it, and all of a sudden the game started calling out "Petrovic!" "Petrovic!" And this only happened after Petrovic had died. Everyone started freaking out. Something weird was going on with the software, and to this day, if you have an original NBA Jam machine every once in a while it will just yell out "Petrovic!" It's wild.

My man Petrovic still draining it from deep 
. I heard that before though, still doesn't get old.   
NBA Showtime was nice too.. with the NBA on NBC theme song.. TMAC and Vince on the raptors all day.
That lie reminds me of the 2-3 kids in my neighborhood that always claimed they had the "Jordan Code", but never gave it up lol. That bitterness ran really deep because the Pistons were on a downward spiral during that time and the Bulls were top dog. I used to kill with Pip & Grant so it never came down to last second shots. I played with every team though. My other faves were Charlotte, Seattle, Phoenix and even the Knicks. At the bottom of the center courtline, you will never miss from 3 lol.
y'all never played with utah? team was crazy good
Stockton's J
Hate the dude, though.

Anyways, I really am a little butthurt about this. I was the Bulls literally hundreds of times, and I'm sure I lost some money/ had to do something stupid because of this *** wipe.
This is reallll old news...heard this a few years back when the crappy relaunch came out.  Still cool though.
I remember this, I think they called him "M player" or something. :lol:

Best dude in the game didn't have a name. I think it was called In the Zone 2 or something like that.

i believe his name was "Roster Player" :lol:
What about the dunks doe

There was some PS1 game I think it was a NBA Live that just had a guy named Player in place of Jordan. He wasnt in Live until 2000 I think.

Yup I knew I was right, it was Live 96. The thing about it is, "Player" was trash
it made no sense
But MJ was in Live 96 though, if you knew what you were doing.....
Do tell cause I was 8

The thing that makes it even funnier is that I'm pretty sure there was also a script that made it so that games more often than not came down to the wire. Blowouts were rare in NBA Jam. If you're down all of a sudden you can't miss. So Bulls fans probably were getting the gas face every other game lol.
 Noticed this in NFL Blitz too. If you went up big, chances were your passes would be picked off or you would fumble a lot easier. My friends never believed me.
Man ever since Mario Kart I've never doubted that this is in any arcade style sports game, they just dont flaunt it like Mario Kart does.
I remember this, I think they called him "M player" or something. 

Best dude in the game didn't have a name. I think it was called In the Zone 2 or something like that.
i believe his name was "Roster Player" 
This feels like it was it, hated seeing it so much
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@ Antidope, I think it was mentioned earlier in the thread, but with those "Roster" players all you do is change their last names and the actual player pops up. Works with almost any legend you can think of. If you have an emulator, try it.
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