NBA Off-Season News Thread: Roy extends 80/5, AI to Grizz, Chandler/Okafor swap, Marquis to C's.

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Josh Howard has never been at any point in time on the same level as Manu Ginobili, injured or not, such a suggestion is absurd.

Stop it... I love Manu's game, but you've got a seriously inflated view of what Manu is...

When Josh Howard is healthy, he's every bit as good as Manu Ginobili...

stop it

Josh Howard is a bum compared to Manu
who is out there for him to sign? OKC has said many of times they will not spend money just to spend it, this is not memphis where ever other day there is a rumor of them signing someone, OCK has said since day 1 they will not throw away money just to say they signed someone

I thought they were looking at Millsap or Lee? Are they really going to continue to roll with Green as their starting PF? Its funny how to throw Memphis namein there when they aren't the ones rumored to sign somebody everyday. It's PORTLAND. Portland has been rumored to go after Lee, Millsap, Bass, Odom,Turkoglu, etc. They are the one's just throwing money out there for the hell of it, not Memphis.

Memphis has only been rumored to signed Lee and now Iverson. When Memphis talks about not throwing away money to just to sign someone, its a bad move. Beconsistent with what you say about any team. OKC should go after a PF who can rebound and get dirty if they want to do anything in the future. Either that orthey make a trade. Green at PF isn't going to get them far.

there you go again thinking like a homer
Where in my statement did I think like a homer? I'm waiting to hear this because I didn't see nothing in there that made me seem like ahomer. That's all I have to say about that.

Portland is handling this situation stupid. If Roy was really a @%#* you type dude, he would just say I'll become a FA when the time comes since theydon't seem to think I've done enough to be considered a max player.
Manu is a phenomenal player, and what he has the Mavericks could use substantially.

Would I trade Howard for Manu? Probably.

But acting as if one is ahead of the other substantially, is silly.

Manu's offensive game is more versatile, while Howard's overall game is more versatile.

And TP is better than Kidd right now, yes. But it's not like TP is lightyears ahead of Kidd. Only thing he's lightyears ahead of him in is scoring andspeed.

Take Kidd off this team and we're going no where, fast.
Parker is better than Kidd, hands down...

I just don't see much difference between Howard/Marion and Manu/Jefferson...
Morey said he is pursuing another free agent, and hoped to announce another signing "in the next week or two." But he said the Rockets mostly likely would acquire a center to replace Yao through a trade this summer.

Any ideas who it can be?
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Manu's offensive game is more versatile, while Howard's overall game is more versatile.
Yeeeeaaaaah, about that, whoever you are that hacked into Japan's account, could you draw me a picture here as to what it is you're talkinabout? Are you refering to defense? Or passing, dribbling, speed, whaaaa, what're we talkin here? No jokes, I need you to explain this one to me.

Also, let me know when Japan gets back from vacation, preciate it, thx.


Mike, I see what you mean now by at least try the 4, and see if he accepts, and if not go for the 5. I got ya. But that has to have at least some risk if Roytakes it the wrong way ya know? What if he got real bent outta shape about it? He shouldn't, he's a good dude, but if he did look at it as a hugeslap in the face, it would cost Portland dearly.
the gap between Kidd right now and TP right now is HUGE with TP been the better of the 2, the gap between and Heathly Howard and a Heathly Manu is also HUGEwith Manu been the better of the 2

When Memphis talks about not throwing away money to just to sign someone, its a bad move. Be consistent with what you say about any team. OKC should go after a PF who can rebound and get dirty if they want to do anything in the future. Either that or they make a trade. Green at PF isn't going to get them far.
your owner has a recent history of been CHEAP, OKC has said they will let there young team grow for a few years before they spending money

its seems like you trying to force people to call out other teams and GM to get the heat off your horse %%+# team
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Manu's offensive game is more versatile, while Howard's overall game is more versatile.
Yeeeeaaaaah, about that, whoever you are that hacked into Japan's account, could you draw me a picture here as to what it is you're talkin about? Are you refering to defense? Or passing, dribbling, speed, whaaaa, what're we talkin here? No jokes, I need you to explain this one to me.
He has better defense, he is a better rebounder. Josh's defense can't be underestimated. Versatility to guard multiple positions. He useshis length to his advantage.

I'm not comparing their careers, I'm saying, right now, as they stand, it's not like there's a huge gap in their play. Manu has been injured alot recently, a looooot.
Morey said he's gonna try and nab a C via trade. Makes sense since the C's left aren't really anybody to write home about. Probably a 2 since TMacis out for half a year if not more. I say they're targetting a cheap 2 and Shane being shopped around.
^why is shane being shopped? because of ariza's arrival?
shane/ariza on the wing is pretty scary defensively.
Mike, I see what you mean now by at least try the 4, and see if he accepts, and if not go for the 5. I got ya. But that has to have at least some risk if Roy takes it the wrong way ya know? What if he got real bent outta shape about it? He shouldn't, he's a good dude, but if he did look at it as a huge slap in the face, it would cost Portland dearly.
I don't think there is no way to justify it. Any team could try this approach, but that doesn't make it right. I think they tried to takeadvantage of Roy's "niceness".

your owner has a recent history of been CHEAP, OKC has said they will let there young team grow for a few years before they spending money
Bingo. I knew you didn't know what you were talking about.

So, OKC has said they will let there young team grow for a few years before they spend money. Heisley said the EXACT same thing. He said that he's notgoing to add a player onto the roster just to spend money. If he adds a guy, they have to fit the mold of them re-building for 3 yrs and still allowingimprovement in the team itself and he wants to add players that will help the team win boosting its market value. Yes, he makes questionable moves (like theZ-Bo trade), but he stuck with his plan. I could care less how people feel about the team, but come clean when another GM is @$(*@ up.

But, nobody will ever mention it because they will just call him cheap. Heisley is cheap in a way, but don't try to act like OKC is "all good"because they trying to let their young team grow. Heisley spent his fair share in the market during Memphis playoff years.

I don't know who said it, but there was someone on here claiming how long can you keep a young core together without adding a significant veteran piece? Ibelieve it was you during the time when Portland was trying to sign Turkoglu.

When Memphis tries to let there young team grow, they aren't trying hard enough. Don't give me that bull.

Different team. Same scenario.
Originally Posted by BangDak


If Portland does get Millsap, that could make Pryzbilla expendable. Portland is also looking for a quality SF.

Battier for Pryzbilla perhaps? Maybe Portland throws in Outlaw too.
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Mike, I see what you mean now by at least try the 4, and see if he accepts, and if not go for the 5. I got ya. But that has to have at least some risk if Roy takes it the wrong way ya know? What if he got real bent outta shape about it? He shouldn't, he's a good dude, but if he did look at it as a huge slap in the face, it would cost Portland dearly.
I don't think there is no way to justify it. Any team could try this approach, but that doesn't make it right. I think they tried to take advantage of Roy's "niceness".

your owner has a recent history of been CHEAP, OKC has said they will let there young team grow for a few years before they spending money
Bingo. I knew you didn't know what you're talking about.

So, OKC has said they will let there young team grow for a few years before they spend money. Heisley said the exact same thing. But, nobody will ever mention it because they will just call him cheap. Heisley is cheap in a way, but don't try to act like OKC is "all good" because they trying to let their young team grow. Heisley spent his fair share in the market during Memphis playoff years.

I don't know who said it, but there was someone on here claiming how long can you keep a young core together without adding a significant veteran piece? I believe it was you during the time when Portland was trying to sign Turkoglu.

When Memphis tries to let there young team grow, they aren't trying hard enough. Don't give me that bull.

Different team. Same scenario.

they def. took advantage of roy, and i really wouldn't mind taking him in new york.
and i think that was me
Shane is great, but the Rockets only have like 4 trade assets. Tmac, Shane, Brooks and Landry, in that order. The Yao + TMac era is over, and Morey is lookingtowards the future. Ariza is not a SG, and is basically Shane's replacement.
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Originally Posted by BangDak


If Portland does get Millsap, that could make Pryzbilla expendable. Portland is also looking for a quality SF.

Battier for Pryzbilla perhaps? Maybe Portland throws in Outlaw too.
imo, joel > oden right now. oden hasn't proved anything, and im a fan of him. he only has one legit year under his belt, but what if henever lives up to his potential? i rather go safe and take joel.
port. doesnt want outlaw and blake, so they'll try to do something like tmac+battier for outlaw+blake+oden. idk if contracts match though./
Manu > Josh Howard

And yes the difference is substantial.

If Wade for whatever reason doesn't wanna re-sign here, besides Lebron I would consider a trade for Roy + Filler.

Roy/Alridge + 1 pick for Wade
Portland is not giving up Oden anytime soon. He can be a bum next year and they'll still be optimistic about his future (CP?

I don't think they'll give up Fernanez either, unless he goes public about a trade demand.
and i think that was me

Ah ok. I knew it was somebody.

Portland shouldn't give up on Joel. He's been good for them when Oden didn't come through. And a frontline of Aldridge, Millsap and Oden would be
. I know Aldridge won't play center when Oden's out. Ifthey give Millsap this huge offer, I see them trading away Aldridge.
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

If Portland does get Millsap, that could make Pryzbilla expendable. Portland is also looking for a quality SF.

Battier for Pryzbilla perhaps? Maybe Portland throws in Outlaw too.

If Portland overspends on Millsap and gets rid of Pryzbilla, I swear on everything I'm going to lose my mind.

The only positive about Millsap is that I like his game more than Aldridges... maybe we sign Millsap as a replacement for LA?

%%$#, I don't know what they're doing.

This team is pissing me off.
look u +%!%%#* clown we bash memphis because they are trading for fat boy zach and may sign AI thats 2 vets that dont fit on that young team
I don't know who said it, but there was someone on here claiming how long can you keep a young core together without adding a significant veteran piece? I believe it was you during the time when Portland was trying to sign Turkoglu.

OKC just started to rebuild and has had the same core for 2 years now so what was your poing again clown?

Heisley spent his fair share in the market during Memphis playoff years.
i said recent history so try again $%+*%#!

When Memphis tries to let there young team grow, they aren't trying hard enough. Don't give me that bull.
bringing in zach and AI is not letting a young team grow with each other, so again u $%+*%#! clown TRY AGAIN

read back what is the main bashing of Memphis? u bringing to vets that shouldn't be on this team if your trying to let the young players 'grow"

if OKC traded for zach and was going to sign AI we would all be bashing them also so you can sit you clown !!! down trying to throw another team under the busto save face of your own
Aldridge at C with Millsap at PF could work in spots. Millsap could "hide" Aldridge's lack of rebounding while doing the dirty work in the paintwhile Aldridge shoots his 17 foot jumpers.
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