NBA Off-Season News Thread: Roy extends 80/5, AI to Grizz, Chandler/Okafor swap, Marquis to C's.


When can trades be made? Is there a date for that? Draft night? I'm hoping for some action within the next few days...
That was nice Xtrap.

Boston losin their damn mind tryna move Rondo. Didn't Stuckey pretty much destroy what Detroit was doin, now Boston wants to hand him the keys? And whatthe hell is wrong with Detroit? Take that deal, let all them peices walk after this season, and have Rondo, a top pick, and a billion dollars to try and pry acouple big namers to play along side Rondo in 2010.

Dumars got that Portland thing in his head where he over values his players.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by mrtramericanjr

i been saying rondo isnt as good as prople on this board make him out to be, boston was a good system for him, take that system away and see what happens

You Can say tHAt. BUt I caN think of CErtain other plaYer people have Been sayIng the same Lame thing about and those peopLe are very qUiet now that this Player playS for another team.
billups is a different animal , dude has a proven jumper, and was an allstar you cant compare billups to rondo

rondo on the other hand is the 4th best player on his team , u tend to get overlooked, i aint buying his success this year, boston tried to trade him to 3other teams for a reason
Originally Posted by RetroBaller

Yes Morey is open to trading T-Mac!
I don't think he has a choice.

With Yao's uncertain status, that team needs a shakeup.

Your top two players are injury-prone. One of 'em has to go.
Rajon Rondo's agent is upset over comments made by Celtics president Danny Ainge on WEEI Thursday morning.
Ainge said that Rondo has "got to grow up," and added, "his presence hurt us" against the Magic in the Eastern Conference semifinals. He also said that Rondo wasn't a "max contract player," and admitted that Rondo was fined for being tardy to postseason games.

Agent Bill Duffy was taken back by the comments.

"I am just surprised that Danny is speaking, even if he considers it constructively, in a public setting [about Rondo]," Duffy told the Boston Globe. "I don't think that it's appropriate to say that about one of your top players. Even if it's spoken constructively, I don't think it should be done in public. I don't think [Ainge] would like it if [Celtics managing partner] Wyc [Grousbeck] was talking about him in public.

"What they're saying about him critically is actually an asset to him. He is feisty. He is competitive, yes. Last time I checked they won a world championship with him at point guard. If the team wasn't hurting they might have done it again this year. Rondo's tough love from Danny isn't necessary. He's self-motivated and a self-starter."

Rondo wouldn't comment on what Ainge said, but Duffy said that his client "knows" and that "he's all right."
dont know if its been stated in here but right before i went to sleep last night i saw on the ESPN ticker that Yaos foot isnt healing.
Rondo was the best Celtic this postseason, dude will be an all-star for years to come, they should ship Allen for an expiring contract so they can have room tokeep Rondo in 2010, as he is there youngest player
I would LOVE to have a PG like Rondo in Minnesota, but I think he is only valuable on a team like the Celtics where he is surrounded by veterans.

If he was on a young team, I think his lack of maturity would really be exposed. He needs a few more years to mature into a great leader.

He's the man though.
Originally Posted by Wasps and Asps

dont know if its been stated in here but right before i went to sleep last night i saw on the ESPN ticker that Yaos foot isnt healing.
Does anyone have more info about this?
Franchise, you don't want Amare, trust me on that man.

Fakest player in the league right there. Dude is a bum. And you know what I think of TMac, and I still wouldn't do that deal.
I think because how fragile Yao is, they're gunning for a front court player.

We'll see what happens.

But I think if the Suns are serious about shipping off Amare, they could go to the Bulls and get Deng + Tyrus + filler which is a better deal than the Rocketsdeal
So...I wonder what "direction" the Suns are going in this offseason. Their plan seems to change every summer. Please get rid of Kerr...NOW!
Originally Posted by franchise3

I think because how fragile Yao is, they're gunning for a front court player.

We'll see what happens.

But I think if the Suns are serious about shipping off Amare, they could go to the Bulls and get Deng + Tyrus + filler which is a better deal than the Rockets deal
i'll give you deng, but TT is not available.

Please BULLS, don't do it...
Originally Posted by mjd77

So...I wonder what "direction" the Suns are going in this offseason. Their plan seems to change every summer. Please get rid of Kerr...NOW!
Well, it looks like they're trying to blow up the team so that they can be players in the summer of 2010. Maybe they'll land Bosh and JoeJohnson/Wade.

But I think if the Suns are serious about shipping off Amare, they could go to the Bulls and get Deng + Tyrus + filler which is a better deal than the Rockets deal
That's only a better deal if Deng is worth $10M and/or they're able to get rid of Richardson for a deal that expires after next season.

Edit: I just looked at the Bulls payroll. If Phoenix doesn't value Deng, they can ask for Brad Miller instead. Phoenix would wind up with their own lottery pick (if they haven't already traded it away
), Tyrus Thomas, and the cap space to go after two toptier free agents. You're right, if the Suns want to get rid of Amare, chicago seems to be the best place to send him.
That would be a horrible trade for PHX.

But then again they just want to save $$$, no surprise there.
Well the suns know they will lose Amare anyway. so really they would get Brooks and Landry out of him. and use the money they get from mac coming off the bookdon someone next year. it makes some sense but is this the best deal for them?
Phoenix might as well pull the trigger. The Rockets need a backup bigman too. Yao is bound to get hurt again.
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

Originally Posted by mjd77

So...I wonder what "direction" the Suns are going in this offseason. Their plan seems to change every summer. Please get rid of Kerr...NOW!
Well, it looks like they're trying to blow up the team so that they can be players in the summer of 2010. Maybe they'll land Bosh and Joe Johnson/Wade.

But I think if the Suns are serious about shipping off Amare, they could go to the Bulls and get Deng + Tyrus + filler which is a better deal than the Rockets deal
That's only a better deal if Deng is worth $10M and/or they're able to get rid of Richardson for a deal that expires after next season.

Edit: I just looked at the Bulls payroll. If Phoenix doesn't value Deng, they can ask for Brad Miller instead. Phoenix would wind up with their own lottery pick (if they haven't already traded it away
), Tyrus Thomas, and the cap space to go after two top tier free agents. You're right, if the Suns want to get rid of Amare, chicago seems to be the best place to send him.

Now that they've gotten Shaq's salary off the books, and there is certainly a good chance Amare could be moved, I really have the feelingBosh will end up signing with PHX.
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