NBA Off-Season News Thread: Roy extends 80/5, AI to Grizz, Chandler/Okafor swap, Marquis to C's.

memphis has nothing to offer new york..IMO.
maybe that center you picked since you guys have gasol, but eh.
most likely boozer if he opts out because the jazz are only interested in keeping millsap.
I'd like to see Paul Millsap in Memphis, but I think Utah will keep him. I'm up in the air about David Lee, but I don't want Carlos Boozer. Heanswers some needs, but he's a liability on defense, injury prone and will command a lot of money. I wouldn't be surprised if Memphis"settled" for one of the LSU PFs (Brandon Bass or Glen Davis) at a lower rate.
Originally Posted by BangDak

memphis has nothing to offer new york..IMO.
maybe that center you picked since you guys have gasol, but eh.
most likely boozer if he opts out because the jazz are only interested in keeping millsap.

Why does Memphis have to offer NY anything? They can just sign him and if NY really wants to keep him that bad, then they will match the offer we made. If welose out on him, then oh well. NY just got Hill, so I think that would make Lee a little more expendable. I don't see Memphis adding a PF in free agency,but substracting the bigs they already have.

If Millsap takes the first offer sheet that Utah gave him, then its obvious he doesn't care about money that much and is comfortable where he's at.I'm really hoping he would just test the waters and see what other teams would offer him.

I think I would rather have Millsap or Lee > Boozer due to their age and the type of players they're. The thing is, giving them a 10+ mil contract isquestionable. It just seems that Boozer only wants the money and he's more injury prone than any player. This is Memphis chance to show that they'relooking to win if they can go out and sign one of these guys and maybe sign a 6th man type player off the bench.

I wouldn't be surprised if Memphis "settled" for one of the LSU PFs (Brandon Bass or Glen Davis) at a lower rate.
Bass is also an option too. Just imagine Memphis going from one of the worse rebounding and defensive teams in the league to one of the best withthe additions they could make this off-season.
walsh isn't ******ed. if anything, he'll just let him move back to spain. nate/lee is most likely all they'll get because they're going to be asking too much. i really doubt chandler would be shipped, but if he is, its only to clear the logjam at the 3.
walsh isnt ******ed but all of a sudden Kuhn is. ThatD.Lee+Nate offer is trash. Not because the players arent talented, but because it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever for the Twolves. Hey, lets give up aplayer who could potentially be one of the best players in the league for a PF in David Lee when they already have Jefferson and Love and a 5'9" SG/PGwho will never be more than a 6th man. Not to mention they already have Flynn and Bassy at PG.

If you want the kid you will have to give up Chandler.

Edit: And if Lee gets 10 mil a year like he is planning then that is even more ******ed for the Twolves.

The only thing that the Knicks have to offer the Twolves is Chandler
@ any team that gives guys like David Lee or Paul Millsap $10Ma year... Same goes for anybody giving Big Baby or Brandon Bass mid-level type money...
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

@ any team that gives guys like David Lee or Paul Millsap $10M a year... Same goes for anybody giving Big Baby or Brandon Bass mid-level type money...

its going to happen though. I mean, Kwame fricken Brown was getting like 9 mil a year based off of nothing more then promise. If crap like that happens inthe NBA, what do you think a you player who has proven they can be good player in the league will get.
bhz: i honestly dont know much of a difference between restricted FA, and unrestricted, so excuse me on that part.
and ^the g8 put it in the ny knicks offseason post. read it.
i mean, fine you dont have to take nate/lee, but thats the best offer you're going to get for rubio. reports are saying that hes most likely going tohouston/ny, most likely ny. take it for waht its worth.
The NBA free agency market is oversatured though. Teams have to overpay to keep or acquire their talent. Very rarely will you have a deal between teams andplayers that is reasonable these days. Ideally, teams wouldn't want to pay someone like Paul Millsap $8-10M per season, but these days teams have to.

bhz: I think Brandon Bass would be a nice fit on the team. He's athletic, tough and has a reliable mid-range jump shot. Hopefully he won't command toomuch money. A 3 year-$10M would be preferably, but I doubt that's negotiable these days. However, I look at Bass and think Darrell Arthur can do the samethings (or close to it) at a cheaper price. We'll see though.
just caught that article

the people running Memphis are on crack. Passing up on Stat or t-mac or a nice power foward

(if u lived in the m you'd know that goes deeper than the grizzlies also
With Thabeet, Gasol and Haddadi, Memphis needs a PF that can extend the floor a little too. Charlie V would be a nice pick up as well.

if Memphis has a UConn frontline of Gay / Charlie V / Thabeet.
If Rudy has issues with sharing the ball with O.J., I can't even begin to imagine how it would be with Villanueva added to the equation. Connecticutalumni, be damned.
Originally Posted by Scottsauce88

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

@ any team that gives guys like David Lee or Paul Millsap $10M a year... Same goes for anybody giving Big Baby or Brandon Bass mid-level type money...
its going to happen though. I mean, Kwame fricken Brown was getting like 9 mil a year based off of nothing more then promise. If crap like that happens in the NBA, what do you think a you player who has proven they can be good player in the league will get.
Oh it'll happen, there's no doubt about that...

But for teams like Memphis, it makes no damn sense whatsoever... If you wanted one of these types of guys, there were probably at least a couple of them to behad in the second round just a few nights ago...

Those types are nice. And they're valuable. But they aren't worth the contract numbers people are throwing around..
^CV would be a good pickup, but if he's unrestricted, and I'm asking this just as a general question, why would he go to Memphis instead of acontender? Has there been any info on him being interested in Memphis?
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by Scottsauce88

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

@ any team that gives guys like David Lee or Paul Millsap $10M a year... Same goes for anybody giving Big Baby or Brandon Bass mid-level type money...
its going to happen though. I mean, Kwame fricken Brown was getting like 9 mil a year based off of nothing more then promise. If crap like that happens in the NBA, what do you think a you player who has proven they can be good player in the league will get.
Oh it'll happen, there's no doubt about that...

But for teams like Memphis, it makes no damn sense whatsoever... If you wanted one of these types of guys, there were probably at least a couple of them to be had in the second round just a few nights ago...

Those types are nice. And they're valuable. But they aren't worth the contract numbers people are throwing around..

But, are those guys proven? I would've love for us to draft Blair in the 2nd round, but I don't know why we didn't take a chance on him.There's a difference between Lee/Millsap and unproven players. Millsap has playoff experience, well coached, efficient and still only 24 years old. DarrellArthur is a guy that I thought would actually translate well to teh NBA, but it just seems like he don't have the IQ. There are so many problems when heplay and I think its more than rookie mistakes.

CV would be a good pickup, but if he's unrestricted, and I'm asking this just as a general question, why would he go to Memphis instead of a contender? Has there been any info on him being interested in Memphis?
Charlie V isn't 35 years old, thats why he would go to the team that gives him a good amount of money.
Money talks. I don't care if you're in Wyoming, if you throw more moneyat a guy he will come. You just don't want to look stupid at the end of it all throwing a lot of money at a guy who isn't going to produce like it.

There hasn't been any info really leaked about who Memphis would look to go after other than a little bit about Boozer saying that his agent has talked tothe team a few times. I'm thinking with his some of his alum playing here that it would make it a more attractive situation. I would feel bad for OJ thoughbecause they would probably gain up on him if they don't get more shot attempts.
Villanueva, Gay and Mayo is a disaster waiting to happen. Not enough shots to go around for those three

Preferably, I want Memphis to aim for tough, veteran defensive minded players. There's enough scoring and youth with Gasol, Gay, Mayo and Conley.It's why I'm against bringing in players like Villanueva, Amare and Z-Bo.
im interested in a sign and trade for gay. dude is a blackhole imo...(dont kill me bhz)
imo, prince would be a great fit in this team, although i really doubt the pistons want to trade him. maybe if you give them expirings/draft picks sincethey're in a rebuilding mode.
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

But, are those guys proven? I would've love for us to draft Blair in the 2nd round, but I don't know why we didn't take a chance on him. There's a difference between Lee/Millsap and unproven players. Millsap has playoff experience, well coached, efficient and still only 24 years old. Darrell Arthur is a guy that I thought would actually translate well to teh NBA, but it just seems like he don't have the IQ. There are so many problems when he play and I think its more than rookie mistakes.
Well, for me... It's just not worth it... Lee and Millsap aren't franchise cornerstones. They aren't guys you build around...They're just not... They're supporting pieces... And I'm not trying to pay energy and glue guys $10M a year under any circumstances...
Originally Posted by JDB1523

^CV would be a good pickup, but if he's unrestricted, and I'm asking this just as a general question, why would he go to Memphis instead of a contender? Has there been any info on him being interested in Memphis?
He's still young, he doesn't need to try and latch onto a contender just yet... And really, Charlie played 25 minutes of inefficientbasketball a night on a bad basketball team... How much do you think he'll realistically play on a contender? To me, he's a less productive ZachRandolph... Pass.
Originally Posted by BangDak

im interested in a sign and trade for gay. dude is a blackhole imo...(dont kill me bhz)
imo, prince would be a great fit in this team, although i really doubt the pistons want to trade him. maybe if you give them expirings/draft picks since they're in a rebuilding mode.
Tayshaun Prince is exactly the type of player I want Memphis to aim from now on. He's experienced, reliable, can defend, hitjump shots, and so forth (sounds like Shane Battier
). It sounds stupid when youcompare Prince and Rudy Gay's ages, potential and contract to each other, but I would be for a Prince and Gay trade. Only if Prince was two or three yearsyounger though.
Well, for me... It's just not worth it... Lee and Millsap aren't franchise cornerstones. They aren't guys you build around... They're just not... They're supporting pieces... And I'm not trying to pay energy and glue guys $10M a year under any circumstances...
on point you find those guys late in the draft like Lee and Millsap was.

Memphis is at the point just to spend money there going to over pay for one of those guys
old or not, hes an mature and PROVEN player. flame me all you want, but hes an great player which is why i doubt pistons would let him leave.
he has 2years left on his deal, which runs past 2010 free agency. its clear that the pistons are aiming for that, so if you might give them some cap relief,they MIGHT bite.
shane battier would be nice, but it shows how great this management was a few years back.
Jerry West was good (Mike Miller, Earl Watson, James Posey) but he had his fair share of mistakes (Drew Gooden, Troy Bell, Dahntay Jones, Brian Cardinal).

He lost that golden touch (and luck) he had with the Lakers
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Well, for me... It's just not worth it... Lee and Millsap aren't franchise cornerstones. They aren't guys you build around... They're just not... They're supporting pieces... And I'm not trying to pay energy and glue guys $10M a year under any circumstances...
on point you find those guys late in the draft like Lee and Millsap was.

Memphis is at the point just to spend money there going to over pay for one of those guys
If they do it, that'd be EXACTLY why... Just to spend cash and show people they aren't cheap...

But it'd come back to bite them in the $+@... Those guys don't make Memphis a playoff team. They don't put them anywhere close... You don'tsquander away cap space on those guys... They're available in EVERY draft... Just wait it out.

Nowitness41Dirk wrote:

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Well, for me... It's just not worth it... Lee and Millsap aren't franchise cornerstones. They aren't guys you build around... They're just not... They're supporting pieces... And I'm not trying to pay energy and glue guys $10M a year under any circumstances...
on point you find those guys late in the draft like Lee and Millsap was.

Memphis is at the point just to spend money there going to over pay for one of those guys
If they do it, that'd be EXACTLY why... Just to spend cash and show people they aren't cheap...

But it'd come back to bite them in the $+@... Those guys don't make Memphis a playoff team. They don't put them anywhere close... You don't squander away cap space on those guys... They're available in EVERY draft... Just wait it out.

I wouldn't say all that. Memphis already have their two primary scorers in OJ and Gay. Gasol can also score well in the post. You could say the same thignwhen Memphis did make the playoffs that a lineup of Williams, Bonzi, Battier, Gasol, Wright with Posey and Miller on the bench didn't make them a playoffteam. What that team was missing was a true perimeter scorer.

They just need players that know their role on the team. It will be a boring team with one of those guys, then you have a lot of blue collar guys that can playdefense but that doesn't mean they will win games. Take into fact that Memphis still needs a backup veteran PG as well. If Memphis would've just tookBlair in the 2nd round, they could've played a season with him.

As much as I hate to say it, I don't think Gay is going anywhere and I believe thats why Memphis doesn't plan on adding any other type of star powerto the anymore. I think they're fully committed to Conley, OJ and Gay as their primary players. They're just putting blue-collar, defense and 3-pointshooting players around them to make them better.
If OJ and Rudy don't get better together as players, then the team won't be going anywhere. This team is relying on them to show up next season.If they show up, play team ball, improve on their weaknesses, etc. then the other guys can do their job. If they continue to look lost (especially Rudy) and OJdoesn't get freedom to dominate the ball then expect the same results.
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