NBA player ALLEGEDLY got robbed by NY women vol. $750k of jewels

shouldve just taken the L and not report it to the authorities
were they "blood diamonds"
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He's obviously not buying gold bars. It's prob custom jewelry, which means a premium. Plus he'll never get the money he paid for the diamonds in them.

Guns, and butta.

End of day, probably some insurance scam.
 out of reps
Sound like a good come up :pimp:, Godbless those two chicks :pimp:. No pitty to those who flex so hard and then when something happen run to the cops....
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Sounds like an insurance claim scam honestly.

Who in their right mind would have that much out in the open in a bag :rolleyes

But as they always say... never underestimate the stupidity of people.
New York Post
@nypost Cops release surveillance video of the two women who allegedly robbed a Knicks player
New York Post
@nypost Cops release surveillance video of the two women who allegedly robbed a Knicks player

Damn, they were snow marsupials

I thought them **** were Somalian, probably when they left the holiday inn
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I take that back. After them releasing the surveillance footage, it seems real enough. Them girls bout to skip town.
Sounds like an insurance claim scam honestly.

Who in their right mind would have that much out in the open in a bag :rolleyes

But as they always say... never underestimate the stupidity of people.

I was thinking the same thing.

With how his career has turned out, he might need that $750 down the line.
They had this planned once he landed in nyc. Social engineering at its finest.
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All over the papers out here in NY today when I went to get breakfast.

Here's a story of another chick slipping dudes mickey's in their drinks robbing them.

She's also in the paper today too.

A bottle-blond teen from New Jersey has made a killing in the Big Apple by preying on wealthy men — getting picked up at bars and then ripping off her marks at their homes or hotels, sources told The Post.

Alexandra Martinez, 19, who was arrested Monday, targeted at least five men in Brooklyn and Manhattan — including one who took her back to the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Midtown — for a total haul of $58,000 in cash and pricey watches, the sources said.

Martinez, who allegedly slipped Mickeys into cocktails she stirred for at least two victims, was arraigned Wednesday in Brooklyn Criminal Court on grand larceny charges for two of the thefts.

Her arrest comes amid an alarming rise in high-end watch thefts in the city this year that was revealed by The Post — including at least 31 Rolexes taken by women who go after men in bars and clubs.

Most notably, a Beverly Hills watch dealer, Steven Rostovsky, told cops he lost a $590,000, limited-edition Greubel Forsey watch and $6,000 to two women he brought from a Midtown strip club to The Baccarat hotel in the predawn hours of Dec. 7.

Also, two women stole $750,000 in watches and jewelry from the Tribeca pad of Knicks forward Derrick Williams, who brought them home after meeting them in a nightclub.

Martinez, who has not been named as a suspect in those two thefts, had an accomplice in the Brooklyn jobs and picked their victims based on the value of their watches, prosecutors said.

“They typically meet the male victims at clubs or restaurants. The victims are usually wearing Rolex watches,” prosecutor Wilfredo Cotto said.

After working their way into the men’s luxury apartments, Martinez allegedly mixed drinks that knocked out the victims, who would later “awake to find their property missing,” Cotto said.

In one case, Martinez and her accomplice allegedly made off with four watches — three Rolexes and a Breitling, worth more than $38,500 — and $4,500 from an apartment at 257 Gold St.

The victim, 24, told cops he met the women at an Artichoke Pizza outlet before bringing them home at around 3 a.m. Sept. 4, the sources said.

In another case, Martinez and a crony allegedly pulled the same stunt on a 44-year-old man at around 4 a.m. Thanksgiving Day.

That victim told cops he invited the women up to his pad at 111 Lawrence St., where they swiped a $10,000-plus Rolex and about $800, according to court records.

Martinez allegedly worked alone in two of the Manhattan cases, including one in which a 34-year-old victim chased her down and caught her in a cab with his credit cards after she allegedly swiped his wallet while he was in the bathroom in his apartment at 52 Greenwich Ave. on July 22.

Martinez, who is charged with five counts of grand larceny, was released on $50,000 bond.

Defense lawyer Marianne Bertuna said Martinez would “vehemently” fight the charges.

View media item 1841562
View media item 1841566
But you wood... ******* or not.

And that's not the girl that robbed the NBA player that's another girl that goes around robbing high end dudes.
Side note: why does ghetto ******* never apply to white women. Its always referred to minorities especially black women. Even by the AA communities themselves. Its crazy how we look, talk, infer things about each other.

Back on topic: One of the Becky's had them thangs on all sides but i couldnt spot them in a crowd down here in the Meatpacking district. Dime a dozen on a friday night. 
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