NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

Fair enough. I can respect that. This is NT though. If a few stupid posts define someone, a lot of people on here would have some crappy reputations. I’ll own up to anything dumb I’ve ever posted on here and if it’s used against me, so be it.

But I pm’d you. I get where you’re coming from I honestly do.
How is it dumb? Maybe reading comprehension isn’t your strong point, or you selectively pick and choose what to look at while conveniently disregarding other parts, but I’m pretty sure I made it clear in my post multiple times that Cosby deserves to face the music and that even if these women had a questionable moral compass (which they did), it doesn’t downplay or justify any of Cosby’s actions.

As for the questionable moral compass part. That transcends gender here. Those women didn’t respect his marriage. He didn’t either, but how hard is it to say “You’re married, I don’t think your wife would like us going out for drinks, just the two of us” like any respectable person of integrity would. I’m sure his wife is pissed at him behind the scenes (she’s been defending him hard publicly), but I’m sure she also feels some type of way toward those women who KNEW he was a married man and still took up his invites for drinks anyway.

I’ll just put it like this. If you’re married with children and you’re trying to make plans to hang out and get drinks with some lady whom you know views you fondly and she goes along with it despite knowing of your marriage, it’s homewrecker behavior and both sides are wrong for that. Flip the roles around gender wise and the same applies. If they didn’t know he was married that’s one thing, but knowing he’s married and going along with his initial advances looks bad. Would be just as bad if me or you decided to go out for drinks with some married chick knowing damn well her husband wouldn’t be cool with that.

You’re reaching though and arguing just for the sake of arguing or wanting to find a reason to be outraged. It’s possible to mutually feel that Cosby did wrong and deserves to be punished while also feeling that anyone who knowingly goes along with the initial advances of a married person has questionable morals. You can have questionable morals and still be a victim. I’m not victim blaming at all here so the short skirt line is a foolish reach.

Why even bring up this whole moral compass argument?

Why would anyone respect his marriage if he doesn't? Again, I'm still not following why this is even relevant. Would this be different if he was single?

It's not really a reach, because ultimately you're victim blaming and downplaying the severity of what he did by using fallacious arguments about morals.
Why even bring up this whole moral compass argument?

Why would anyone respect his marriage if he doesn't? Again, I'm still not following why this is even relevant. Would this be different if he was single?

It's not really a reach, because ultimately you're victim blaming and downplaying the severity of what he did by using fallacious arguments about morals.

I get where you’re coming from. But Cosby is a predator, point blank. If he was single, married, divorced etc, what he did was wrong, foul and disgusting.

Regarding the respecting his marriage part. I’ll just put it like this. Those women didn’t owe his wife anything, but it’s the right thing to do even if Bill was totally disregarding his marriage.

It’s a whole other topic in its own right, but cheating, infidelity and not being faithful has become way too normalized these days.

I’m not victim blaming though. I didn’t intend to downplay what happened to those women, but if that’s how you took it, I get your perspective.
I get where you’re coming from. But Cosby is a predator, point blank. If he was single, married, divorced etc, what he did was wrong, foul and disgusting.

Regarding the respecting his marriage part. I’ll just put it like this. Those women didn’t owe his wife anything, but it’s the right thing to do even if Bill was totally disregarding his marriage.

It’s a whole other topic in its own right, but cheating, infidelity and not being faithful has become way too normalized these days.

I’m not victim blaming though. I didn’t intend to downplay what happened to those women, but if that’s how you took it, I get your perspective.

I'm not familiar with the details of each victims story, but the general MO seems to be they met Bill at some work related event, he would invite them over to his house or hotel for career advice/help, and he would slip them drugs.
I have read at least one victim saying Bill drugged the tea he gave her. So it doesn't sound like this was some romantic or pseudo romantic date. He invited them for a drink to discuss their careers. That doesn't sound like anything out of the ordinary or suspicious, especially considering Cosby's reputation at the time (giving back, putting minorities on in showbiz, etc)

Again, I fail to see what role his marriage plays in any of this. Maybe you can explain it to me.
If the cases were like the ones you mentioned above, in those the marriage part doesn’t play much of a role at all.

The inviting over to his hotel part is a little funny to me, even if he had the perfect clean image at the time. I was reading about cases where it was more of a date based encounter, those are the ones where I look at it the marriage part in all of this.
From what I've read, meetings in hotels in hollywood aren't all that strange, especially if he was out of town.

Maybe I am dense, but what does drugging and raping have to do with marriage? Cuz it really sounds like your saying because they were willing to have an affair, they're somehow to blame for being drugged and raped?
That last part is where you’re taking things out of context. I never tried to put any blame on them.

Just because they were willing to have an affair doesn’t mean any of what you’re trying to imply that I’m insinuating.

It is possible to mutually feel A. This man is a pervert for drugging and raping women and also feeling B. Both sides of this affair where they both know he’s married are out of line for having that affair, while lastly also feeling C. Even if they’re having an affair, he has no right to take things way beyond her consent especially without her knowledge.

All I’m saying on the affair part is that it looks poorly on anyone (male or female) if they knowingly partake in an affair with a married person, especially when it’s so many single people out there.
Love the tone deafness in talking about a rapist and bringing up the questionable moral compass of ppl who may have intended to cheat.

Wild dumb :lol:
All that **** he talked about hip hop and young black men lol now they gonna be kicking his old *** on the regular
Might be in poor taste but an imprisoned Cosby show would be funny.

Him getting punked left and right :lol: I hope he's in a prison with a couple dudes sagging. Plus I hope its not even the hardeet individuals treating him like a *****.

Just get a good Cosby impersonator.
This reminds me of this old Mad Tv Cosby skit: Coz ( a mixture of Oz and the Cosby Show)

All that **** he talked about hip hop and young black men lol now they gonna be kicking his old *** on the regular
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