NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

Im So Confused At What's Happening Here...
He signed a plea deal in 2005 to cooperate with civil suits in order to get immunity. The next DA said F that plea deal(which is wrong) and prosecuted him anyway and used the civil suit stuff on their case

you can’t go back on a plea deal. The DA is likely to get disbarred and a suit against the state
Im So Confused At What's Happening Here...

In 2005, Montgomery County District Attorney Bruce Castor learned that Andrea Constand had reported that William Cosby had sexually assaulted her in 2004 at his Cheltenham residence. Along with his top deputy prosecutor and experienced detectives, District Attorney Castor thoroughly investigated Constand’s claim. In evaluating the likelihood of a successful prosecution of Cosby, the district attorney foresaw difficulties with Constand’s credibility as a witness based, in part, upon her decision not to file a complaint promptly. D.A. Castor further determined that a prosecution would be frustrated because there was no corroborating forensic evidence and because testimony from other potential claimants against Cosby likely was inadmissible under governing laws of evidence. The collective weight of these considerations led D.A. Castor to conclude that, unless Cosby confessed, “there was insufficient credible and admissible [J-100-2020] - 2 evidence upon which any charge against Mr. Cosby related to the Constand incident could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.”1 Seeking “some measure of justice” for Constand, D.A. Castor decided that the Commonwealth would decline to prosecute Cosby for the incident involving Constand, thereby allowing Cosby to be forced to testify in a subsequent civil action, under penalty of perjury, without the benefit of his Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination. 2 Unable to invoke any right not to testify in the civil proceedings, Cosby relied upon the district attorney’s declination and proceeded to provide four sworn depositions. During those depositions, Cosby made several incriminating statements. D.A. Castor’s successors did not feel bound by his decision, and decided to prosecute Cosby notwithstanding that prior undertaking. The fruits of Cosby’s reliance upon D.A. Castor’s decisionCosby’s sworn inculpatory testimonywere then used by D.A. Castor’s successors against Cosby at Cosby’s criminal trial. We granted allowance of appeal to determine whether D.A. Castor’s decision not to prosecute Cosby in exchange for his testimony must be enforced against the Commonwealth. 3

Seems like...

-Cosby was accused, but DA decided not to charge because they didn't think they could not get a conviction given the evidence they had.

-Cosby made a deal with a DA to give a deposition during a Civil Case if there was an agreement he would not be criminally prosecuted for the accusations

-Cosby incriminated himself during the testimony thinking he good, he will never be charged

- The new DA breaks the agreement and prosecuted him anyway. After he snitched on himself

-Judge let it do to trial

-Cosby convicted

-PA Supreme Court judge rules the original agreement should have been binding, and no trial should have taken place
I understand why he is being released

But **** that low life for the rest of his miserable life

Gonna be funny to see dudes celebrate a rapist going free like he is Mandela :lol:

I already see people using this as "proof" that he's totally innocent

It's the right thing to do according to the law, but it's a real shame that a serial rapist is the person who sees the most benefit from it
He signed a plea deal in 2005 to cooperate with civil suits in order to get immunity. The next DA said F that plea deal(which is wrong) and prosecuted him anyway and used the civil suit stuff on their case

you can’t go back on a plea deal. The DA is likely to get disbarred and a suit against the state
I don't know about that part. Since a judge's ruling like the happen...
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Pennsylvania’s highest court overturned Bill Cosby’s sex assault conviction Wednesday after finding an agreement with a previous prosecutor prevented him from being charged in the case.

This is HUGE for due process.

The solution to sexual assault cannot be the denial of equal justice under law.

Prosecutors need to be held to account.

Nobody won. Not the victims, not Cosby, not anyone.

sorta slightly still confused...so the judgement/conviction was partly based on testimony that...shouldn't have been entered?
Seems like they knew they couldn’t put him in jail for good, so they just acted like they forgot because he’s old. Guilty or innocent bending the court system is not a good look. But he deserves it right? So it’s all good
That Becky tear pack some gas
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Bill finna stroll out of the jail in some Chelsea boots and become a hero to MRAs everywhere. Nasty, so nasty. :smh: :lol:

Anyway, we all know he is getting let out because he finally dropped his pursuit to buy NBC.
Bill got out just in time for his 84th bday. Son about to turn up.
Bill finna stroll out of the jail in some Chelsea boots and become a hero to MRAs everywhere. Nasty, so nasty. :smh: :lol:

Anyway, we all know he is getting let out because he finally dropped his pursuit to buy NBC.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

that’s the first thing I saw
“They locked him up because he tried to buy NBC 30years ago”
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