NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

Thanks, srs

But a couple things:

So it is one juror not multiple like Tariq claims.

The juror was question at length before getting the okay from Cosby's lawyers and they found no issue with him then.

Another dismissed juror claimed he said something but from another article I read the judge, and attorneys meet for hours about the motion to remove the juror, specifically to make sure the trial was fair, yet the juror was still sworn in.

Yeah, like on most topic these days, I'm just gonna not give a **** about Tariq Nasheed's opinion on it.
Would you dudes cite Tariq Nasheed in an academic paper? It seems like Tariq went from a pickup artist to a struggle sociologist overnight.
He was not that bad at the beginning of his transition to be honest. He was actually level head and some what insightful. But he just covered the basic.

Now it is his main hustle dude has gone off the deep end. Nearly all his antics are ti keep his core fan base upset, and suspicious of anyone he does not give a cosign.

He relies of ad hominien attacks when someone challenges him, pushes conspiracy theories, makes weak arguments constantly, and is a trash debater and ignorant on many topics he goes on about. But to be honest I think dude is good marketer though. A lot of his antics are to keep his core audience coming back and giving him money.

And his fans seem oblivious to how he plays them
He was not that bad at the beginning of his transition to be honest. He was actually level head and some what insightful. But he just covered the basic.

Now it is his main hustle dude has done off the deep end. Nearly all he does is keep his core fan base upset and suspicious of anyone he does not give a cosign.

He relies of ad hominien attacks when someone challenges him, pushes conspiracy theories, makes weak argument constantly and is a trash debater and ignorant on many topics he goes on about. But to be honest I think dude is good marketer. Because a lot of his antics are to keep his core audience coming back and giving him money.
So true. His hustle is good. Son copped a new crib and has nice whips.
What's wrong with Peterson IYO?
You haven't heard that lobster nonsense? Plus, I just don't find anything profound or groundbreaking about a dude who tells young men to clean their rooms and take care of themselves. Like, that some **** your folks are supposed to instill in you, only the lost would pay a guy to tell them that.
Jordan Peterson peddles much more dangerous nonsense, but his finesse game is better.

Dude got liberals and even some progressives (not that much now) falling for his shtick
I agree, he knows how to flirt with alt right talking points but not fully associate himself with them directly, it's why the more extreme people on that side like him and tucker carlson so much. They make those ideas seem normal.
You haven't heard that lobster nonsense? Plus, I just don't find anything profound or groundbreaking about a dude who tells young men to clean their rooms and take care of themselves. Like, that some **** your folks are supposed to instill in you, only the lost would pay a guy to tell them that.

I agree, he knows how to flirt with alt right talking points but not fully associate himself with them directly, it's why the more extreme people on that side like him and tucker carlson so much. They make those ideas seem normal.
Eh, which talking points specifically? I think on the surface a white guy saying identity politics is bad is comical in it's own right, but a lot of his missteps I see as stemming from him being a foreigner.

Having idiots praise you is not the same is being an idiot yourself. Also, Tucker Carlson and him are nowhere near the same in my opinion.
Eh, which talking points specifically? I think on the surface a white guy saying identity politics is bad is comical in it's own right, but a lot of his missteps I see as stemming from him being a foreigner.

Having idiots praise you is not the same is being an idiot yourself. Also, Tucker Carlson and him are nowhere near the same in my opinion.
His the sky is falling reaction to trans individuals being added as protected persons from discrimination, he made it out to be an attack on free speech when it wasn't.

His thoughts on men and women working together, putting almost all of the "problems" on women, it's insulting as a male to think that I can't control my base functions when in the presence of a woman.

He engages in more doublethink in regards to free speech as well, his recent appearance on bill maher's show had him talking about how people on the left need to listen to harsh truths but then, in the same breath, castigated people on the left for calling trump supporters deplorable.

There's more doublethink he goes into when speaking about minorities and marginalized groups but I feel like I've already said enough.

As for him and tuck, like I said, they're similar in that they present hard right ideas in a more presentable way.
The thing I find interesting is that it's very hard for people to understand the two ideas can be true at the same time. Yes, the media and society at large are harder on black leaders and celebrities.

At the same time Bill Cosby admittedly drugged and raped dozens of women. Why is it so hard for people to hold two independent ideas in their mind at the same time? It doesn't have to be one or the other.
Cosby show was always corny.

Cosby been attacking black folks for decades, calling folks who have no guidance lazy and perpetuating this bootsrap bs you hear on Fox all the time.
I’m not denying that but my childhood had many nights spent watching the show on Nick at night, it’s mind boggling how someone could portray such a good person yet be so sinister.
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