NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

Didn't realize the Coz is 80. Time flies. Damn.

Might as well get this RIP out of the way now.
Show legitimately planted the seed in my head to become a physician. It was my favorite show. It's still my favorite show.
In order to be a good actor I guess you gotta be crazy, cuz damn that dude really seemed to be a good father on that show :smh:
Speak to me Rusty, I am not saying I disagree, just what specifically?
-Where do I start, dude is just struggling from top to bottom. He is a trash debater that is intentionally vague to he can always Wessels out of direct questions in a debate.

Peep how he tries to place some of the blame on sexual harassment in the workplace on women, and how he struggles to answer direct questions in this debate.....

How easily his hypocrisy is called out last week, and how he relies on articulation not the knowledge to argue his points...

A rant the points out Peterson's BS thoroughly....

So the left is so hypersensitive and PC one second, but then they are too mean the next second. He wants about radical leftist suppressing speech on campus (which I disagree with) but Peterson was also trying to fund a project and website to harass other professors he disagreed with, seemingly to get them to quit. He doesn't want a discourse, he wants a monopoly on the conversation. He wants to be the aggressors and victim at the same time.

-Jordan Peterson is a finesse that makes a ton of money off disaffected young white males. Because of economic and social forces, the status of the young white male does not want it once was, true, and tons of young white dudes feel down about this. Peterson sees an opportunity to build an audience with these men.

He peddles normal self-help "get yourself together" advice, cool. But then he starts putting the blame for their men's problems on feminist and "radical leftist' that are threatening the traditional hearsay, i.e the status of white males.

He takes this niche philosophy and applies to anyone he disagrees with to label them dangerous, and somehow will lead to the downfall of society. His opposition with "Marxist" and socialism is so ridiculous in that he claims Orwell and 1984 made him reject socialism. Orwell, a known democratic socialist all his damn life, so wrote where he gushes about the positives of socialism is that man that shaped his worldview in such a profound way.

First and foremost, you should read this article that really tears Peterson apart. The author goes in on Peterson but damn he got receipts. If you want to ignore everything negative about Peterson, at least read this.....


And an interview with the author of the article here.....

Listen between 14:00 to 50:00
Part two @blackintellect

-Peterson can object all he wants to be labeling right wing but he peddles the same talking point but because of his delivery, it seems to fly under the radar.

Your average white supremacist will believe tons of stuff but the some of the major ones are: There is a white privilege is an illusion and not only that there a white genocide going on, white people have to be at the top of the social ladder and economic ladder, and programs to increase inequality whether it be racial, sex, or class is a fool errand because some groups are inferior.

Peterson presents his version this nonsense. First, he flat out says white privilege is not real and people talking about it are doing something dangerous, and it will lead us down the road the Soviet Union went down where white people might get targeted and punished.....

He puts an entire presentation stringing together a much of half-truths said with confidence to put on this ****-show.....

I have said before I am an economist, I have read tons of papers on inequality and race. For Peterson to claim that there is no evidence backing up advantages for white individuals is a farce, pure ********. Racial gaps, even with using decompositions to control for other factors still show inequality. So in Peterson's mind, one of the most popular majors in the North American peddles unscientific nonsense.

The article I linked touched on how wrong Peterson was about the Canadian C-16 bill he was raging about, he rants about radical leftist but no radical leftist passed the bill, he misunderstood the point of it, the courts even ruled against people taking his position. Yet he goes on Tucker Carlson's (a Richard Spencer favorite) to peddle his BS....

Ignore all the gender stuff because he was up his own *** about that, but peep towards the end that he equates people on the right that push racial superiority with people on the left that speak about equality of outcome. If you listen to more of his lectures he harps on about postmodernism, cultural Marxist, and radical leftist that see inequality and want to change things by attacking the social hierarchy, the status quo. This the same ideological nonsense Charles Murray entire career is based on. The idea that in the inequality that we see is not based really systematic forces but instead the result of lack of effort, genetic differences, or inferior culture so all social programs that hope to bring about equality and futile and must be abandoned.

The status quo in America is white Supremacy, and in Peterson's eyes if you speaking about the systemic failings of society towards minority groups that you a doing something dangerous and are an extremist, akin to Stalin or Mao, and an extremist on the same level as David Duke. Is is the alt-right in a nutshell too, part of the alt-right and far-right does is try to sanitize vile beliefs and some mainstream and acceptable, to create false equivalences to defend themselves. Somehow it is cool for Peterson to do it because he might say one sentence like "Well there might be systemic factors, but who knows for sure"

I could go on and post more links. He indulges is diet climate change denial. He talks about identity politics but threatened to beat someone up that didn't recognize his native Canadian heritage.

Does **** like this....

Really B, Disney movies got you rustled. :lol:

Oh as a partting gift here is another takedown of dude dealing with his misunderstanding of social science....


OsH Kosk Bosh said Peterson is a white hotep, and to me, that is being kind. He is trash
This guy admitted to getting drugs

This guy admitted to drugging multiple women

This guy admitted to have sex with said women while they were drugged

What exactly am I missing? How can this be defended?
Convicted with no physical evidence.
Convicted off of an allegation.
Constand was proven to be a liar the last trial.
Multiple cases were thrown out because of unsubstantiated claims.
OJ 2

People mad because he told yall to pull your pants up.
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