NBC's Community Thread - 6/2 - Ep. 13: "Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television"

I didn't even know the writers of Arrested Development created Community. Makes perfect sense why it's so well written.
damn its gone

I liked the episode, the attempted Star Wars theme was decent. I felt like it was kind of a cop-out to say that seeing how it was only Abed doing the Han Solo thing. I suppose that's part of the point, that since Abed sees everything through the lens of pop culture, he would be the one to notice that and might be the only one to play along. I don't know... 
The episode was fun... had it's hilarious moments, I liked Pierce redeeming himself and his confession to how he pushes people away, but then to not accept their offer seemed strange. I feel like the writers don't know how to end a season... the kiss last season was a good cliffhanger but they barely addressed that to start season 2 and then it went away coming up occasionally. I feel like they struggle with advancing individual characters and developing them, then putting them back in their role for humor. They do it with Jeff and Pierce mainly, they string along some progress then go back to square 1. All season they had Pierce and the group as a major arc, and here was a perfect way to end it and bring conclusion. Instead it kind of limped into a semi-conclusion of Pierce rejecting them, it seemed like the writers wanted a cliffhanger so that's the best they came up with.

I need to think about it some more and re-watch this season, of course I might just be overthinking things
but whatever. I've said since halfway through season 1 that this show could be the best comedy on TV, it has the highest ceiling with the ability to do so many things, meta-references, slapstick, theme episodes, etc. but it gets too complicated for the writers and they try to do too much or they don't know what to do. 

Edit: I might go back on what I said pretty quickly
I suppose I didn't think the show should/would be as open-ended/dark in regards to Pierce's story. It's an issue that's been with the series from the beginning and I figured it would be finished by now, but it does allow for more options going forward... either Pierce returns to the group after a few episodes or he becomes a separate villain or Chang-esque character. Also, I do get tired of the show spending a lot of time developing the characters and making them progress, then only putting them back in their original box for comedic effect... I realize it is more of an accurate portrayal of the characters as real people. Despite the characters intention to change and better themselves, you can only do so much and you revert back to who you are originally.

Definitely need to re-watch the two seasons, I know I'll miss it over summer so I'm going to have to

ATGD7154xBBxMZ wrote:
I didn't even know the writers of Arrested Development created Community. Makes perfect sense why it's so well written.

Where did you read that? Because Dan Harmon is the creator of Community and as far as I know, he never wrote for AD.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

I liked the episode, the attempted Star Wars theme was decent. I felt like it was kind of a cop-out to say that seeing how it was only Abed doing the Han Solo thing. I suppose that's part of the point, that since Abed sees everything through the lens of pop culture, he would be the one to notice that and might be the only one to play along. I don't know... 
The episode was fun... had it's hilarious moments, I liked Pierce redeeming himself and his confession to how he pushes people away, but then to not accept their offer seemed strange. I feel like the writers don't know how to end a season... the kiss last season was a good cliffhanger but they barely addressed that to start season 2 and then it went away coming up occasionally. I feel like they struggle with advancing individual characters and developing them, then putting them back in their role for humor. They do it with Jeff and Pierce mainly, they string along some progress then go back to square 1. All season they had Pierce and the group as a major arc, and here was a perfect way to end it and bring conclusion. Instead it kind of limped into a semi-conclusion of Pierce rejecting them, it seemed like the writers wanted a cliffhanger so that's the best they came up with.

I need to think about it some more and re-watch this season, of course I might just be overthinking things
but whatever. I've said since halfway through season 1 that this show could be the best comedy on TV, it has the highest ceiling with the ability to do so many things, meta-references, slapstick, theme episodes, etc. but it gets too complicated for the writers and they try to do too much or they don't know what to do.
A+ post about the show. You described it perfectly, yet, I like each approach in every episode, whether it's a homage of meta-references, parody, or just a random, funny episode.

Tonight's season finale was wild
. The random jabs at Leonard all episode, to Jeff just dropping his paintball gun and leaving after he was shot, to Abed and Annie making out (had me with the
look), to Magnitude doing his thing, etc.

I'll be buying Season 2 once it releases on DVD. I already have Season 1 on display. It's easily one of my favorite shows currently on t.v., I've rarely been disappointed. Come to think of it, I don't think I have.
Damn I read it wrong. That's my fault. It said "From Emmy award winning directors Joe and Anthony Russo(Arrested Development)....."

I was looking up a certain site so I could catch the first part of tonight's ep since I messed it.

Love these paintball eps. 1st one seemed so epic. After reading the last page it did hit me that they kinda cheated us with  making Chang the opposite of the badass he was the first time around.
Too many laughs. Maybe I love these characters too much or am just too involved with them, but one of the funniest episodes ever.

Annie's and Abed's interactions.. Went in for move BEHIND her lol.
Jeff and Troy's interactions. priceless
The two deans interactions. Watching him whisper in his ear. lol.

I loved hearing Troy asking Magnitude " POP WHAT?" " POP WHAT!??"

You may not be able to top this tonight NBC
Season 2 had some great moments and even took some creative risks. However, in total (understandably) weaker than the 1st season.

My top 5 consists of:
1. Epidemiology (Abba soundtrack + Aliens reference = GOLD)

2. Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (One of the best episodes of the series)

3. Early 21st Century Romanticism (Fresh take on the proverbial "Valentine's Day" episode)

4. The Psychology of Letting Go (Abed delivering a baby/Britta & Annie oil fight/Pierce coping with mom's "death")

5. Accounting for Lawyers (Backstory on Jeff/Drew Carey guest star/Annie chloroforming)

Next five (in no particular order):

Aerodynamics of Gender/ Anthropology 101/ A Fistful of Paintballs/ Critical Film Studies/ Paradigms of Human Memory
Originally Posted by 703FlipFiend

I can't wait until tomorrow to watch this on Hulu, so does anyone have a link? Thanks!

Got you.

and Troys bday was one of my favorites.
Did anyone peep the actors(the son and best friend) from Cougar Town in the ep at the end when they were celebrating?
LOL! didn't notice that!
"pop what, POP WHAT?!"

"resistance is as pointless as your degrees"

loved this ep!
no more though
Interesting cliffhanger for next season. I'm sure Pierce will come back but probably in a lesser role to start out the storyline and this will clear the way for more Chang in the group. I think the show could really benefit from having a guest star arc for the entire season or at least a semester.

I rarely buy disc sets of TV shows but this is one of the shows that I think is actually worth it
I liked the episode but it doesn't hold a candle to last year.

- Abed & Annie kiss was awesome...very out of norm, which is great
- Jeff getting shot was great, = no typical ending from "hero"
- Troy going out like Tony Montana
- "which Denny's...I'm banned from that one...THEN I'LL SEE YOU IN HELL"
- "hey who are you" "I'm your mothers lover" *shoots* "I win" - Pierce
- Magnitude jumping on the car bomb was great

As far as the season goes, it was ok but had it's down moments.

The cliff hanger for this season though, I think was done well...I'm guessing due to age we may see less Chevy Chase...I don't think anyone replaces him and he will pop up here and there but Chang will probably be more involved.

I'm kind of scared that Allison Brie is becoming too big of a star and may leave the show soon...with Mad Men and her doing movies now, she may be gone after season 3, I hope not.

I wonder when the show will come back...I hope before the year is over....september or october...hopefully.

Well...it's been a good ride...
great show.
In Community they've made a few references to Cougar Town

don't know if anyone watches Cougar Town also

I noticed a cameo from 2 of the characters Laurie and Travis in the finale

edit just read the last page

ATGD7154xBBxMZ wrote:
Did anyone peep the actors(the son and best friend) from Cougar Town in the ep at the end when they were celebrating? 

maybe Abed will make his cameo in the Cougar Town finale 
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