Need help getting back at a roomate - 5 weeks left of college

Originally Posted by psykhO

Play a prank on his #@% while he is alseep
Your avy is very disturbing to look at
Originally Posted by Jking0821

alright for those that said jump him... i'm looking for something more creative. Pic for your laughs below, like I can't jump him it just wouldn't accomplish anything.

So I'm thinking about buying a new seat of sheets, I always see them on sale for like 9 bucks in random colors and spraying something on them. Can anyone think of anything to spray on them that would like affect him but once I remove them I can put my clean sheets back on? He also uses our bathroom and steals toilet paper so maybe I can just spray it on there.

He smashes?!?!


This is by far the baddest avy I've ever seen.
Put bleach in his shampoo.
Combine mixture of eggs, bread and orange juice in a bag let it sit in the sun for several days. Poke air holes in bag and put it under your room mates bed.
Put ham slices under your roommates insoles in his shoe(s)
Cut a small hole in your roommates pillow and pour beaten egg inside.

Or you could break into his room at night and with a ski mask and and duck tape him to the bed and beat him with a bar of soap inside a sock Ala full metaljacket.
Originally Posted by Jking0821

alright for those that said jump him... i'm looking for something more creative. Pic for your laughs below, like I can't jump him it just wouldn't accomplish anything.

So I'm thinking about buying a new seat of sheets, I always see them on sale for like 9 bucks in random colors and spraying something on them. Can anyone think of anything to spray on them that would like affect him but once I remove them I can put my clean sheets back on? He also uses our bathroom and steals toilet paper so maybe I can just spray it on there.


you letting this "The Artist Formerly Known as Prince"
dude give you sex rashes and you're coming to us for advice on what to do?
Looking like dude just ate a jizzum sandwich

that dude
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by Jking0821

alright for those that said jump him... i'm looking for something more creative. Pic for your laughs below, like I can't jump him it just wouldn't accomplish anything.

So I'm thinking about buying a new seat of sheets, I always see them on sale for like 9 bucks in random colors and spraying something on them. Can anyone think of anything to spray on them that would like affect him but once I remove them I can put my clean sheets back on? He also uses our bathroom and steals toilet paper so maybe I can just spray it on there.

He smashes?!?!


This is by far the baddest avy I've ever seen.


That guy is smashing? I need to step my game up.

#%#! his size. Why are you worrying about his size for? People get %$%*+# up if they disrespect regardless of their size everyday. Lame excuse. If youdon't want to get physical just say so. No prank is going to equal what he did.
Originally Posted by AusZero

I also remember hearing that you can take the pineapple flavored life saver and unscrew the shower head and place them in there. When he showers the hot water melts them and covers his body in sticky liquid sugar. OR you could take shaving cream, the real stuff not the gel, in a can and freeze it. Then cut the aluminum can off and youre left with a brick of frozen shaving cream. Hide said brick in his room and as it melts it will expand. Best used it drawers
OP please take this man's advice and expand on it.

no matter what you do.... please...please take pics videos and share with your good people
If you really don't wanna fight, then you could just inform some kind of dorm leader or something.
Put a hidden video camera in his room. Check it everyday, and once you catch him fapping, put it on youtube..

It will look something like this..

Sometimes the best way to get back at someone is to not get back at them. You be the bigger and better man. He will respect that in the future.

Respect > Revenge
Originally Posted by airmissionretro

Sometimes the best way to get back at someone is to not get back at them. You be the bigger and better man. He will respect that in the future.

Respect > Revenge

Dude is smashing
. He's the man, no doubt.

But word, butter the floor and and record it. Rub something extremely spicy on the toilet paper so when he wipes.. "Game Over."
while hes sleeping
get a cup of water
warm or cold
go up to him

slit his throat then wash the knife off in the water
Originally Posted by f3DJam

while hes sleeping
get a cup of water
warm or cold
go up to him

slit his throat then wash the knife off in the water

Just set up a camera in your room one weekend your gone. If you catch them smashing on your bed send it out on a list serve to your school or on a messageboard. It might not be as big a deal to him but that would completely embarrass his girl.
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