Need Help with a Neighbor problem. The kid's got autism


May 6, 2007
So i have this problem with my neighbor that lives directly above me in my new apartment. He lives on his own and the first day I moved in, his motherexplained to me that he has autism and not to bother him. Very weird first impression but whatever I never paid attention because I'm never home. Anyways, the other day my roomate and some friends were on our patio smokin some weed and he came out and basically said he has autism, we need to be quietbecause he needs his sleep, blah blah blah. This guy talks just like rain man, that's the only way I can explain it. Ok so ever since that day, the dudehas been very very creepy. He will sit and stare out his windows at us, stomp his feet really loud ALL the time, and turn his christmas music up really loud. We are never home and it seems like the smallest amount of noise bothers the hell out of him. What should we do?

Spoiler [+]
I'm pretty sure the guy in the pic has down syndrom and not autism but whatev.
***Cliff notes
-Neighbor has hella autism
-Small things bother him
-I'm worried he might murder me in my sleep
-Judges would rule that autism make you not compitent to stand in trial and he would get off scott free.
autism aint a joke, my older sister has it, a tough condition.

But I would watch out for him, they are agitated VERY easily

my sister aint on his same level though. she aint gon sit there and grill people out the window.
You and your friends go into his apartment at night and with socks full of SOAP... And SOCK the hell put of him.. Then if the cops come and say what happenedjust tell them IDK this kids got autism.. He probably did it himself
Since he lives on his own, you may have a hard time tracking down the mom. If so, let the apartment manager know your situation, and most likely they will knowwho to contact. Most likely an organization helped him out to move him in there on his own.

If that doesn't work, honestly, your gonna have to f*ck him up. No joke. No human is above being put in there place to a certain extent. If anything justscare the ++!+ out of him and he may leave you alone.
Like the dude said earlier who has a sister with autism, they are generally very easily agitated and frustrated. Just tell his mom whenever you see her next.And hope Christmas comes fast because that music is NOT going away any time soon.
Originally Posted by Hellscream23

Since he lives on his own, you may have a hard time tracking down the mom. If so, let the apartment manager know your situation, and most likely they will know who to contact. Most likely an organization helped him out to move him in there on his own.

If that doesn't work, honestly, your gonna have to f*ck him up. No joke. No human is above being put in there place to a certain extent. If anything just scare the ++!+ out of him and he may leave you alone.
Yeah but I hear people with autism have like 10 times the amount of strength as the average person. Might be tough to mess him up. He'sprobably listening to me and my roomate discussing this right now. I don't know what to do though for real. Like I feel he's gonna kick down my doorjust because I decide to use the blender sometimes or vaccume.
its true that ****** strength is no joke........its basically on par with that of a full grown adult chimp
Originally Posted by calibeebee

Originally Posted by Hellscream23

Since he lives on his own, you may have a hard time tracking down the mom. If so, let the apartment manager know your situation, and most likely they will know who to contact. Most likely an organization helped him out to move him in there on his own.

If that doesn't work, honestly, your gonna have to f*ck him up. No joke. No human is above being put in there place to a certain extent. If anything just scare the ++!+ out of him and he may leave you alone.
Yeah but I hear people with autism have like 10 times the amount of strength as the average person. Might be tough to mess him up. He's probably listening to me and my roomate discussing this right now. I don't know what to do though for real. Like I feel he's gonna kick down my door just because I decide to use the blender sometimes or vaccume.
What??? Autism gives you super powers? Where the hell did you read this?
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