Need help with birthday ideas!!

Oct 26, 2003
Hey I need some ideas on what to do for my birthday that's coming up and I was wondering if guys can help me come up with some ideas, cause I really haveno clue on what to do this year. Oh and I'm turning 24.
in a non **%% way...

tell us about yourself. what do you and your friends typically like to do. clubber type? lounge type? dive bar type? hardcore drinkers (think college/fratparty style) or more chill on the boozing? like to be active (outdoors, sports, activities, etc...) or more of an indoorsy sedentary person? what kinda budgetyou working with? Do all your friends make decent coin and dont mind splurging on a night out for a friends bday or are they penny pinchers who get butthurtwhen they have to spend more than $50 a night?

I alway run into this same problem for my bday cause my friends are all raging alcoholics who are dead broke and like to complain. Its very difficult for me toconsistently find new, fun places that are a good bargain.
Originally Posted by skip2myloon

What are some good bars to go to?

downtown fullerton, downtown long beach, there's old town pasadena which is cougar central gotta love those cougars, i also heard the gaslamp district insan diego is crackin.
Well to answer Mojomonky1's question, most of my friends work and most of them do drink, so money isn't a major issue I hope haha. I'm justlooking for something chill to do I really don't want to go all out. That's why I'm leaning towards going to a bar with my friends.
Originally Posted by killak3vin

downtown fullerton, downtown long beach, there's old town pasadena which is cougar central gotta love those cougars, i also heard the gaslamp district in san diego is crackin.
If you're in LA/OC gaslamp in SD is a bit of a drive but I will say its good fun. I'm an old fart now, pushin on 30, so I can't hanglike I used to, but I still have a good ole time whenever I head down to SD for a weekend. I think I have fond memories about gaslamp district cause it wasthe setting of one of the funniest incidents my drunken friend has ever gotten himself into. Long story short, we were at that club On Broadway (or somethinlike that), my boy is blitzed out of his mind. Another one of my dudes was with his girl who happened to be casually chattin up this troll (not sure why) whendrunken friend happened to walk by. He grabs said troll and was like baby lets dance. 2 minutes later I see him shoved up on said troll in the corner tryingto swallow her face. Disgusted, I walk outside for a smoke. 10 minutes later, he comes out and is like LETS JET... NOW!!!. Homeboy must have checked hisstandards at the bar, cause he just went in unprotected, did his business on the dance floor, and the bounced. Best part of the story is that right after thistroll was finished getting used like an old sock, she walks back to my dude and his girl and tells her in a matter of fact way "your friend just bangedme" as if it wasnt her first time gettin the ole in/out on a dancefloor of a club. Grimy.

On a different note.

A GREAT bar/restaurant that I really enjoy is this spot in Long Beach called The Gaslamp. I've only been there on Friday nights where they have this80's cover band. If youre into that kinda music its a rip-roarin good time cause everyone really gets into it and has fun. Crowd wise you its a prettygood mix, with a healthy dose college aged/early to mid 20's ladies (probably CSULB crowd). Definitely some talent up in here.
good recs bur santa monica is pretty nice too. harvelles on tuesday is cabrenet night with a live band; barcopa; the room...westside girls are whats up.
I too am partial to the westside cause I live out here and dont like to be more than 5-10 minutes away from home if I am getting S-faced. To touch on ShatterStar's recommendations...

Harvelles - never been so cant say, but I do like live bands.
Barcopa - Honestly I am not fond of too many westside but for some reason I really like this place. Crowd is cool, and theres this great pizza spot across thestreet (not that that should have any bearing on your decision but its worth mentioning) I actually had my bday here before as did my girl. We liked it enoughto come back multiple times.
The Room - I always get mixed up with names, but if this is the one that is like on the backside of that deserted sports bar on Santa Monica Blvd and maybe16th or so.... This place is fun too. If you're goin with a group you might want to see about reserving a table there as the place is kinda small. Goodcrowd, good vibe, decent priced drinks, cant complain.

My recommendation. If you are 24 you are in your prime and should have no reason not to be going all out for a birthday.

Do you like crappy sushi?
Do you like to get loud and boisterous when you are drinking?
Do you like to sing/chant/bang on tables?
If I say "sake" you say....? (hint.... its bomb)

Tokyo Delves (assuming it hasnt changed in the last 4-5 years since I've last been). I mean everyone has their own likes/dislikes but I've never oncebeen to Tokyo Delves and not had a great time. If you and your friends are anything like me and my boys, you will want to splurge the extra couple bucks andget a limo and/or car service (or have DD's). I mean who doesn't love a place where they encourage you to setup a sake glass on top of a pair ofchopsticks over a glass of beer and slam the table with your fists before slamming the sake bomb down your throat. Good times.
^never been to tokyo delves but heard good things.

if youre in downtown la and cant make it into the standard, just get real wasted at broadway bar or golden gopher. real hole in the wall and ive had fun there
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