Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by sooperhooper

Sigh. I feel like a high school senior walking by a class of silly freshmen. People wonder how NT has changed since the 02/03 era... this is how. These immature threads didn't exist. Someone would help op on the first page, thread would disappear and we'll get back to quality threads with better lulz.

- this is god's honest TRUTH right here.
...anyway, here you go OP:

seasoned vet:
Sigh. I feel like a high school senior walking by a class of silly freshmen. People wonder how NT has changed since the 02/03 era... this is how. These immature threads didn't exist. Someone would help op on the first page, thread would disappear and we'll get back to quality threads with better lulz.
- this is god's honest TRUTH right here.
I feel like I just walked by couple uppity preps.

You probably look at this as the beginning of the end:


One of the funniest threads I've ever clicked on.

Chill out, man. Just because things aren't done your way doesn't mean it's 'bad' or 'wrong'. Laugh a little. Or don't... but don't rain on the parade of those who are doing exactly that wthout breaing any rules or hurting anyone.
dudes acting like we obligated to make his PS like he dont know how PS threads work
plz go
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by sooperhooper

Sigh. I feel like a high school senior walking by a class of silly freshmen. People wonder how NT has changed since the 02/03 era... this is how. These immature threads didn't exist. Someone would help op on the first page, thread would disappear and we'll get back to quality threads with better lulz.

- this is god's honest TRUTH right here.
...anyway, here you go OP:

thank u sir.... and thank u everyone else for the lulz, there should be a seperate section for this because its straight comedy. 
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

seasoned vet:
Sigh. I feel like a high school senior walking by a class of silly freshmen. People wonder how NT has changed since the 02/03 era... this is how. These immature threads didn't exist. Someone would help op on the first page, thread would disappear and we'll get back to quality threads with better lulz.
- this is god's honest TRUTH right here.
I feel like I just walked by couple uppity preps.

You probably look at this as the beginning of the end:


One of the funniest threads I've ever clicked on.

Chill out, man. Just because things aren't done your way doesn't mean it's 'bad' or 'wrong'. Laugh a little. Or don't... but don't rain on the parade of those who are doing exactly that wthout breaing any rules or hurting anyone.

mosh girl 

and PYP threads were the PS threads...I got banned for it, not realizing it was against the ROC. 
Yo I remember in 05/06 I asked for a photoshopped pic and somebody did it by the 3rd post...Thank god this was before this trend started but I ain't even mad 
This thread had me crying...every picture had me on the floor...SMH at the people who can't have a good laugh.. there are ample "quality threads"
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