NES Classic Mini re-releasing 6/29/18 retail $60

All confirmations and charges in. It's real! But then again it really ain't till the delivery homie drops my ish off
TG order emails will come.

Just gotta let them process the orders.

Make sure to screen shot your order confirmation page(s) in case something comes up. You’ll have proof of purchase

I see the charge on my CC from TG but no email yet. But I don't see the charge from Gamestop but shows on my PP and got email.

I just want both emails and charge so I could sleep haha and not have to wake up at 330am
Error 503 forever bruh. Im going back to sleep

Open multiple browsers and keep refreshing also keep going to the site from a new browser.. you gotta resort to midnight releases... when you add it to your cart, open a new browser and get to the homepage and click the cart, then a new browser just for carts it'll work... they still have it
I've got confirmation email from Gamestop and no pending charges

Two pending charges from ThinkGeek and no Confirmation Page or Email

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