NETFLIX-Narcos '17- Season 3 trailer up

Amazing season. It may actually be my favorite. I was interested in all the characters

I couldn't David seriously already seeing him as a gay dude on broad city.
I don't know whether it's because I watched the other 2 seasons a while ago but Season 3 might be my favorite.
It's so good. On the edge of my seat throughout the whole thing and you can believe I jumped to google to find out more.

I wish they stay in Columbia to see out the Norte Valley cartel's story before departing to Mexico but I'm down for whatever if it's like the 3 we have now.
The ending was wack.
How do they just kill 2 chiefs and extradite the other 2 in a 5 minute span????
Every show has a Gay guy now.
Doesn't matter the content or subject matter, they have a Gay guy.
Every. Single. Show.

Been that way for a minute. It doesn't bother me if it works. I think Pacho being gay was a little too much but then again I don't know much about the real Pacho. Maybe he was gay irl.

Overall the season was dope. I didn't know how they were going to keep things interesting after Pablo's death but they found a way. Was kind of hoping for more NYC scenes with Chepe tho.
When Maria was about to get nekkid and Miguel didn't let her... :smh:

These season definitely had the baddies. But it also had the least nudity lol. Wonder if they didn't want it to be a distraction or something? Lol

Great season tho. Thoroughly enjoyed it. I think S4 will still be a mix between Colombia and Mexico. There's no way they just move on without touching on the North Valley Cartel. Couldn't make sense seeing as how they're the biggest suppliers.
The real Jorge Salcedo... (Don't read if you haven't watched the season yet)

Wow. Great read. I'm always skeptical of shows and movies based on true events because most of the time writers add a lot of events that didn't happen in the name of drama and tension. I'm always thinking "there's no way that happened that way." The fact that Narcos is 90% accurate is incredible and it goes to show just how crazy those times in Colombia were. Could you imagine being an informant for the DEA and still working with drug lords that would kill you and your family in a moment? Your life literally means nothing to them. Big ups to the real Jorge Salcedo.
Dudes really complaining about Pacho being gay and it being "an agenda" :smh: :lol:.

That couldn't be farther from the truth. They showed all The Godfather's of Cali in various relationships. Pacho obviously likes they showed his relationship in that way. It's also didn't feel over done at all. Like Pacho being gay didn't define him at all. He was just a drug lord that happened to like Dudes. It also tied into his storyline when he explained his loyalty to the Cali godfathers....and how they brought him in regardless.

On another note....this was a good season. Jorge looks like Deron Williams. Miguel looks like Ed Helms.




Oberyn did a hell of a job. Short scenes with him and his pops with a lot of foreshadowing and one liners. I liked the line at the end of the season about somebody needing to rebuild fences. F David. And Miguel ***** everything up for that chick. If he's just had listened to Jorge and not sent him on a mission to get shorty and her kid...Gilberto woulda never been captured.

He never owned that.
Agreed. "I have nothing against gay people"-proceeds to write whining essays about gay agendas anyway :lol:
Just finished the season. Really enjoyed it, IMO, Season 1>Season 3>>>Season 2.

Gilberto is the only one with real vision IMO. He saw what happened to Pablo and he knew that no matter how big or untouchable you may feel, eventually your reign will never through internal struggle, competition or the authorities catching you. He was a real businessman with the hope of legitimatizing himself while the other Cali cartel bosses were content with being drug dealers. The analogy he made in Episode 1 about the Kennedy's was spot on. MANY prominent American families got their start through bootlegging, tobacco and other illegitimate means. There's no retirement for drug dealers; you either wind up dead or in jail and he saw the surrender as a once in a lifetime opportunity for the cartel bosses to walk away on top AND keep all money/assets. He was about that generational wealth and starting an empire:smokin, sucks that his counterparts didn't see the vision.

Pacho, Miguel and Chepe were about the thrill of being a big time drug dealer and loved the respect it brought them. Why else would they continue? You're a BILLIONAIRE, at some point you're not working for the money anymore. It's like Breaking Bad, eventually Walter White admitted that he liked selling drugs because he was really good at it.
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I didn't like how they just killed everyone off at the end.
Like yo we only got 5 minutes, let's make sure everyone is dead or in prison.
How they kill Pacho like that, smh
I didn't like how they just killed everyone off at the end.
Like yo we only got 5 minutes, let's make sure everyone is dead or in prison.
How they kill Pacho like that, smh

That's what happened in real life, its not like the writers have a choice of how things end with they want to be historically accurate. Also, what did you think the outcome of war with a rival drug cartel would be? If you're committed to the drug game you either wind up dead or in jail (or dead in jail).
That wasn't the question.
Sure he was gay, that's accepted cool.
Script is completely flipped now.
25years ago Pacho was still gay but if NarcS3 was made then, TV would not show his "Gay" side.
Today, they highlight it, force it) but to my point most importantly, or to my question, I believe they cast for it and write it in as a requirement, to every show.
Not even saying I have a problem with it being shown on TV, I do take issue with the agenda though. And I do believe there's an agenda.
And I do believe it's being forced down my throat.

The question was whether it was a requirement for a show.
I believe it is and I believe that is f*ed up.

Jesus Christ dude grow up.

Like what agenda? Letting people know that there are gay people from all walks of life and that is perfectly normal.

Plus they way they incorporated into the show was great, written well for the time period and helped develop a character that had limited screen time. Pacho being a Don is what allowed him to live his life freely when it came to his sexuality and the Brothers acceptance of it after his dad did him dirty is what kept him loyal.
This season was much better than last. Still like S1 the best.

I think they wrapped up everything so quickly at the end to drive home the point they made when they announced S3. The stars of the show are not the Cartel members, it is the cocaine.

The focus moving to Mexico kinda drives that home too. Like the Drug War didn't end with Cali, they like Pablo, are just a chapters in a long book.

And they kinda dragged out Pablo's chapter
well i wouldnt say accuracy was their main goal as much as entertainment

per the EW interview with the real Jorge Salcedo

he aint even kill navagante, but they put it in the show for dramatic effect
I wanna know what REALLY happened to Navegante. Salcedo said it's seemed like the DEA knew the facts, but I guess they never told him
Jesus Christ dude grow up.

Like what agenda? Letting people know that there are gay people from all walks of life and that is perfectly normal.

Plus they way they incorporated into the show was great, written well for the time period and helped develop a character that had limited screen time. Pacho being a Don is what allowed him to live his life freely when it came to his sexuality and the Brothers acceptance of it after his dad did him dirty is what kept him loyal.
Grow up?
Man hush.
You aren't the end all be all know it all you think you are.
Sometimes you need to shut TF up, this is clearly one of those times.
..... its not like the writers have a choice of how things end with they want to be historically accurate. .
Every episode started out with a disclaimer stating "some of this story is made up for a more dramatic telling...."

How is one to know what is what.
Writers for sure have a choice with because being Historically accurate takes a back seat to being an entertaining show.
Grow up?
Man hush.
You aren't the end all be all know it all you think you are.
Sometimes you need to shut TF up, this is clearly one of those times.
"End all be all":lol: Man where is this coming from. You got some deep seated issue with me you need to get off you chest pa?

I disagreed with your statement, if you can't handle someone disagreeing with you, then that is your issue. This is a open forum, people are gonna disagree with bs.

In 2017 you spewing some nonsense about a gay agenda, so if there is someone that doesn't know when it is the proper time to shut the **** up, it is you.
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