New Joe Budden TV...wants to square dance wit Raekwon

Aug 28, 2008
I would have posted this in the other thread but...well u know
Anyway this N continues his *$%# talking in front of vlogs stint...

On a side not got this from another site...*$%# cracked me up
Like I said in other thread, How U "offerin" to shoot a fair one with a $*!%% who had u duffed out ??

U really wanna get it down, run up on Rae, Punch him in his +!@% and MAKE HIM SHOOT U THE FAIR ONE
Damn.. So why Rae or his people, or whatever dont wanna square up? This whole thing is looking worse and worse from both sides...
why squaredance with raekwon? if the other guy punched you n the face wouldn't you wanna fight him?

if a bunch of guys surround you, you get hit by 1 guy don't you go after him?
Well the Rock The Bells owner lied. Or Joe Budden lied. I'm a go with Joe lying

And wow really Joe. Just stop you either hit him back at the time and not talk *!%% days later. I swear Budden is a clown. I don't get how NT loves thisdude and hates Game. At least Game's bi-polarness is just straight funny. This guys bi-polarness is making him look like a certified clown.
^ budden's music > game.

and in the end that's all that really matters ..

and you guys act like he's going to find where reakwon lives and go to his crib .. how smart would that be ..
It's August how many Ls has this dude taken so far?

I knew that little piece with the dude running the tour wouldn't be the end of it true or not.
Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

^ budden's music > game.

and in the end that's all that really matters ..

and you guys act like he's going to find where reakwon lives and go to his crib .. how smart would that be ..
Stop it The Documentary>Any album/mixtape Joe ever released. And NT's only response to that is "50 wrote it"

And he did't need to go to rae's crib. Rae is in his hotel room and Joe gets snuff. If that's not enough to make you fight I refuse to believe as aman you have testicles. I'm not gonna fight Rae and his bodyguard. And if they came in to my room 6 to I'm a try to difuse the situation to avoid afight at all cost. But once a man puts his hands on me the line of disrespect has been crossed. And I dont care if I take the L I have to let it be known thatanybody can just put they hands on me when they please
Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

^ budden's music > game.

and in the end that's all that really matters ..

and you guys act like he's going to find where reakwon lives and go to his crib .. how smart would that be ..
Homie, they were on the SAME TOUR together. same hotels. same stage.

:any somewhat negative post about Budden and U get a "reaction" can he do no wrong in ur eyes?
Why he just say "If the square dance goes down, I'm not sayin anything about it at all after it's done." WHAT IS THAT!? This is so lame...
He just called Raekwon the F word. Bad Bad move

Edit: Now he's saying He blew the kiss not Raekwon

So wait is there a video of this punch because I havent seen it
Why you all backing up Raekwon so much? Not saying budden is handling this all right with this video ++%+... but Rae acts all cool with budden, than stormsinto his room when he knows he is alone and is outnumbering him 6-1, than you dont wanna get your hands dirty so you have your boy punch him, and than whenBudden asks for a reasonable compramise, a square dance, you turn it down?

If Budden really is such a lame and soft and you would take him, how about you stop getting at him when hes outnumbered and settle this ++%+ one-on-one. Imjust saying.

And btw im a huge Slaughterhouse and Wu fan, so i got no sides on this. Im just keeping it real. i cant say either has won because they both be taking Ls imo.Im just backing up Budden on this one cause yall acting like he clearly losing and Rae has been all hard and ++%+ when in reality Rae has been almost as big ofa lame as Budden has been. I swear $ has turned some of these "hard" rappers so *%!*+#* soft
^^Well put.....How is Joey handling this wrong? He got ran up on by 6 dudes. The instigator of them goin in there in the first place was Rae, and Joey gotsucker punched. Joey wants to dead this whole #!+%, so he wants to do the one on one deal, which is the best way to handle it. Whats he gone do? Find the 300lbdude that made contact with his eye? NO, find Rae., whoop his %%$ and squash all this. Looks like Raekwon is the !$#!+ here if he dont want to be a man andfight one on one. You NTers are so stupid saying Joe is being a lame, he obviosuly wants this to end, and this is the way it has to. No guns, no knifes, nobackup, just a plain fist fight.

Im not a Joey d-rider at all, I enjoy all his music tho, but it seems hes the only one acting in the right mind here saying he just wants a one on one. Rae isobviosuly scared if he say he doesnt want to do it like that. I dont agree with everything Buddens does outside the booth, but i do agree with him here.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Like I said in other thread, How U "offerin" to shoot a fair one with a $*!%% who had u duffed out ??

U really wanna get it down, run up on Rae, Punch him in his +!@% and MAKE HIM SHOOT U THE FAIR ONE

real #$$*.

"Squaredance" tho? Sounds like one of those 'too-cool-for-skool' terms....I swear Wayne Arnold used to run with that slang on the WonderYears....

dead that Game > Buddens #$$* tho, seriously.
Cuz Joey is a lame in this situation and he only getting lamer. This is what happens when you have an opinion about everything and put your life on theinternet 24/7

This dude really on blogtv talking reckless.

I just wish Ghost would bust in the room right now and throw his bummy %+% out the window. Why isn't he learning about this?

Talking about it's gonna hurt to beat up the guy that made the purple tape.
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