New Joe Budden TV...wants to square dance wit Raekwon

budden is a fool for goin at da wu....them ninjas never play fair....

ya gotta understand, street fights have no rules.
Originally Posted by iHateTimeDotCom

Originally Posted by ninjahood

budden is a fool for goin at da wu....them ninjas never play fair....

ya gotta understand, street fights have no rules.
especially when u not actually the one fightin...
let's put it this way...if im a goon on da wu roster and my boss has a problem wit someone, you think as enforcer imma let my boss get hishands dirty? hell naw imma put in da work

for him word to shiva on streets of rage 2
Originally Posted by iHateTimeDotCom

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

The fact that a cat has to rely on another n's goons/crew to feel thoro just speaks volumes on how soft that person is.

exactly... why raekwon have to roll up on joe 6 deep and is now backin down from a 1 on 1? hmmmm

Both these _'s is clowns. Joey need to get the *%!+ off the internet for a day.
Funny thing is, the %@$+#+ who claimin he got a black eye have poor vision since he don't got even a scratch.

But, Joe just need to quit talkin and do suttin if he gon do it. Other than that make music cause he been lookin a lil Berg/Hamilton as of lately
Originally Posted by iLLscan

Rae wants no parts of physical activity. Push ups, power walking, let alone a fist fight.
He will take the credit for doing nothing & love every minute of it. He needs this in his life. He needs his new album to win. He needs good press.
He'll run with this fake win & milk it dry like the fading legend he is (And I'm a Wu fan since day one). But the truth is the truth.

On the other hand, Joe is a dummy who plays checkers while everyone else plays chess. He can't comprehend beyond the immediate situation. He can't see the 2nd & 3rd more. He does not see the ramifications of his actions. Music is politics like everything else in life & your man is too stupid to play the game.
Smile, play nice with others & get yours without anyone knowing you are getting yours.
If you think you're better than Meth, than make better albums. People will acknowledge & recognize.

At the end of the day................... Both these dudes have false perceptions of what Hip Hop sees them as in 2009. They both look like crabs in a bucket IMO.
I am going to reluctantly cosign this while playing OB4CL. My man speaks the truth 100%
How is Joe really going to "challenge Rae to a squaredance," this isn't highschool.

If you really want to fight somebody confront them and throw some blows, not challenge somebody to fight on some WWE @%@!. No real fights start with an issuedchallenge, if Joe really wants to fight him he would've done something already.

Challenge Rae to a rap battle, not a damn boxing match.
Originally Posted by henz0

He overexposed himself.
AGREED, I want artists to be honest... but Vlogs haven't helped anyone and bloggin has ruined Charles Hamilton's career.
I think only one doing well with blogs is 50 and Kanye.
Funny thing is, the %$+%#% who claimin he got a black eye have poor vision since he don't got even a scratch.

But, Joe just need to quit talkin and do suttin if he gon do it. Other than that make music cause he been lookin a lil Berg/Hamilton as of lately
He needs to fall all the way back like Charles alllll the way back.

Then come out the blue with DOPE music...
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Funny thing is, the %$+%#% who claimin he got a black eye have poor vision since he don't got even a scratch.

But, Joe just need to quit talkin and do suttin if he gon do it. Other than that make music cause he been lookin a lil Berg/Hamilton as of lately
joe didnt claim he had a black eye or poor vision some lame made a fake twitter page "@mousebuddenseye" and posted that...joe posted atwitpic later that night sayin he aint have no bruises.

all in all ima fan of both, but they both are handlin the situation like +%*!@%$....Gunna is 100% correct if its like that run up on dude and snuff his $@%right back and duke that !*$+ out
Just watched the video...

If Rae doesn't fight this _ then Rae actually looks soft on this on. _ Joe is talking crazy.
Originally Posted by YardFather

How is Joe really going to "challenge Rae to a squaredance," this isn't highschool.
I really thought I was gonna have to be the first person to say it. When there's a problem it gets handled however it needs to get handled.You don't schedule a fair one like H.S.
He's damn lucky he didn't get the life stomped out of him cause I can almost guarantee if it was someregular hood dudes with nothing to lose that's exactly what would have happened.

And to dude who said Rae is gonna milk this like a fading legend you definitely need to get serious. Joe is hardly a worthy target to score rep points off. Andas I said in the other thread, Wu has been handling dudes in the exact same fashion for years now. A few popular rappers have been dealt with the same way andthey never used it to promote an album or score any rep points. It's just how they are.

All in all, I just really wish Joe would cut it out with all the extra isht. Make music and !!*! b/c the cornier he gets, the less I want to listen to hismusic.
I see some people believe "ANYTHING" that is on the internet.

Both camps were in the wrong, but why call someone out that did not even hit you?

Joey keeps talking reckless, and his "followers" keep feeding into the B S.

They need to just squash it before things get ugly.

And when it comes down to it, Joe needs to just suck it up, and keep it moving, because he is going to turn this
into a Wu vs. Slaughterhouse battle. Not on wax either.

Trust me, there won't be to many songs made by the Wu............
Originally Posted by JR Paperstacks

Just watched the video...

If Rae doesn't fight this _ then Rae actually looks soft on this on. _ Joe is talking crazy.

Joey the only !**@+ with something to prove here
He can talk slick but this !**@+ 3 doors down from his hotel room and he issuing a challenge on the net

C'mon ...
I feel sorry for the other members of Slaughterhouse to be associated with this dude. They need to drop dude and pick up someone from the South.
budden is one of my favorite rappers and all but dude is gonna be categorized in the "only listen to w/ instrumentals" file

and he better floyd mayweather rae for all this yappin he's been doing

budden needs to leave the cigs alone. he's over there soundin like Macho Man
This is why I don't post in the music thread, dumb as !#!+ like this and 90% of the dudes in this thread are just as culpable for perpetuating and keepingintrest in this hip hop us weekly gossip *#+%$+%#. How the *!%# is the music forum about everything BUT music.

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

This is why I don't post in the music thread, dumb as !#!+ like this and 90% of the dudes in this thread are just as culpable for perpetuating and keeping intrest in this hip hop us weekly gossip *#+%$+%#. How the *!%# is the music forum about everything BUT music.

You can go back to not posting in the music forum. You weren't missed before you won't be missed now.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Cuz Joey is a lame in this situation and he only getting lamer. This is what happens when you have an opinion about everything

Hi pot. Welcome to Niketalk. Where its nothing but people posting opinions about everything.
Him talking more @%$$...

Talks a little about the fight he had in front of crowns chicken

Also talks about how he was supposed to fight Saigon and Ransom...but it never went down...
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