New neighbors move in, do you go over and greet them or keep it moving?

Sep 16, 2003
I was talking to someone about this earlier. Down here people generally aren't friendly and many people who move from out of state(especially northerners) always seem to complain about how rude or standoffish we are down here. The house next to me was abandoned for 3-4 years until someone moved in recently. I though about going over but figured I'd keep with south Florida tradition. Do you talk to your any of your neighbors at all?
I talk to my neighbors all the time. I even take my next door neighbors garbage cans in when she's out on business. Be nice, man.
every new neighbor i had always caught me on my good morning blunt. +**% atleast they know where the smoke is
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

I was talking to someone about this earlier. Down here people generally aren't friendly and many people who move from out of state(especially northerners) always seem to complain about how rude or standoffish we are down here. The house next to me was abandoned for 3-4 years until someone moved in recently. I though about going over but figured I'd keep with south Florida tradition. Do you talk to your any of your neighbors at all?

S. Florida tradition?? 
I recently bought my first house, but I hardly see my neighbors.  If anything, it would only be a "Hello, Goodmorning" greeting type of relationship. 
i got no problem saying "hey" or waving, but i'm not the type to communicate with my neighbors really. houses are too far a part and we all got !+#@ to do. i would probably communicate with my neighbors more if i lived in an apartment or if the people that lived in these houses near me were closer to my age. nothin but old people here.
If it was me I'd probably only say hi from far away. If I had a big party at my house I would invite them though if I was already inviting neighbors.
might as well say hi. id feel awkward if he make eye contact and we don't even wave hi and we live together. T
If they have a dog or a small child kick it in front of the family. You have to assert your dominance in the neighborhood early.
I greet em.

This is what I think is the build of a great country. Individual > Family > Neighborhood > Community > > > Country

I think one of the reasons we, as Americans, are starting to fail, is because we are not building strong fibers between us. Being friends with your neighbors should be in your life.

Idealistic as hell, I know.. but that's the way I see it.
My landlord is a biznotch so tenants never last more than 6 months. Why be buddy buddy when in a blink of an eye they will no longer be around.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

good lord you got 41,268 posts. sweet mother of mary.


Im guessing your an older individual (by your post count) so i think u should go over there and introduce yourself. If your a younger individual then i suggest you go outside and get some air
Wouldn't hurt tog greet them when you see them.

If you get abducted or something they would say something like "oh, he was a nice guy, always kept to himself and he always greeted us whenever he saw us" whenever the news station comes around.

If you keep to yourself, they'll probably say something like "He was rude and always keeps to himself. Never said hi or bother to interact with us.... he was weird"

YOu see the difference man? You wanna be put on the good light when you're broadcasted across the nation.

just feel them dont really have to go to there home, but if you see each other say hi and if you close enough then walk to them and handshake
if you havent said hello to them as yet, find out if they
..if so, icebreaker.
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