New Orleans Federal Judge Overturns 6 mo. Moratorium on Deep Water Drilling

Originally Posted by Degenerate423

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

why not
with the proper safety procedures and precautions, its a legitimate business
you cant let these environmentalist use this as propaganda

true, but i mean come on, can we at least clean up the mess from the last oil spill before they start drilling again?

How many decades do you propose we wait?
It's time we become a real leading nation and use this disaster as a time to start decreasing our oil dependence foreign and home.. We'll never be 100% off oil but can we at least start creating these different industries and putting good push behind them to create these jobs...

Everyone always says it's not the right time.. There's no money.. Excuse after excuse. If anytime is the right time this is it..

A $500,000 piece cost BP billions and is destroying marine life, jobs, and an economy, not to mention killed 11 people..And BP chose a riskier setup that saved them $7 million, if they chose the more secure setup we probably never would have had this problem. BP was told before hand of the problems about the rig and didn't even fix it (from employees and supervisors of the rig).

Recently BP has had 760 safety violations in the past 5 years.. And paid $373 million to ignore these violations.. In the past 5 years ExxonMobile has had 1 safety violation. Sunoco had 8 in 5 years... There is no need to start deep water oil drilling without the proper knowledge and regulation in place.

We don't even know how to properly plug up the hole and clean this up in a timely fashion...

This is an awful decision by a judge who obviously stood something to gain.. Like stated stocks in drilling companies.
It's time we become a real leading nation and use this disaster as a time to start decreasing our oil dependence foreign and home.. We'll never be 100% off oil but can we at least start creating these different industries and putting good push behind them to create these jobs...

Everyone always says it's not the right time.. There's no money.. Excuse after excuse. If anytime is the right time this is it..

A $500,000 piece cost BP billions and is destroying marine life, jobs, and an economy, not to mention killed 11 people..And BP chose a riskier setup that saved them $7 million, if they chose the more secure setup we probably never would have had this problem. BP was told before hand of the problems about the rig and didn't even fix it (from employees and supervisors of the rig).

Recently BP has had 760 safety violations in the past 5 years.. And paid $373 million to ignore these violations.. In the past 5 years ExxonMobile has had 1 safety violation. Sunoco had 8 in 5 years... There is no need to start deep water oil drilling without the proper knowledge and regulation in place.

We don't even know how to properly plug up the hole and clean this up in a timely fashion...

This is an awful decision by a judge who obviously stood something to gain.. Like stated stocks in drilling companies.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

why not
with the proper safety procedures and precautions, its a legitimate business
you cant let these environmentalist use this as propaganda
but with all that we've read...sounds like the events and lack of safety oversight leading up to the explosion are the norm on oil rigs....not the exception

So everyone should be punished? Because of BP's faulty record and the MMS's failure to regulate? Now, you want the goverment to over-regulate an entire industry that employs tens of thousands of people who work for other companies and have a way better record for safety than BP?

As of right now, the federal government is doing entirely way too much. The federal government is blocking the local and state officials who know how to deal with this. For some reason people look to the government to take care of problems by disasters and time after time they drop the ball. Now, the government forces BP to give up $20 billion for an escrow account, an escrow account is supposed to be directed by a third party who is Ken Feinberg, who works for the President. Not only do we not know when the victims will recieve compensation, they will be taxed on it as well.

BP is a perfect example of crony capitalism. They recieve government handouts, pay for lobbying for slanted policies in their favor and comptetition detracting regulations, and they have been protected by liability insurance caps. They pay millions for favors in Cap-and-Trade inwhich they will profit a great deal ffrom. On top of it, it was only recent that BP recieved an award on safety from this administration (where they probably paid for it), an they were finalists this year for "outstanding safety and pollution preventiion".

As far as the decision is concerned, the Judge probably shouldn't have been on the suit, but at the same time his ruling was clear why he blocked it. This is part of the Judge's ruling:

"Much to the government’s discomfort and this Court’s uneasiness, the Summary also states that “the recommendations contained in this report have been peer-reviewed by seven experts identified by the National Academy of Engineering.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

why not
with the proper safety procedures and precautions, its a legitimate business
you cant let these environmentalist use this as propaganda
but with all that we've read...sounds like the events and lack of safety oversight leading up to the explosion are the norm on oil rigs....not the exception

So everyone should be punished? Because of BP's faulty record and the MMS's failure to regulate? Now, you want the goverment to over-regulate an entire industry that employs tens of thousands of people who work for other companies and have a way better record for safety than BP?

As of right now, the federal government is doing entirely way too much. The federal government is blocking the local and state officials who know how to deal with this. For some reason people look to the government to take care of problems by disasters and time after time they drop the ball. Now, the government forces BP to give up $20 billion for an escrow account, an escrow account is supposed to be directed by a third party who is Ken Feinberg, who works for the President. Not only do we not know when the victims will recieve compensation, they will be taxed on it as well.

BP is a perfect example of crony capitalism. They recieve government handouts, pay for lobbying for slanted policies in their favor and comptetition detracting regulations, and they have been protected by liability insurance caps. They pay millions for favors in Cap-and-Trade inwhich they will profit a great deal ffrom. On top of it, it was only recent that BP recieved an award on safety from this administration (where they probably paid for it), an they were finalists this year for "outstanding safety and pollution preventiion".

As far as the decision is concerned, the Judge probably shouldn't have been on the suit, but at the same time his ruling was clear why he blocked it. This is part of the Judge's ruling:

"Much to the government’s discomfort and this Court’s uneasiness, the Summary also states that “the recommendations contained in this report have been peer-reviewed by seven experts identified by the National Academy of Engineering.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

why not
with the proper safety procedures and precautions, its a legitimate business
you cant let these environmentalist use this as propaganda
but with all that we've read...sounds like the events and lack of safety oversight leading up to the explosion are the norm on oil rigs....not the exception

So everyone should be punished? Because of BP's faulty record and the MMS's failure to regulate? Now, you want the goverment to over-regulate an entire industry that employs tens of thousands of people who work for other companies and have a way better record for safety than BP?
- you sound like a conservative..........they love throwing that word around.
- is that all you got from what he said? so to you the moratorium is punishment?? jesus christ

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

why not
with the proper safety procedures and precautions, its a legitimate business
you cant let these environmentalist use this as propaganda
but with all that we've read...sounds like the events and lack of safety oversight leading up to the explosion are the norm on oil rigs....not the exception

So everyone should be punished? Because of BP's faulty record and the MMS's failure to regulate? Now, you want the goverment to over-regulate an entire industry that employs tens of thousands of people who work for other companies and have a way better record for safety than BP?
- you sound like a conservative..........they love throwing that word around.
- is that all you got from what he said? so to you the moratorium is punishment?? jesus christ

Im glad some have gotten in on the discussion, unfortunately i'm reading more of the same, worrying about a corrupt industry and humans jobs. When will we as a people realize we aren't the most important thing on this planet? I don't care how many people are out of a job because of this, The effects on the environment will be long lasting. Humans are ruining the planet, and not to mention killing off other life we share this planet with.

To even say something like "You cant let these environmentalists use this as propaganda" is not only in poor taste considering what's at hand but is ignorant to the point that just makes me sad and shake my head in disgust.

If people cant use what's happened here as a permanent wake up call then I feel we are in worse shape then i ever could have imagined us being in.

Off shore drilling was irresponsible before this happened (obviously) and with the current catastrophe to even think about continuing in a profession that grossly underestimated the effects it could have on the planet and everything that inhabits it is just plain stupid.

Now we have a judge, who owns stock in the drilling companies overturning a short 6 mo. moratorium for his own personal gain. How can you not see the conflict of interest here? In fact i would go on to say that it's borderline criminal and he should be forced to step down from his position at the very least.
Im glad some have gotten in on the discussion, unfortunately i'm reading more of the same, worrying about a corrupt industry and humans jobs. When will we as a people realize we aren't the most important thing on this planet? I don't care how many people are out of a job because of this, The effects on the environment will be long lasting. Humans are ruining the planet, and not to mention killing off other life we share this planet with.

To even say something like "You cant let these environmentalists use this as propaganda" is not only in poor taste considering what's at hand but is ignorant to the point that just makes me sad and shake my head in disgust.

If people cant use what's happened here as a permanent wake up call then I feel we are in worse shape then i ever could have imagined us being in.

Off shore drilling was irresponsible before this happened (obviously) and with the current catastrophe to even think about continuing in a profession that grossly underestimated the effects it could have on the planet and everything that inhabits it is just plain stupid.

Now we have a judge, who owns stock in the drilling companies overturning a short 6 mo. moratorium for his own personal gain. How can you not see the conflict of interest here? In fact i would go on to say that it's borderline criminal and he should be forced to step down from his position at the very least.

so a 6 month pause to review existing protocols and safety regulations isn't worth it to make sure that there isn't another spill again?

so a 6 month pause to review existing protocols and safety regulations isn't worth it to make sure that there isn't another spill again?
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

why not
with the proper safety procedures and precautions, its a legitimate business
you cant let these environmentalist use this as propaganda
but with all that we've read...sounds like the events and lack of safety oversight leading up to the explosion are the norm on oil rigs....not the exception

So everyone should be punished? Because of BP's faulty record and the MMS's failure to regulate? Now, you want the goverment to over-regulate an entire industry that employs tens of thousands of people who work for other companies and have a way better record for safety than BP?
- you sound like a conservative..........they love throwing that word around.
- is that all you got from what he said? so to you the moratorium is punishment?? jesus christ


Throwing the Left/Right paradigm smokescreen out there, huh? The other companies were playing by the rules and shutting them down while they lose millions of dollars and the people who work those rigs will be out of work. That isn't a punishment for the faulty record of the federal governments favorite oil company? What do you want those emloyees of the companies to do? Just sit and wait for the buerocrats to get around to them?

This is how our government works, they punish the innocent, bail out the guilty, while prices of gas in and around my area continue rise and we have to wait like schlubs while we pay high prices for until these people figure things out? Good idea, dude.

so a 6 month pause to review existing protocols and safety regulations isn't worth it to make sure that there isn't another spill again?
You honeslty think that with all their reviewing and investigations that this will not happen again? When was the last time you heard an American offshore rig in American waters had this type of accident? MMS signed off on everything and the U.S. government issued the licenses for BP. Now the other companies that were playing by the rules have to suffer now because of BP? Government cannot protect every bad thing from happening, they cannot put the country in a bubble and promise that this will not happen again. 

To be honest, tens of thousands of jobs are not worth at the risk of another environmental disaster vs. the economic benefit gained, in my opinion. 

That a pretty elitist attitude. Would you tell those people that there job really inst that important and they should be lost?
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

why not
with the proper safety procedures and precautions, its a legitimate business
you cant let these environmentalist use this as propaganda
but with all that we've read...sounds like the events and lack of safety oversight leading up to the explosion are the norm on oil rigs....not the exception

So everyone should be punished? Because of BP's faulty record and the MMS's failure to regulate? Now, you want the goverment to over-regulate an entire industry that employs tens of thousands of people who work for other companies and have a way better record for safety than BP?
- you sound like a conservative..........they love throwing that word around.
- is that all you got from what he said? so to you the moratorium is punishment?? jesus christ


Throwing the Left/Right paradigm smokescreen out there, huh? The other companies were playing by the rules and shutting them down while they lose millions of dollars and the people who work those rigs will be out of work. That isn't a punishment for the faulty record of the federal governments favorite oil company? What do you want those emloyees of the companies to do? Just sit and wait for the buerocrats to get around to them?

This is how our government works, they punish the innocent, bail out the guilty, while prices of gas in and around my area continue rise and we have to wait like schlubs while we pay high prices for until these people figure things out? Good idea, dude.

so a 6 month pause to review existing protocols and safety regulations isn't worth it to make sure that there isn't another spill again?
You honeslty think that with all their reviewing and investigations that this will not happen again? When was the last time you heard an American offshore rig in American waters had this type of accident? MMS signed off on everything and the U.S. government issued the licenses for BP. Now the other companies that were playing by the rules have to suffer now because of BP? Government cannot protect every bad thing from happening, they cannot put the country in a bubble and promise that this will not happen again. 

To be honest, tens of thousands of jobs are not worth at the risk of another environmental disaster vs. the economic benefit gained, in my opinion. 

That a pretty elitist attitude. Would you tell those people that there job really inst that important and they should be lost?
Just some random facts / ideas:

8% of energy consumed in the U.S. comes from the Gulf.

The moratorium does not stop oil production in the Gulf; it halts drilling. 

Energy Consumption (2007 is as recent as I could find):

We've got a long way to go before we can rid ourselves of fossil fuels, especially considering that it will take an enormous amount of fossil fuels to produce renewable energy resources (solar panels, turbines, etc.). 

To be honest, tens of thousands of jobs are not worth at the risk of another environmental disaster vs. the economic benefit gained, in my opinion.  I would say the government made a good conservative decision in halting drilling in order to ensure safety standards are adequate. 
Just some random facts / ideas:

8% of energy consumed in the U.S. comes from the Gulf.

The moratorium does not stop oil production in the Gulf; it halts drilling. 

Energy Consumption (2007 is as recent as I could find):

We've got a long way to go before we can rid ourselves of fossil fuels, especially considering that it will take an enormous amount of fossil fuels to produce renewable energy resources (solar panels, turbines, etc.). 

To be honest, tens of thousands of jobs are not worth at the risk of another environmental disaster vs. the economic benefit gained, in my opinion.  I would say the government made a good conservative decision in halting drilling in order to ensure safety standards are adequate. 
Conservatives want Obama to wait until the 2nd oil spill to decide to temporarily stop deep water drilling. That line of thinking worked well on 9/11 when Bush waited until the 2nd plane hit a tower to do anything.
Conservatives want Obama to wait until the 2nd oil spill to decide to temporarily stop deep water drilling. That line of thinking worked well on 9/11 when Bush waited until the 2nd plane hit a tower to do anything.
That a pretty elitist attitude.
Would you tell those people that [their] job really inst that important and they should be lost?
Why would I tell those people that their job wasn't important and should be lost?  I'm curious. 

If you're implying that I believe their jobs aren't important, you're wrong. 

But I will say that sarificing the employment of drilling workers for 6 months is merited in order to ensure proper safety standards are followed.  The environment and lives of thousands of species are much more important the employment of a group of workers. 
That a pretty elitist attitude.
Would you tell those people that [their] job really inst that important and they should be lost?
Why would I tell those people that their job wasn't important and should be lost?  I'm curious. 

If you're implying that I believe their jobs aren't important, you're wrong. 

But I will say that sarificing the employment of drilling workers for 6 months is merited in order to ensure proper safety standards are followed.  The environment and lives of thousands of species are much more important the employment of a group of workers. 
rashi wrote:
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

rashi wrote:
Dirtylicious wrote:
shatterkneesinc wrote:
why not
with the proper safety procedures and precautions, its a legitimate business
you cant let these environmentalist use this as propaganda
but with all that we've read...sounds like the events and lack of safety oversight leading up to the explosion are the norm on oil rigs....not the exception

So everyone should be punished? Because of BP's faulty record and the MMS's failure to regulate? Now, you want the goverment to over-regulate an entire industry that employs tens of thousands of people who work for other companies and have a way better record for safety than BP?

- you sound like a conservative..........they love throwing that word around.
- is that all you got from what he said? so to you the moratorium is punishment?? jesus christ


Throwing the Left/Right paradigm smokescreen out there, huh? The other companies were playing by the rules and shutting them down while they lose millions of dollars and the people who work those rigs will be out of work. That isn't a punishment for the faulty record of the federal governments favorite oil company? What do you want those emloyees of the companies to do? Just sit and wait for the buerocrats to get around to them?

This is how our government works, they punish the innocent, bail out the guilty, while prices of gas in and around my area continue rise and we have to wait like schlubs while we pay high prices for until these people figure things out? Good idea, dude.

- understand you're not talking to some outsider cosigning on the moratorium because im not taking into account how it will effect lives......YOU'RE TALKING TO AN OFFSHORE WORKER. ive been out there, i know how it would feel to have your livelihood put on hold for 6 months. and even still i find the moratorium necessary.
- im sure there may be better ways to accomplish this but i dont feel like doing the homework to find one *kanye shrug*. if the federal government thinks this is the best solution, im all for it. 6 months wont kill these dudes....or these companies. its a mess and if we need to do an "all stop" to get things right then so be it.
- im assuming you've never worked offshore, so you've never seen the amount of money these companies throw around like its no thing. i have. 6 months is no big deal.
....oh and:
Throwing the Left/Right paradigm smokescreen out there, huh?

- i just call it like i see it. and "punishment" is a common lame excuse used by conservative morons to get people on their side. almost NO ONE likes things that are unfair (punishment). conservatives know it, and they use it as a tool for weak minds.....
- i dont know if you are a conservative, but that comment sure sounded like one.
rashi wrote:
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

rashi wrote:
Dirtylicious wrote:
shatterkneesinc wrote:
why not
with the proper safety procedures and precautions, its a legitimate business
you cant let these environmentalist use this as propaganda
but with all that we've read...sounds like the events and lack of safety oversight leading up to the explosion are the norm on oil rigs....not the exception

So everyone should be punished? Because of BP's faulty record and the MMS's failure to regulate? Now, you want the goverment to over-regulate an entire industry that employs tens of thousands of people who work for other companies and have a way better record for safety than BP?

- you sound like a conservative..........they love throwing that word around.
- is that all you got from what he said? so to you the moratorium is punishment?? jesus christ


Throwing the Left/Right paradigm smokescreen out there, huh? The other companies were playing by the rules and shutting them down while they lose millions of dollars and the people who work those rigs will be out of work. That isn't a punishment for the faulty record of the federal governments favorite oil company? What do you want those emloyees of the companies to do? Just sit and wait for the buerocrats to get around to them?

This is how our government works, they punish the innocent, bail out the guilty, while prices of gas in and around my area continue rise and we have to wait like schlubs while we pay high prices for until these people figure things out? Good idea, dude.

- understand you're not talking to some outsider cosigning on the moratorium because im not taking into account how it will effect lives......YOU'RE TALKING TO AN OFFSHORE WORKER. ive been out there, i know how it would feel to have your livelihood put on hold for 6 months. and even still i find the moratorium necessary.
- im sure there may be better ways to accomplish this but i dont feel like doing the homework to find one *kanye shrug*. if the federal government thinks this is the best solution, im all for it. 6 months wont kill these dudes....or these companies. its a mess and if we need to do an "all stop" to get things right then so be it.
- im assuming you've never worked offshore, so you've never seen the amount of money these companies throw around like its no thing. i have. 6 months is no big deal.
....oh and:
Throwing the Left/Right paradigm smokescreen out there, huh?

- i just call it like i see it. and "punishment" is a common lame excuse used by conservative morons to get people on their side. almost NO ONE likes things that are unfair (punishment). conservatives know it, and they use it as a tool for weak minds.....
- i dont know if you are a conservative, but that comment sure sounded like one.
Originally Posted by FeelMode

Im glad some have gotten in on the discussion, unfortunately i'm reading more of the same, worrying about a corrupt industry and humans jobs. When will we as a people realize we aren't the most important thing on this planet? I don't care how many people are out of a job because of this, The effects on the environment will be long lasting. Humans are ruining the planet, and not to mention killing off other life we share this planet with.

To even say something like "You cant let these environmentalists use this as propaganda" is not only in poor taste considering what's at hand but is ignorant to the point that just makes me sad and shake my head in disgust.

If people cant use what's happened here as a permanent wake up call then I feel we are in worse shape then i ever could have imagined us being in.

Off shore drilling was irresponsible before this happened (obviously) and with the current catastrophe to even think about continuing in a profession that grossly underestimated the effects it could have on the planet and everything that inhabits it is just plain stupid.

Now we have a judge, who owns stock in the drilling companies overturning a short 6 mo. moratorium for his own personal gain. How can you not see the conflict of interest here? In fact i would go on to say that it's borderline criminal and he should be forced to step down from his position at the very least.
thank you
Originally Posted by FeelMode

Im glad some have gotten in on the discussion, unfortunately i'm reading more of the same, worrying about a corrupt industry and humans jobs. When will we as a people realize we aren't the most important thing on this planet? I don't care how many people are out of a job because of this, The effects on the environment will be long lasting. Humans are ruining the planet, and not to mention killing off other life we share this planet with.

To even say something like "You cant let these environmentalists use this as propaganda" is not only in poor taste considering what's at hand but is ignorant to the point that just makes me sad and shake my head in disgust.

If people cant use what's happened here as a permanent wake up call then I feel we are in worse shape then i ever could have imagined us being in.

Off shore drilling was irresponsible before this happened (obviously) and with the current catastrophe to even think about continuing in a profession that grossly underestimated the effects it could have on the planet and everything that inhabits it is just plain stupid.

Now we have a judge, who owns stock in the drilling companies overturning a short 6 mo. moratorium for his own personal gain. How can you not see the conflict of interest here? In fact i would go on to say that it's borderline criminal and he should be forced to step down from his position at the very least.
thank you
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