New Orleans Federal Judge Overturns 6 mo. Moratorium on Deep Water Drilling

How is this even a discussion? Sorry for the language but F### their jobs, call it elitist if you want but NO job is worth the destruction that has come from the gross mishandling of this situation. And everyone is so up in arms over the loss of jobs in the corrupt oil/drilling industry, what about the loss of jobs from the fishing industry, the tourism industry, etc... Those peoples way of lives have been altered significantly due to this. Again NO job is worth the destruction of this planet, NO amount of money is worth the destruction of this planet.

Furthermore, what's the price tag on the sea life that has been lost? If anyone has an elitist attitude its the Humans that believe they are somehow more entitled to this planet then the animals we share this planet with, some of which have enjoyed this planet longer then the human race has existed. We will be dealing with the adverse effects of this for years after they finally get that well shut off, if they ever do. In fact much of the effects are irreversible, and more then likely we the general public will never be privy to the pertinent information in regards to the destruction of the sea floor. I imagine we will end up seeing polar bears covered in oil from this catastrophe and for every 1 thing we the public become aware of id guess there are tens of thousands of things we will never see, swallowed up forever by the ocean until mother nature finally and destructively throws it back in our faces.
How is this even a discussion? Sorry for the language but F### their jobs, call it elitist if you want but NO job is worth the destruction that has come from the gross mishandling of this situation. And everyone is so up in arms over the loss of jobs in the corrupt oil/drilling industry, what about the loss of jobs from the fishing industry, the tourism industry, etc... Those peoples way of lives have been altered significantly due to this. Again NO job is worth the destruction of this planet, NO amount of money is worth the destruction of this planet.

Furthermore, what's the price tag on the sea life that has been lost? If anyone has an elitist attitude its the Humans that believe they are somehow more entitled to this planet then the animals we share this planet with, some of which have enjoyed this planet longer then the human race has existed. We will be dealing with the adverse effects of this for years after they finally get that well shut off, if they ever do. In fact much of the effects are irreversible, and more then likely we the general public will never be privy to the pertinent information in regards to the destruction of the sea floor. I imagine we will end up seeing polar bears covered in oil from this catastrophe and for every 1 thing we the public become aware of id guess there are tens of thousands of things we will never see, swallowed up forever by the ocean until mother nature finally and destructively throws it back in our faces.
Originally Posted by FeelMode

How is this even a discussion? Sorry for the language but F### their jobs, call it elitist if you want but NO job is worth the destruction that has come from the gross mishandling of this situation. And everyone is so up in arms over the loss of jobs in the corrupt oil/drilling industry, what about the loss of jobs from the fishing industry, the tourism industry, etc... Those peoples way of lives have been altered significantly due to this. Again NO job is worth the destruction of this planet, NO amount of money is worth the destruction of this planet.

Furthermore, what's the price tag on the sea life that has been lost? If anyone has an elitist attitude its the Humans that believe they are somehow more entitled to this planet then the animals we share this planet with, some of which have enjoyed this planet longer then the human race has existed. We will be dealing with the adverse effects of this for years after they finally get that well shut off, if they ever do. In fact much of the effects are irreversible, and more then likely we the general public will never be privy to the pertinent information in regards to the destruction of the sea floor. I imagine we will end up seeing polar bears covered in oil from this catastrophe and for every 1 thing we the public become aware of id guess there are tens of thousands of things we will never see, swallowed up forever by the ocean until mother nature finally and destructively throws it back in our faces.
Excellent post!
Originally Posted by FeelMode

How is this even a discussion? Sorry for the language but F### their jobs, call it elitist if you want but NO job is worth the destruction that has come from the gross mishandling of this situation. And everyone is so up in arms over the loss of jobs in the corrupt oil/drilling industry, what about the loss of jobs from the fishing industry, the tourism industry, etc... Those peoples way of lives have been altered significantly due to this. Again NO job is worth the destruction of this planet, NO amount of money is worth the destruction of this planet.

Furthermore, what's the price tag on the sea life that has been lost? If anyone has an elitist attitude its the Humans that believe they are somehow more entitled to this planet then the animals we share this planet with, some of which have enjoyed this planet longer then the human race has existed. We will be dealing with the adverse effects of this for years after they finally get that well shut off, if they ever do. In fact much of the effects are irreversible, and more then likely we the general public will never be privy to the pertinent information in regards to the destruction of the sea floor. I imagine we will end up seeing polar bears covered in oil from this catastrophe and for every 1 thing we the public become aware of id guess there are tens of thousands of things we will never see, swallowed up forever by the ocean until mother nature finally and destructively throws it back in our faces.
Excellent post!
Great posts Feelmode. Really really great posts.

I actually saw this thread late last night and almost typed up a response to shatterkneesinc OG post, but decided to abandon the course because it would be a waste of ATP on my part.

Certain people lack the capacity to see beyond money and/or immediate human needs. It's just a fact of life. Whether this ignorance is deliberate or not, I know not. What I do know is that we need more people who actually give a damn about this planet (and its other inhabitants), and less of those who don't (Rashi and Shttrknees).

Great posts Feelmode. Really really great posts.

I actually saw this thread late last night and almost typed up a response to shatterkneesinc OG post, but decided to abandon the course because it would be a waste of ATP on my part.

Certain people lack the capacity to see beyond money and/or immediate human needs. It's just a fact of life. Whether this ignorance is deliberate or not, I know not. What I do know is that we need more people who actually give a damn about this planet (and its other inhabitants), and less of those who don't (Rashi and Shttrknees).

The people in favor of continuing to drill in the gulf have to be idiots. Here's why. Let's stick to the facts here and not opinions

Here's the facts:

1. We had lack of government oversight
2. We had negligence on BP's part.
3. We can't stop the leak until maybe August at the earliest, that's a big IF the relief wells are successful. This thing could leak until Christmas.
4. We have no technology to stop leaks like this at depths of 5,000 feet
5. We are lucky that BP has the resources to pay for it. The taxpayer would be on the hook if this was a smaller company.

Knowing all these things, why would you want to continue to deep water drill in the Gulf before investigating everything that went wrong?
The people in favor of continuing to drill in the gulf have to be idiots. Here's why. Let's stick to the facts here and not opinions

Here's the facts:

1. We had lack of government oversight
2. We had negligence on BP's part.
3. We can't stop the leak until maybe August at the earliest, that's a big IF the relief wells are successful. This thing could leak until Christmas.
4. We have no technology to stop leaks like this at depths of 5,000 feet
5. We are lucky that BP has the resources to pay for it. The taxpayer would be on the hook if this was a smaller company.

Knowing all these things, why would you want to continue to deep water drill in the Gulf before investigating everything that went wrong?
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Degenerate423

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

why not
with the proper safety procedures and precautions, its a legitimate business
you cant let these environmentalist use this as propaganda

true, but i mean come on, can we at least clean up the mess from the last oil spill before they start drilling again?

How many decades do you propose we wait?

As many decades as it takes for these lazy @+%, worthless excuses for human beings to clean up the mess they made.  I always knew politicians were corrupt, but seriously for a few extra dollars they'd look the other way while you pound their daughters
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Degenerate423

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

why not
with the proper safety procedures and precautions, its a legitimate business
you cant let these environmentalist use this as propaganda

true, but i mean come on, can we at least clean up the mess from the last oil spill before they start drilling again?

How many decades do you propose we wait?

As many decades as it takes for these lazy @+%, worthless excuses for human beings to clean up the mess they made.  I always knew politicians were corrupt, but seriously for a few extra dollars they'd look the other way while you pound their daughters
Originally Posted by rashi

so a 6 month pause to review existing protocols and safety regulations isn't worth it to make sure that there isn't another spill again?
You honeslty think that with all their reviewing and investigations that this will not happen again? When was the last time you heard an American offshore rig in American waters had this type of accident? MMS signed off on everything and the U.S. government issued the licenses for BP. Now the other companies that were playing by the rules have to suffer now because of BP? Government cannot protect every bad thing from happening, they cannot put the country in a bubble and promise that this will not happen again. 

lol.  you really think the other companies play by the rules?
it's been widely reported that the MMS gave rubber stamp approval to BP.  you think the other companies didn't play the same game?
Originally Posted by rashi

so a 6 month pause to review existing protocols and safety regulations isn't worth it to make sure that there isn't another spill again?
You honeslty think that with all their reviewing and investigations that this will not happen again? When was the last time you heard an American offshore rig in American waters had this type of accident? MMS signed off on everything and the U.S. government issued the licenses for BP. Now the other companies that were playing by the rules have to suffer now because of BP? Government cannot protect every bad thing from happening, they cannot put the country in a bubble and promise that this will not happen again. 

lol.  you really think the other companies play by the rules?
it's been widely reported that the MMS gave rubber stamp approval to BP.  you think the other companies didn't play the same game?
- understand you're not talking to some outsider cosigning on the moratorium because im not taking into account how it will effect lives......YOU'RE TALKING TO AN OFFSHORE WORKER. ive been out there, i know how it would feel to have your livelihood put on hold for 6 months. and even still i find the moratorium necessary.
- im sure there may be better ways to accomplish this but i dont feel like doing the homework to find one *kanye shrug*. if the federal government thinks this is the best solution, im all for it. 6 months wont kill these dudes....or these companies. its a mess and if we need to do an "all stop" to get things right then so be it.

- im assuming you've never worked offshore, so you've never seen the amount of money these companies throw around like its no thing. i have. 6 months is no big deal.

You may think it is necessary, but the experts that were tapped by the Interior Secretary said it wasn't and could actually be detrimental, after the fact he said in the moratorium that the experts agreed. That's why the Judge threw out the the governments suit, they didn't make a credible case. Because of difference of opinion and my outright disgust for any type of government, I wouldn't trust the government to vaccinate my dog. I haven't worked offshore, but where I live, we are heavily dependent off those rigs and if they aren't refining the oil from those rigs, our prices go up.

- i just call it like i see it. and "punishment" is a common lame excuse used by conservative morons to get people on their side. almost NO ONE likes things that are unfair (punishment). conservatives know it, and they use it as a tool for weak minds.....

- i dont know if you are a conservative, but that comment sure sounded like one.

Conservatives are good at word play and semantics. Anything Democrats do, Conservatives just say the opposite and claim they are a better closet Socialist. Do I actually think that they think it is a punishment? No, the have elections coming up. But it is a punishment for the other companies, I don't care about BP. The clean up could have started a long time ago, but this President is insisted on playing politics. He didn't accept any outside help from other countries most likely because they weren't unionized.

How is this even a discussion? Sorry for the language but F### their jobs, call it elitist if you want but NO job is worth the destruction that has come from the gross mishandling of this situation. And everyone is so up in arms over the loss of jobs in the corrupt oil/drilling industry, what about the loss of jobs from the fishing industry, the tourism industry, etc... Those peoples way of lives have been altered significantly due to this. Again NO job is worth the destruction of this planet, NO amount of money is worth the destruction of this planet.

 Temporarily altered their lives? Do you think there are thousands of jobs out there for these people that they can forget there lively hood and go look for jobs somewhere else? Are you an expert of geology and anthropology? How do you know how much the earth is going to suffer from this spill? Did you know that one year after the Valdez accident that fishing was better a year after than the year before the accident? We don't have a clue what the impact will be. I'm willing to bet on the earth to recover itself, the world has seen nuclear bombs, nuclear meltdowns, wars, gyrations in weather patterns, ect, and yet the earth is still functioning like it did before the spill. Like I said earlier, when was the last time you heard an American offshore rig in American waters have this accident? So because of one accident we should just stop offshore drilling completely?

So you want people to lose their jobs because of the mishandling of the oil spill by the federal government?

Remember what the President said?
"The American people should know that from the moment this disaster began, the federal government has been in charge of the response effort. As far as I’m concerned, BP is responsible for this horrific disaster, and we will hold them fully accountable on behalf of the United States as well as the people and communities victimized by this tragedy. We will demand that they pay every dime they owe for the damage they’ve done and the painful losses that they’ve caused. And we will continue to take full advantage of the unique technology and expertise they have to help stop this leak. But make no mistake: BP is operating at our direction. Every key decision and action they take must be approved by us in advance."

About those fisherman, one could say from a legal point of view that BP isn't liable because where they fish isn't their property. They are using federal government property, they receive a license and they are allowed to fish. For example, if I shop a certain store for food and someone burns it down and I can't shop there for food anymore can I sue the person who burned down the market I go to?

You also have to understand that because BP and the government signed off on a $75 million liability cap, that's all they are responsible for. If it was up to me, BP would be responsible for 100% for the clean-up and reimbursing the people that have been effects.

Furthermore, what's the price tag on the sea life that has been lost? If anyone has an elitist attitude its the Humans that believe they are somehow more entitled to this planet then the animals we share this planet with, some of which have enjoyed this planet longer then the human race has existed. We will be dealing with the adverse effects of this for years after they finally get that well shut off, if they ever do. In fact much of the effects are irreversible, and more then likely we the general public will never be privy to the pertinent information in regards to the destruction of the sea floor. I imagine we will end up seeing polar bears covered in oil from this catastrophe and for every 1 thing we the public become aware of id guess there are tens of thousands of things we will never see, swallowed up forever by the ocean until mother nature finally and destructively throws it back in our faces.

I'm not even going to answer this because I wasn't aware we had a Wildlife expert and Ph.D ecologist on NKETLK, my apologies.

Just saw this.

[table][tr][td][h1]Obama Administration Knew About Deepwater Horizon 35,000 Feet Well Bore[/h1][/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][/tr][/table]Written by Wayne Madsen  

Tuesday, 22 June 2010 17:15

President Obama and Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, and Defense Secretary Robert Gates were informed that BP would drill an unprecedented 35,000 feet well bore at the Macondo site off the coast of Louisiana. In September 2009, the Deepwater Horizon successfully sunk a well bore at a depth of 35,055 below sea level at the Tiber Prospect in the Keathley Canyon block 102 in the Gulf of Mexico, southeast of Houston.
During the September drilling operations, the Deepwater Horizon drill penetrated a massive undersea oil deposit but BP's priorities changed when the Macondo site in the Mississippi Canyon off the coast of Louisiana was found to contain some 3-4 billion barrels of oil in an underground cavern estimated to be about the size of Mount Everest. It was as a result of another 35,000 feet well bore sank by the Deepwater Horizon at the Macondo site that the catastrophic explosion occurred on April 20.
According to the Wayne Madsen Report (WMR) sources within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Pentagon and Interior and Energy Departments told the Obama Administration that the newly-discovered estimated 3-4 billion barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico would cover America's oil needs for up to eight months if there was a military attack on Iran that resulted in the bottling up of the Strait of Hormuz to oil tanker traffic, resulting in a cut-off of oil to the United States from the Persian Gulf.
Obama, Salazar, Chu, and Gates green-lighted the risky Macondo drilling operation from the outset, according to WMR's government sources.WMR learned that BP was able to have several safety checks waved because of the high-level interest by the White House and Pentagon in tapping the Gulf of Mexico bonanza find in order to plan a military attack on Iran without having to be concerned about an oil and natural gas shortage from the Persian Gulf after an outbreak of hostilities with Iran.
BP still has an ongoing operation to drill down to 40,000 feet below sea level at the Liberty field off the north coast of Alaska.

Well, well, well. President Obama has turned into Neocon.

lol.  you really think the other companies play by the rules?
it's been widely reported that the MMS gave rubber stamp approval to BP.  you think the other companies didn't play the same game?

You are stating that the MMS who oversees the regulations on natural gas and oil gave a "rubber stamp approval", but yet you want them to do more and have more power? Am I understanding that right? We can only assume that those companies do not play by the rules, but yet they haven't had an accident and had a better safety record than BP.

What I do know is that we need more people who actually give a damn about this planet (and its other inhabitants), and less of those who don't (Rashi and Shttrknees).

Where in any of my posts has suggested that I do not care about the planet and the environment? Just because I don't think that the world is as susceptible and vulnerable to destruction like you do, I care about it less?
- understand you're not talking to some outsider cosigning on the moratorium because im not taking into account how it will effect lives......YOU'RE TALKING TO AN OFFSHORE WORKER. ive been out there, i know how it would feel to have your livelihood put on hold for 6 months. and even still i find the moratorium necessary.
- im sure there may be better ways to accomplish this but i dont feel like doing the homework to find one *kanye shrug*. if the federal government thinks this is the best solution, im all for it. 6 months wont kill these dudes....or these companies. its a mess and if we need to do an "all stop" to get things right then so be it.

- im assuming you've never worked offshore, so you've never seen the amount of money these companies throw around like its no thing. i have. 6 months is no big deal.

You may think it is necessary, but the experts that were tapped by the Interior Secretary said it wasn't and could actually be detrimental, after the fact he said in the moratorium that the experts agreed. That's why the Judge threw out the the governments suit, they didn't make a credible case. Because of difference of opinion and my outright disgust for any type of government, I wouldn't trust the government to vaccinate my dog. I haven't worked offshore, but where I live, we are heavily dependent off those rigs and if they aren't refining the oil from those rigs, our prices go up.

- i just call it like i see it. and "punishment" is a common lame excuse used by conservative morons to get people on their side. almost NO ONE likes things that are unfair (punishment). conservatives know it, and they use it as a tool for weak minds.....

- i dont know if you are a conservative, but that comment sure sounded like one.

Conservatives are good at word play and semantics. Anything Democrats do, Conservatives just say the opposite and claim they are a better closet Socialist. Do I actually think that they think it is a punishment? No, the have elections coming up. But it is a punishment for the other companies, I don't care about BP. The clean up could have started a long time ago, but this President is insisted on playing politics. He didn't accept any outside help from other countries most likely because they weren't unionized.

How is this even a discussion? Sorry for the language but F### their jobs, call it elitist if you want but NO job is worth the destruction that has come from the gross mishandling of this situation. And everyone is so up in arms over the loss of jobs in the corrupt oil/drilling industry, what about the loss of jobs from the fishing industry, the tourism industry, etc... Those peoples way of lives have been altered significantly due to this. Again NO job is worth the destruction of this planet, NO amount of money is worth the destruction of this planet.

 Temporarily altered their lives? Do you think there are thousands of jobs out there for these people that they can forget there lively hood and go look for jobs somewhere else? Are you an expert of geology and anthropology? How do you know how much the earth is going to suffer from this spill? Did you know that one year after the Valdez accident that fishing was better a year after than the year before the accident? We don't have a clue what the impact will be. I'm willing to bet on the earth to recover itself, the world has seen nuclear bombs, nuclear meltdowns, wars, gyrations in weather patterns, ect, and yet the earth is still functioning like it did before the spill. Like I said earlier, when was the last time you heard an American offshore rig in American waters have this accident? So because of one accident we should just stop offshore drilling completely?

So you want people to lose their jobs because of the mishandling of the oil spill by the federal government?

Remember what the President said?
"The American people should know that from the moment this disaster began, the federal government has been in charge of the response effort. As far as I’m concerned, BP is responsible for this horrific disaster, and we will hold them fully accountable on behalf of the United States as well as the people and communities victimized by this tragedy. We will demand that they pay every dime they owe for the damage they’ve done and the painful losses that they’ve caused. And we will continue to take full advantage of the unique technology and expertise they have to help stop this leak. But make no mistake: BP is operating at our direction. Every key decision and action they take must be approved by us in advance."

About those fisherman, one could say from a legal point of view that BP isn't liable because where they fish isn't their property. They are using federal government property, they receive a license and they are allowed to fish. For example, if I shop a certain store for food and someone burns it down and I can't shop there for food anymore can I sue the person who burned down the market I go to?

You also have to understand that because BP and the government signed off on a $75 million liability cap, that's all they are responsible for. If it was up to me, BP would be responsible for 100% for the clean-up and reimbursing the people that have been effects.

Furthermore, what's the price tag on the sea life that has been lost? If anyone has an elitist attitude its the Humans that believe they are somehow more entitled to this planet then the animals we share this planet with, some of which have enjoyed this planet longer then the human race has existed. We will be dealing with the adverse effects of this for years after they finally get that well shut off, if they ever do. In fact much of the effects are irreversible, and more then likely we the general public will never be privy to the pertinent information in regards to the destruction of the sea floor. I imagine we will end up seeing polar bears covered in oil from this catastrophe and for every 1 thing we the public become aware of id guess there are tens of thousands of things we will never see, swallowed up forever by the ocean until mother nature finally and destructively throws it back in our faces.

I'm not even going to answer this because I wasn't aware we had a Wildlife expert and Ph.D ecologist on NKETLK, my apologies.

Just saw this.

[table][tr][td][h1]Obama Administration Knew About Deepwater Horizon 35,000 Feet Well Bore[/h1][/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][/tr][/table]Written by Wayne Madsen  

Tuesday, 22 June 2010 17:15

President Obama and Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, and Defense Secretary Robert Gates were informed that BP would drill an unprecedented 35,000 feet well bore at the Macondo site off the coast of Louisiana. In September 2009, the Deepwater Horizon successfully sunk a well bore at a depth of 35,055 below sea level at the Tiber Prospect in the Keathley Canyon block 102 in the Gulf of Mexico, southeast of Houston.
During the September drilling operations, the Deepwater Horizon drill penetrated a massive undersea oil deposit but BP's priorities changed when the Macondo site in the Mississippi Canyon off the coast of Louisiana was found to contain some 3-4 billion barrels of oil in an underground cavern estimated to be about the size of Mount Everest. It was as a result of another 35,000 feet well bore sank by the Deepwater Horizon at the Macondo site that the catastrophic explosion occurred on April 20.
According to the Wayne Madsen Report (WMR) sources within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Pentagon and Interior and Energy Departments told the Obama Administration that the newly-discovered estimated 3-4 billion barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico would cover America's oil needs for up to eight months if there was a military attack on Iran that resulted in the bottling up of the Strait of Hormuz to oil tanker traffic, resulting in a cut-off of oil to the United States from the Persian Gulf.
Obama, Salazar, Chu, and Gates green-lighted the risky Macondo drilling operation from the outset, according to WMR's government sources.WMR learned that BP was able to have several safety checks waved because of the high-level interest by the White House and Pentagon in tapping the Gulf of Mexico bonanza find in order to plan a military attack on Iran without having to be concerned about an oil and natural gas shortage from the Persian Gulf after an outbreak of hostilities with Iran.
BP still has an ongoing operation to drill down to 40,000 feet below sea level at the Liberty field off the north coast of Alaska.

Well, well, well. President Obama has turned into Neocon.

lol.  you really think the other companies play by the rules?
it's been widely reported that the MMS gave rubber stamp approval to BP.  you think the other companies didn't play the same game?

You are stating that the MMS who oversees the regulations on natural gas and oil gave a "rubber stamp approval", but yet you want them to do more and have more power? Am I understanding that right? We can only assume that those companies do not play by the rules, but yet they haven't had an accident and had a better safety record than BP.

What I do know is that we need more people who actually give a damn about this planet (and its other inhabitants), and less of those who don't (Rashi and Shttrknees).

Where in any of my posts has suggested that I do not care about the planet and the environment? Just because I don't think that the world is as susceptible and vulnerable to destruction like you do, I care about it less?
Originally Posted by rashi

Furthermore, what's the price tag on the sea life that has been lost? If anyone has an elitist attitude its the Humans that believe they are somehow more entitled to this planet then the animals we share this planet with, some of which have enjoyed this planet longer then the human race has existed. We will be dealing with the adverse effects of this for years after they finally get that well shut off, if they ever do. In fact much of the effects are irreversible, and more then likely we the general public will never be privy to the pertinent information in regards to the destruction of the sea floor. I imagine we will end up seeing polar bears covered in oil from this catastrophe and for every 1 thing we the public become aware of id guess there are tens of thousands of things we will never see, swallowed up forever by the ocean until mother nature finally and destructively throws it back in our faces.

I'm not even going to answer this because I wasn't aware we had a Wildlife expert and Ph.D ecologist on NKETLK, my apologies.

Right, find an excuse NOT to answer the question posed in the first sentence...

Originally Posted by rashi

Furthermore, what's the price tag on the sea life that has been lost? If anyone has an elitist attitude its the Humans that believe they are somehow more entitled to this planet then the animals we share this planet with, some of which have enjoyed this planet longer then the human race has existed. We will be dealing with the adverse effects of this for years after they finally get that well shut off, if they ever do. In fact much of the effects are irreversible, and more then likely we the general public will never be privy to the pertinent information in regards to the destruction of the sea floor. I imagine we will end up seeing polar bears covered in oil from this catastrophe and for every 1 thing we the public become aware of id guess there are tens of thousands of things we will never see, swallowed up forever by the ocean until mother nature finally and destructively throws it back in our faces.

I'm not even going to answer this because I wasn't aware we had a Wildlife expert and Ph.D ecologist on NKETLK, my apologies.

Right, find an excuse NOT to answer the question posed in the first sentence...

Originally Posted by rashi

lol.  you really think the other companies play by the rules?
it's been widely reported that the MMS gave rubber stamp approval to BP.  you think the other companies didn't play the same game?

You are stating that the MMS who oversees the regulations on natural gas and oil gave a "rubber stamp approval", but yet you want them to do more and have more power? Am I understanding that right? We can only assume that those companies do not play by the rules, but yet they haven't had an accident and had a better safety record than BP.

how about a 6 month moratorium to do investigations on their employees, from top to bottom, review their conduct and clean house if need be.  Hire new people and then revamp guidelines
Originally Posted by rashi

lol.  you really think the other companies play by the rules?
it's been widely reported that the MMS gave rubber stamp approval to BP.  you think the other companies didn't play the same game?

You are stating that the MMS who oversees the regulations on natural gas and oil gave a "rubber stamp approval", but yet you want them to do more and have more power? Am I understanding that right? We can only assume that those companies do not play by the rules, but yet they haven't had an accident and had a better safety record than BP.

how about a 6 month moratorium to do investigations on their employees, from top to bottom, review their conduct and clean house if need be.  Hire new people and then revamp guidelines
Thank you FeelMode and Dirty, for making great points. How can anyone sit there and use the line "well, you don't know what impact it will have!" as an excuse for more drilling. Ignorance is bliss, and common sense ain't too common anymore.
Thank you FeelMode and Dirty, for making great points. How can anyone sit there and use the line "well, you don't know what impact it will have!" as an excuse for more drilling. Ignorance is bliss, and common sense ain't too common anymore.
I don't understand how people can hold such a petty and limited perspective on this situation. You have the worse environmental disaster in the history of our country that is still ongoing and people still oppose the moratorium?

The livelihood of people temporarily put out of business by this disaster is not more important than the overall implications of this oil spill. Period. There is no debate needed, it's common sense that drilling in this environmental warzone is a high risk to the safety of people, the environment, and to the security of the industry itself.
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