New Report - Aaron Hernandez Molested as a Child - p. 167

Well, the defense chose to admit AH was at the scene.

So what is now presented to jurors is going to be this: Do you believe the other two accomplices did the murder with AH having no advance knowledge.
Well, the defense chose to admit AH was at the scene.

So what is now presented to jurors is going to be this: Do you believe the other two accomplices did the murder with AH having no advance knowledge.
But he knew after the fact if thats the case which is still the same as knowing beforehand 
can someone fill me in the last week or so
so did his girl say anything that may incriminate him?
I think the defense strategy is that they know most jurors (after two months of this trial) are going to believe Hernandez was at the scene. Pretty strong evidence and everyone knows.

So knowing that, the defense has to adapt and go with the few theories left that might work. So you admit Hernandez was there and get that out of the way and then see if you can inject "doubt" with the prosecution's case.

The official jury: 7 women, 5 men

The jurors three options:
Murder 1 - Life, no parole
Murder 2 - Life, possibility of parole after 15 years

SI's legal analyst reports hung juries happen only about 10-15% of cases.

Here's the legal instructions the judge gave the jury today at the conclusion of the trial which the defense cherishes:

You must take the law as I give it, not what others (media, Twitter) or you think the law should be
The defendant did not testify but he had an absolute right to not testify, was not up to him to prove he was innocent.

Aaron Hernandez stands before you with a presumption of not regard search warrants as guilt.

Mr. Hernandez did not have to explain anything...a defendant never has any burden to prove his innocence.

Even a strong probability not enough for conviction, need certainty for proof of beyond a reasonable doubt.
Mere presence at the scene of the crime is not enough. Aaron Hernandez must have shared the intent to commit the crime.

You must be unanimous. All 12 of you must agree...12 people must be of one mind.
Hope he walks and get < 10 for his other charge

Free Chico
why did the defense admit he was at the scene? i dont see this helping aaron really

hailmary...they know the evidence is clear he was there. By maintaining he wasn't involved like they started the trial would make him look more guilty. By saying he was a witness they are trying to plant some reasonable doubt into 1 persons head. Basically, they know his a** did it and they don't have many other options.

P.S. - I do wonder how the "streets" will see Hernandez if he does get off since he basically snitched today.
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hailmary...they know the evidence is clear he was there. By maintaining he wasn't involved like they started the trial would make him look more guilty. By saying he was a witness they are trying to plant some reasonable doubt into 1 persons head. Basically, they know his a** did it and they don't have many other options.

P.S. - I do wonder how the "streets" will see Hernandez if he does get off since he basically snitched today.

snitched wat?
In the first week of my internship last summer, I saw a man get convicted of murder with much worse circumstantial evidence.
I'm curious as to why the prosecution never called either Oritz or Wallace to the stand?
This is Merica b he's getting off. Chico will be on the field running post routes in no time. Meanwhile Josh Gordon will be sitting at home for smoking a blunt :smh:
Watching the video footage on cnn right now....its crazy them getting bacj to house and i swear it looks like a scene from BELLY.

Like in the begining after they shoot up the club and go back to tommys crib..
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