New York Daily News - Roger Clemens had affair with 15 yr. old country star

Originally Posted by RyGuy45

"It was love at first sight, no doubt about it," said a source with intimate knowledge of the relationship.

. What a joke this fool is.
idk guys, the first is her before roger clemens, and the last 2 are once she met roger clemens...
i just googled her shes pretty wack


maybe she was a lil prettier when she was 15 but damn Rocket if ur gona get ur Kellz on atleast make sure shes a dime
No joke, I went through a little phase where I listened to some country for a couple years. My senior year of high school and for about a year or soafterwards, I was all about some Faith Hill, Mindy McCready, and Shania Twain.

So this is just another reason to say 'Screw you, Rocket!'


Maybe he just misremembered
Originally Posted by na penny 89

let the rocket live for real. this is not uncommon in the world of famous people.

that's why famous ppl shouldn't be allowed to marry
One time, McCready attended a Yankees game at the Stadium and jokingly donned a catcher's mask near the home dugout. During another Big Apple excursion, the two holed up in the trendy SoHo Grand and later partied with Monica Lewinsky and Michael Jordan.

MJ got a piece too? double-teamed with Clemens?
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