New York Daily News - Roger Clemens had affair with 15 yr. old country star

I am sure she didn't look that hit back then. An actual decent pic of McCready:

Yeah, but this is what she looked like when Roger was first trying to get at her



From the ESPN convo page:
Hanson: Why did you come here tonite?
Clemons: To talk with her.
Hanson: Who?
Clemons: Mindy.
Hanson: Do you really think it's ok for a 28 year old man to visit a 15 year old girl at home alone?
Clemons: I thought she was 22. I only wanted to make sure that she was safe.
Hanson: I have the chat logs right here. Her screen name is HottieGRL15.
Clemons: She was obviously lying to me. I didn't do anything but chat.
Hanson: Did You email naked pictures of what you call the Big Rocket.
Clemons: No, Oh yeah, I might have but they weren't actually naked pictures of me.
Hanson: Did you know that sending pornogrphy to a minor is against then law?
Clemons: Yeah, but they weren't pictures of me and I still didn't do anything wrong.
Hanson: Well, I'm Chris Hanson and were her to film an episide of "To Catch a Predator show" do you have any else you want to tell us? if not, then you are free to leave.
Clemons: Can I take some sweet tea and cookies with me? It helps me to digest my B-12 shots.

"I cannot refute anything in the story," McCready told the newspaper in a story posted on its Web site Monday night.
Son didn't even have to go to Congress or anything to get his lies exposed.

[h1]Mindy McCready weeps as she confirms affair with Roger Clemens[/h1]

Barricaded behind tightly drawn blinds at her Nashville home Monday, country singer Mindy McCreadyconfirmed a long-term affair with embattled pitcher Roger Clemens.

"I cannot refute anything in the story," a tearful but resolute McCready told the Daily News, which broke thestory at midnight Sunday.

The News reported that the two met in a Floridakaraoke bar when McCready was a 15-year-old aspiring singer and Clemens was a 28-year-old ace for the Red Sox and a married father of two.

"Yes, I have known Roger Clemens for a long time," McCready said, reading from a prepared statement."He's a kind and caring man. He's also a legendary athlete. The central topic in the debate, however, regards his professional life, not hispersonal life.

"There are legal matters working their way through the system that have nothing to do with me. From my point ofview, that is where the focus should remain."

After the teenage McCready met Clemens at a Fort Myers bar called The Hired Hand, she returned with the Rocket to his hotel room, but there was no sex that night, sources told TheNews.

It wasn't until later, after McCready had moved to Nashville and become a country singing star, that the relationshipturned intimate.
Ha ha. He is soo doneski. No HOF for him. Why should he be elected in after all this? I hope all kind of bad things happen to him as a result of this news.
Karma came back and did it to him real good.
"I cannot refute anything in the story," McCready told the newspaper in a story posted on its Web site Monday night.
Son didn't even have to go to Congress or anything to get his lies exposed.

Pedo-Bear never ceases to amaze me.
Man.........I can not wait to hear what Clemens story will be now.

So we have Pettite his best friend saying he a liar, Mcnamee his other best friend throwing him under the bus, now his teenage mistress is lobbing grenadesfrom under the covers.

And yet still, the man sits there with his angry defiance and will come up with some lame line like "I was just injecting her with my B - 12 shot."

This is gonna be awesome.
Chance of Clemens' lawsuit against McNamee actually happening --- zero percent.

Just like we said months ago.

so they met when she was 15, started banging when she was 16? and it sounds like his wife was down/turned the blind eye for it.
whoa, so if Roger Clemens is having sex with Mindy McCready, a country musician, doesn't that mean that Roger Clemens is related to Mindy McCready?

What a clown.

I don't even care about Clemens really...he's always seemed like a jerk...but his lawyer KILLS ME....dude is absolute scum.

"I did not have sexual relations....."
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

From the ESPN convo page:

Hanson: Why did you come here tonite?

Clemons: To talk with her.

Hanson: Who?

Clemons: Mindy.

Hanson: Do you really think it's ok for a 28 year old man to visit a 15 year old girl at home alone?

Clemons: I thought she was 22. I only wanted to make sure that she was safe.

Hanson: I have the chat logs right here. Her screen name is HottieGRL15.

Clemons: She was obviously lying to me. I didn't do anything but chat.

Hanson: Did You email naked pictures of what you call the Big Rocket.

Clemons: No, Oh yeah, I might have but they weren't actually naked pictures of me.

Hanson: Did you know that sending pornogrphy to a minor is against then law?

Clemons: Yeah, but they weren't pictures of me and I still didn't do anything wrong.

Hanson: Well, I'm Chris Hanson and were her to film an episide of "To Catch a Predator show" do you have any else you want to tell us? if not,
then you are free to leave.

Clemons: Can I take some sweet tea and cookies with me? It helps me to digest my B-12 shots.

I'm done.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

From the ESPN convo page:
Hanson: Why did you come here tonite?
Clemons: To talk with her.
Hanson: Who?
Clemons: Mindy.
Hanson: Do you really think it's ok for a 28 year old man to visit a 15 year old girl at home alone?
Clemons: I thought she was 22. I only wanted to make sure that she was safe.
Hanson: I have the chat logs right here. Her screen name is HottieGRL15.
Clemons: She was obviously lying to me. I didn't do anything but chat.
Hanson: Did You email naked pictures of what you call the Big Rocket.
Clemons: No, Oh yeah, I might have but they weren't actually naked pictures of me.
Hanson: Did you know that sending pornogrphy to a minor is against then law?
Clemons: Yeah, but they weren't pictures of me and I still didn't do anything wrong.
Hanson: Well, I'm Chris Hanson and were her to film an episide of "To Catch a Predator show" do you have any else you want to tell us? if not, then you are free to leave.
Clemons: Can I take some sweet tea and cookies with me? It helps me to digest my B-12 shots.

Dear Hannah Montana, I saw your Vanity Fair this month.

Maybe we could get together sometime,

Signed, your biggest fan,
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