[[ NEW YORK METS 2009 OFFSEASON POST: Beltran ahead of schedule ]]

Damn, why can't Pelf get past the 5th?

5 straight hits.

Wheels just completely fell off.
Pelf is hanging a LOT of pitches this inning.

But I'm more disturbed that the Rays pitcher is throwing 2 STRIKES PER INNING and they can't get runs with lead off walks or doubles.
Damn, I didn't know Fernando got sent down. With all the injuries, I wouldn't be surprised to see him back though.

But it's good to see Nick Evans back from the minors.

And Murphy is my favorite of all the "young" Mets.
Stokes threw a great 6th inning, Bobby Parnell has thrown everyday for like a month and has been terrible past few games and obviously needs some time off, yetJerry still goes to him and he gets rocked. God, I really want Jerry fired.

Bobby needs time off. Pitchers can't throw everyday for a month, you !%@#%%$ moron.
I gotta agree JRS. I've been seeing you say that for a minute now.

I like Bobby but he certainly could use some rest. He just looked totally flat out there.


And I'm not sure what direction the storm is moving, but it's POURING out on LI.
Is it me or are there not many Met fans on NT?

I think I can count the regulars on 1 hand.

Not saying that people should post everyday to be considered a fan.

But I'm surprised that we don't get more random posters in here.
You shouldn't want random posters

And be happy you don't have that many fairweather Met fans on NT (or we'll find out once the Mets get in a groove/everyone comes back healthy).
Nah, I know.

But to quote Mez, I just feel like I'm talking to myself sometimes.

Hell, some of you Yankee dudes come through more often than Met fans do!

(which is actually cool that y'all show up btw)
Tough to watch sometimes, but the Mets are losing series after series vs teams with some pop.

Feliciano 6 days straight, Parnell 5 days straight.......with Putz out and starters not going deep into games, I don't see what else Jerry can do. The penwill be burnt out by September.

Schedule is still difficult until the break, I wouldn't be shocked if they are below .500 at some point.
Its crazy how the Phils keep losing, at home nontheless.

Beltran said he is worried he may not be able to play at this point in time, he has pain below his knee so he may miss some games.

Beltran, Reyes, Delgado, Maine, Ollie, Putz.....its fraustrating to see the Mets still be in a winning position in most of these games late, but we really haveno room to complain because 6 important pieces are out.

Hopefully our starters can give the pen some much needed rest, these guys are pitching almost every day.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Nah, I know.

But to quote Mez, I just feel like I'm talking to myself sometimes.

Hell, some of you Yankee dudes come through more often than Met fans do!

(which is actually cool that y'all show up btw)

well the new batch of fans are ready to jump off the Triboro so I forone kinda need a break from all that tom foolery.
SHUGES - You are usually talking to yourself no matter where you post

34 - 33 with pretty much a majority of the team on the DL and staying in most of these games can give us some hope.

This is a tough stretch but I think we can pull some games out of this stretch.
Nothing you can do, 6-7 of our important pieces are out.

Why trade for one single bat, Mets need like 3-4 bats right now.

Good luck to the Mets, they will need it.
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