NEW YORK METS 2010 SEASON POST: Collins named New Manager

3 game sweep in 24 hours.
....9-1 homestand in what was looked at as a difficult schedule is pretty dope.

Maine still makes me nervous, and Ollie is terrible, we need a starter to replace one of em' (doesn't have to be a # 2).

Nice to have the bats alive going into Philly, we need to jump on that Philly pitching (esp their pen).

Fri should be Neise/?, Sat will be Pelf/Halladay, and Sun will be Santana/Moyer.
looks like the gangsta is about to mess around an keep his job for another season

People should of been realised big game Pelf been that dude since 07
Just arrived home from Mets game. Man, I tell you that it's really cold there. My hands were frozen. I can't feel my hands. Heavy wind.. Haha. I enjoyed watching Maine pitch well. It's good to see the old Maine again.. I love triples.. It's fun to watch players hit triples than home runs in person. I mean, Mets fans stand and cheer so loud.. It's really cool.. I thought Bay was going to get another triple, but he stayed at the second base.. Good decision by Bay.. I am truly glad that the Mets called Ike Davis up.. Davis has great patience.. I can't wait about this weekend.. Niese - Pelfrey - Santana.. Love it.. 
I abhor the Giants, Brian Schneider, Wilson Valdes and Nelson Figueroa who's going to close this game out. What a joke. Should be 1.5 up.
Originally Posted by airbrooklyn

NY talking to the Astros. Maybe Oswalt on the horizon
I cursed him out once because he wouldn't sign my baseball while Jose Cruz Sr. was giving out autographs. Stupid prick (Oswalt) wasn't even pitching that series. I'd take him on this team, though.
You sure about the Oswalt talks? His name has come up before and I believe it was his agent that said there was no truth because he wouldn't approve a trade to the Mets.

I'd like it to happen and I think that move alone would be worth the prospects because it'd make us legit contenders but I think it's just wishful thinking on the part of fans.
Oswalt hates New York, said he would turn down a deal to the Yankees a few years back also. But, he has said he would go to a contender so who knows. I'm not expecting us to get him. Wandy Rodriguez is probably a more realistic option, but even that is tough to believe.
Eh, he's been declining. I don't know how many prospects you wanna give up for him. He's pitching a lot of innings...if you can get him cheap, do it.
keep the lead in this game and take 2 of 3 from philly this weekend end ill be very very happy. between this series and the yankee series later in may were gonna have a real good idea of how this team is gonna be.
This team is a completely different team in a good way.. Great read by Niese.. 7-1.. Sweet..
Jeff Francoeur has climbed up on my favorite players list.. He got a cannon arm. He isn't afraid to hit the wall.
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