We got to the playoffs with almost no pitching down the stretch.

Positon players>>>pitching

Gotta trade one of the studs to get a real bat.
I wouldn't trade any of the arms, especially with Matz/Wheeler being injured, and we have to see if Harvey can pitch an entire season now at this point

Only reliable go to arms are Thor, deGrom (even he got hurt), and Colon.

Lugo/Gsellman and the pen contributed a lot down the stretch, can't just point to one aspect.

They have a few years with this core, so they'll have their opportunities.
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We got to the playoffs with almost no pitching down the stretch.

Positon players>>>pitching

Gotta trade one of the studs to get a real bat.

Finally, someone using logic. I've been saying the same exact thing. We HAVE to give up a starting pitcher for a young, strong bat.

It won't hurt us because we still would have 4 deep stars as starters plus Colon, Gsellman or Lugo as the 5th/6th men. Not to mention we drafted another starter (forgot his name) last draft. People that want to keep every starter are being unrealistic. 4, even 3 top starters is more than enough since you rarely have more then 2 or 3 aces while also having offense. It has to balance out. You have to give to get.

We need a legit 3rd baseman and catcher. If we get Cespedes back the we have an ok outfield. We can't keep Bruce and I honestly feel it's time to let go of Granderson(even though he is productive for us). So, we're good with Cespedes, Lagares, Conforto & Nimmo. We just need another speedster type guy in the outfield for the bases.

I'm cool with testing TJ Rivera at 2nd for a full season. We should bring up Ahmed Rosario so he can pick up things from Cabrera at short. Cabrera earned his spot at Short for now. Reyes is perfect for an infield utility guy. Only issue left is our 3rd base and Catcher spot. 1st base is open too, but we can make due with Duda and maybe moving Flores to 1st. Not to mention that we have Dominic Smith to test out in the Bigs.

I'd trade Cechinni, Flores, Duda, a starter pitcher, and MAYBE Nimmo if we can get a solid 3rd baseman, Catcher and 1st baseman in return. We can always sign a good speedy runner but we definitely need speed. I'd also trade D'Arneud but I feel he has the potential and would hate to let him go if we can use him as a 2nd string catcher.

I agree with D'Arnaud. Hes dissapointing.

Im curious if Bruce is given 1 more year here in NY. To get familiar and comfy here, can he be the same kind of hitter he was before? Im willing to give him 1 more year.

Im cool with trading any pitcher not named DeGrom, Syndergaard or Matz.

How about we make a list of players we'd like to trade or just get rid of?

Heres mine:

K. Plawicki
L. Duda
T. D'Arnaud
De Aza
C. Granderson
N. Walker (i know he's a free agent now)
Finally, someone using logic. I've been saying the same exact thing. We HAVE to give up a starting pitcher for a young, strong bat.

It won't hurt us because we still would have 4 deep stars as starters plus Colon, Gsellman or Lugo as the 5th/6th men. Not to mention we drafted another starter (forgot his name) last draft. People that want to keep every starter are being unrealistic. 4, even 3 top starters is more than enough since you rarely have more then 2 or 3 aces while also having offense. It has to balance out. You have to give to get.

We need a legit 3rd baseman and catcher. If we get Cespedes back the we have an ok outfield. We can't keep Bruce and I honestly feel it's time to let go of Granderson(even though he is productive for us). So, we're good with Cespedes, Lagares, Conforto & Nimmo. We just need another speedster type guy in the outfield for the bases.

I'm cool with testing TJ Rivera at 2nd for a full season. We should bring up Ahmed Rosario so he can pick up things from Cabrera at short. Cabrera earned his spot at Short for now. Reyes is perfect for an infield utility guy. Only issue left is our 3rd base and Catcher spot. 1st base is open too, but we can make due with Duda and maybe moving Flores to 1st. Not to mention that we have Dominic Smith to test out in the Bigs.

I'd trade Cechinni, Flores, Duda, a starter pitcher, and MAYBE Nimmo if we can get a solid 3rd baseman, Catcher and 1st baseman in return. We can always sign a good speedy runner but we definitely need speed. I'd also trade D'Arneud but I feel he has the potential and would hate to let him go if we can use him as a 2nd string catcher.


Not even close

I'd not give up that kind of package for a SOLID third baseman?

Cecchini is a heck of a contact hitter. This kid can hit hard.

If it weren't for that fool Teufel, Wilmer'd set his new career in RBI, home run, BB and batting average. Wilmer has only 48 strikeouts in 307 AB's. Amazing. Wilmer is our legit third baseman. His defense getting better as well

The problem is that Wright holds Mets back too much. Trading him is a logical move but it doesn't look good on the paper for Mets' reputation. Forcing him to retire or accept pinch hitter/DH role is the best option

What a starting pitcher are we giving up?

Nimmo's trade value is pretty good. We can get an all-star player for Nimmo and minor prospects

EDIT: I agree with you about catcher. Catchers have been hurting us lately

I'm fine with trading one of our pitchers

I believe we tried to trade one of our young pitchers

The problem is that teams want two young pitchers from us :x
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I wouldn't trade any of the arms, especially with Matz/Wheeler being injured, and we have to see if Harvey can pitch an entire season now at this point

Only reliable go to arms are Thor, deGrom (even he got hurt), and Colon.

Pretty much.

There's no way I'm trading any of that young core. So that we can see them go elsewhere and rack up multiple 17-20 win seasons? No thanks, not interested in that.

Harvey is damaged goods, Colon about to be 60, Wheeler hasn't pitched in 2 years. That leaves Thor, Grom, and Matz as your core. Two of them couldn't even finish the season while the third one (Syndergaard) has bone spurs.

Terry did what any competent manager would have done by pitching Familia. Too bad Jeurys couldn't get the job done.

The guy on the roster that seems to have a closer's mentality is Harvey. I wonder if he could be the..... Naaaaaaahhh.
And for the record, I'm not giving any props to Bumgarner.

Some people believe Madison Bumgarner is racist. They say the evidence speaks for itself. Just use your eyes — he keeps yelling at hitters who flip their bats, and none of the bat-flippers he’s yelled at are white.

Here’s a list: Jesus Guzman, Yasiel Puig, Alex Guerrero, Carlos Gomez, Delino Deshields (last night).

And that blog was written last year BEFORE his stupid "don't look at me" dust-up with Puig.

Even if he's not a racist, it's to the point where it has been implied in public on ESPN's airwaves (via the Dan Le Batard show).

He knocked my team out AND he might be a bigot? Nah, I'm not celebrating him.
I think there's a big culture shock that happens when you put these country boys next to these Dominican, Venezuelan or Puerto Rican players. They've never seen Latinos like these before. I'm not saying that's the case with MadBum but I think there's definitely a culture clash between American baseball players and foreign born baseball players. We've seen Torri Hunter and Evan Longoria's thoughts on Dominican players in the past. If they were White and said those types of things about Black baseball players, there would have been a huge uproar, but those things got swept under the rug for the most part.
i was not aware of MadBums tendencies towards colored folk. Thats interesting (not in a good way).

shuges shuges Harvey as a closer huh? I am intrigued and I like your thinking. I think Harvey does have that mentality. Would he be open to that? It would elongate his career. Curious if Collins has thought of that. hmmmmm
Wow... "Colored folks"...

Anyway, yea, That'd be cool to test out Harvey and have Familia set up, or vice versa. We won't have to let him go plus he gets to extend his career. The question is if he'd be willing to give up Starter Pitcher money and fame for bullpen money and fame.

Get off your high horse man, if you think race/racism is a figment of people's imagination then I am afraid you terribly confused my friend. I fully agree that there may be culture shocks in baseball and some have different views on how this game should be played as far as unspoken rules and sportsmanship (ie bat flipping or staring down the pitcher). But to come in here and just dismiss racism as a real issue in todays society is just appalling.
You're probably some privileged "white" kid who's a SJW talking about this. You have no clue about what you're talking about based on your statement. I guarantee you're assuming and not getting my statement. Also, believing in race and calling you're self the "white race", "black race", etc is racist.

Race is NOT scientifically real which means it isn't real. It's literally a belief system just like religion. Only reason the idea of race exists is because it's been engraved and continuously get perpetuated by ignorant, illogical heads that don't think for themselves. They just repeat and accept OTHERS (the masses) ideas, regardless of theirs illogical and delusional.

As someone who experiences "racism" aka ignorance and hate (no different than any other random issue). But racism is nothing but bigotry like someone not liking you for being agnostic, atheist, a mets fan, mangoes over pineapples, or whatever. Only an ignorant person allows others beliefs and anger to affect them. You think I care if someone calls me a vagina, N-word, S-word, mutt or whatever for no reason on the streets? They don't know me. It's not different than calling me a vagina, punk or whatever. That's they're own belief and problem. I respect their rights. I just know we don't agree on things in life and we can't vibe so I eliminate them from my circle like anyone else who can't communicate effectively and vibe with me.

Again, racists do exist. Just like Catholics, Muslims, etc exist. Racism is a belief system just like religion. Both illogical, man made, and proven false. Racism IS NOT a mass issue. It's as common as finding a Muslim or Catholic. The reason it's exaggerated is due to media magnifying issues when they feel like it.

Also, racism is no different than someone not liking someone for whatever reason. Nothing wrong with someone believing in racism just like there's nothing wrong with someone believing in Santa clause or Catholic faith even though theyre both illogical, ignorant and believe in something fake. They're doing nothing but hurting themselves by treating people based on religion, race, or whatever "ism" they believe in.

The issue comes with the actions that the individual does whether it's based on religion, race, class, ethnicity or whatever. All those ideal go out the window. The issue isn't the fact that they're racist. The issue is that those specific individuals wanted to kill, Injure, harm someone period. The issue is them being a murderer, rapist, etc. Correlation doesn't equal causation, although difference in opinion, religion, ethnicity, race, likening blue instead of red, etc CAN BE the motivation behind the criminal's action. it's not them being Muslim, racist, etc. because once again, that's their belief which they're entitled too as long as it doesn't hurt or interfere with others lives around them.

So, keep contributing the ignorance and being racist by accepting being called and considered a "race". I'll put people in place when referring to me as a "race". I just spit facts and logic. If you go any other route then I simply can't vibe with you which is cool because not everyone agrees, so we can agree to disagree, but don't being your (speaking in general, not specifically to you) ignorance upon me because I simply won't tolerate it.

I'm not "mixed race" or "black or "white". I'm simply a homo sapien sapien aka human who's ancestors come from Southern Europe,West Africa, Caribbean Native "Indian" (Puerto Rico/DR) and North Africa making me "mixed" culturally/ethnically of Caribbean Puerto Rican Taino-Afro Latino descent. But in all that's all irrelevant and shouldn't be what you care to know about as were the same species and have the same common goals in life on a macro scale which is surviving, enjoying life to the fullest, create **** to advance our species, contribute to one and other/society and one day find out what happens when we "die".

Too long, didn't read.
Give me cliffnotes next time.
I am 100% Black, Afro-carribbean to be exact btw and my comment about high horse was in reference to you quoting "colored folks" like he said the worst thing ever. Sure he could've said people of color i suppose. You're reaching harder than Dhaslim my guy.

Harvey as closer, not happening in our wildest dreams also. Former ace two years removed and the most arrogant agent in the business puts that to rest swiftly.
Back to baseball....

Wright expects to play in 2017, Mets will receive 5M in insurance for this season.

Mets also will loom to sign Walker but they would be happy with the the alternatives of TJ/Flores/Reyes as well
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Back to baseball....

Wright expects to play in 2017, Mets will receive 5M in insurance for this season.

Mets also will loom to sign Walker but they would be happy with the the alternatives of TJ/Flores/Reyes as well

That insurance policy is going to be clutch for the Mets. No matter what, I doubt Wright is going to be who he once was. Either way he isn't going anywhere with that no trade clause, so we can only hope for the best. Walker would be great if his demand isn't too high, I would rather resign Cesp and another big bat if we are able to move Bruce and keep that core pitching
Conforto might be picking up a first base mitt, I like the idea of it. I think all these signings will be on hold until they can figure if they can get Ces back.
Wright reminds me of Romo.  Both need to just let go and move on with their next career.  Same with management.  they need to tell wright he's not going to be an everyday 3B, can't be as bad as paying bonilla money.
A lot of great insight over the last few responses.

Apologies to those who want to "just talk sports" for the thread derailment. That wasn't my original intent. All I wanted to do was express why I wasn't gonna be the one to give Bumgarner props for the gem he pitched to eliminate the Mets.

If anyone re-reads my post, you'll see that I didn't outright call him a racist cuz that's a super hard label to shake. But I felt it was at least worth pointing out cuz when a person continues to display the same actions after being called out on it, then what does that say about the person? Haters gonna hate. Racists gonna... race? :lol:

If any of you watch basketball, it's pretty similar to Kevin Garnett supposedly always punking white/Euro players. Does it mean KG is a racist? Who knows? But I DO know that ultimately it's not a good look to constantly harass a specific group.

Cuz when you do, whether you're KG or Bumgarner, you will ultimately have earned the title of one of two things: a racist or a bully by intimidation.

And neither is cause for celebration in MY book.

This is coming from one of the biggest Kevin Garnett supporters out here still.
And @MACkaveli511, I respect your opinions and even agree with some of your views. I don't know if you were talking about me with some of your comments cuz you didn't quote or mention me specifically, which I'd appreciate next time (if indeed you were referring to me).

But dude, I agree with icysoles718 icysoles718 in that if you think racism isn't a real, tangible issue out here, then you need to open your eyes wider or expand your scope a bit.

Trust me, I get what you're saying about race. It SHOULD be that if we're walking down a dark alley and see some THING approaching in the darkness that we suddenly realize to be another HUMAN BEING and not like (for argument's sake) a lion or something that could truly do us harm, then we'd be relieved. I get that.

But bruh, that ain't reality. And such a massive conscious shift is unlikely to ever happen unless we get invaded by another RACE of aliens.

So in the meantime, we have to attack and deal with what the MAJORITY of the people's reality is. And to deny that the MAJORITY of the people don't think the way you do but instead think in terms of COLOR and "race" is lunacy.

Again, sorry to those who "just want to talk sports". :lol:

At least the Mets thread is poppin for a bit!


Sports-related stuff:

mrdozo mrdozo , yeah, I think Harvey at least has the mentality needed to be an effective closer. And on a shorter pitch count, he could be a PROBLEM. But as others have stated, Boras will push for him to start and/or Matt himself will want to be a starter. So I don't see it happening yet.

But best believe if he injures that arm again, it will be considered.
Don't discard the thought of a starting pitcher converting into a closer. Remember John smoltz ?
sooooo about those mets.....

Yea... We needa fire Collins if there's a better manager available. I feel our failure is largely due to our personnel and staff behind the scenes.
You realize Terry has gotten a team full of scrubs to the postseason two year in a row, right? We haven't lost in October because of him.

Back to baseball....

Wright expects to play in 2017, Mets will receive 5M in insurance for this season.

Mets also will loom to sign Walker but they would be happy with the the alternatives of TJ/Flores/Reyes as well
Gotta give Walker the qualifying offer and nothing more. Needs to prove that back is ok.

Perfect execution. :lol:

I agree @MACkaveli511.... The conversation we're having is for another place. I will say that some of your logic is flawed. Not saying you're wrong or I'm right. But I think you missed the boat a little with my comments about how racism is viewed by the majority of people in the US.

It's cool though. We're united in that we want to see the Mets win, right? :lol:

Anybody that bashes Terry at this point is someone who just will never like him no matter how well he does. Does he make questionable decisions? Sure. Now name me a manager who doesn't...... The team hasn't quit on him when they EASILY could have folded their tent in each of the past two years. Also, the biggest free agent on the market wanted to come back to the team knowing Terry was still going to be the manager. Only person who really threw shots at Terry was Niese and that was more from being hurt that the Mets got rid of him.

So anyway, how come no one in here wants to address the elephant in the room? Which is that the Mets ****** up in getting rid of Daniel Murphy. :smh:

Also, someone (Sandy or Terry) has to take the blame for Conforto not panning out.

And Jay BOOOOOOOOOOOOOce has to go.
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I won't blame anyone for Conforto yet. He's still young and has time. Just needs to adjust to the adjustments made to him.
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